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( Andres pov)

That's is it.

I'm done white this hospital.
O'shea had fold Curtis on the floor.
He had passed out trying to get back to he's hospital room.
Doctors and nurses had just walked passed him and left him there.
What kind of hospital is this.

I look for local hospital that we can move Curtis too.
Unfortunately Marshall is to weak to move according to the doctor.
That just makes things a hundred times harder Curtis will probably refuse to leave with out him.
But I can't leave him here.
If posh comes to shove we can make him go if we can get he's grandmas to agree.

I will not let them keep torturing him like this.

I will find a rehabilitation centre for Curtis.
And the moment Marshall is strong enough we will move him.
I will not let my friends die in the hospital.


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