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Curtis grammar crys on my shoulder.
I can't believe Curtis did this to himself.

I wish I had gone to the hospital early.
I wish I was waiting at he's house to tell him Marshall is awake.
I should have known he would do something stupid.
I should have been there for him.

But I wasn't and naw he lays in this hospital bed yet again.
To weak to even hold he's eyes open.

What am I suppose to tell Marshall when we can finely see him.

What am I suppose to do if he doesn't make it.
Tiers fall down my face.
We can't lose him.
Curtis is one of my best friends I can't imagine life with out him.
I don't wasn't to start thinking like that.

We can't lose him.


overdosing on love. ( Eminem And 50 Cent Story) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat