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Curtis' pov

Andre and my grandma moved me to another place...  I fought and fought to walk..
"Mr Jackson you can take breaks" the doctor said.
I started to cry..
"Is this about Mr Mathers?" She asked
"Yeah" I cried
"I was in the same thing when I was younger, Well maybe when he is awake you can be able to stand... I don't expect you to walk and I will not force you to walk more then you can" She said
"Thank you, Whats you name?" I asked
"Doctor C." She smiled

That's when I knew I was going to walk for Marshall... I went to my room which I rarely git visitors since I got here...

I worked my but off but still my legs give out on me... It hurts but I push through...

"Mr Jackson please take a break" Doc C said
"Okay" I said

I sat down what if Marshall dies... I wouldn't be able to say my finally goodbyes! I cry at the thought but what if he pushes through like me... We can fight this together.


overdosing on love. ( Eminem And 50 Cent Story) Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu