Chapter two

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"Welcome home sister," Harry shouted with open arms upon stepping out of the carriage at his fathers plantation.

"Brother!" Rose squealed excitedly and ran toward him.

"Sorry I'm late,...I was caught up with work," he apologized hugging her.

His father who stood by the porch rolled his eyes shunning his excuse. He was aware of the party he had with his friends the night before.

"I'm only glad you came," Rose grinned.

"You're just in time for lunch," Mr. walker, Harry's Father said, and continued, "come on in before the food gets cold."

They all walked in and settled in the family dining room where they talked about everything from friends, their childhood, work and life. As they all begun to eat roasted turkey, potatoes, vegetables and gravy, Harry filled his plate with potatoes.

"You haven't changed a bit," Rose said.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked. Rose tossed her head towards his plate.

"Potatoes," she smiled.

"He was a very picky eater," his father added with a smile, "he only loved potatoes when he was a child, your mother and I thought he'd grow out of it...guess we were wrong."

"You should plant potatoes on my grave, just in case there is none on the other side," Harry joked.

They all laughed.

"He used to say he'll never love a woman as much as he loved potatoes," Mr. Walker added.

They laughed even more.

"I wonder if that part has changed," Rose smiled and continued, "has any woman stolen your heart yet brother?" She asked.

Harry smiled awkwardly, it was a conversation he tried to avoid at all cost in front of his father. But obviously Rose didn't know.

"Not yet, I'm trying to find a perfect sister for you," he said.

"We all can't wait for that perfect girl," Mr. Walker said sarcastically.

Harry's mouth quirked.

"Father wants me to marry Elizabeth Hawkins," Harry said with a stiff smile.

"She's a wonderful girl, I like her," Rose said excitedly.

"She comes from a good family too," Mr. Walker added.

"What father means by good family is the strong ties he wants to build with her father, and her wealth that he desperately wants to exploit. Like always, it's all about his benefits, nothing about my happiness," Harry said shoving more potatoes in his mouth than intended.

"Nonsense! I'm doing this for you, you need her," Mr. Walker growled.

"I have everything I do too father, but it's never enough for you," Harry said looking down his plate, his anger building fast.

"I think Elizabeth is beautiful besides all the wealth," Rose cut in, trying to ease the tension.

"Yes sister, she's very beautiful, but she's not what my heart desires," Harry said with a smile.

"Your brother here wants to marry for love," Mr. Walker smirked.

"I respect that," Rose smiled.

"I wonder how that's going to be possible when all he does is bed every..."

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