It's Nice to Hear From You (Draco)

Start from the beginning

"It almost feels like he has been avoiding me." She nodded as I watched her eyes get absorbed into the trees outside.

"Draco distance himself when he is stressed. Don't hold it against him. He thinks better when he's alone." I felt my brows furrow as she spoke.

"Stressed?" I asked.

"His father has been talking to him about inheriting the family fortune and business. That's what he has been discussing with his father all this time." I nodded silently not knowing what to say. I have no way of telling how this would make Draco feel. Why would this bring him stress at all? I guess I have never had a family, so I'm not really sure how this situation would feel if I were placed in it.

"You understand that Draco would have to give up any other opportunities to take on this task. And with him being our only son, the responsibility falls on him and only him." I nodded again understanding how life changing this could be for Draco, perhaps he wasn't avoiding me.

"We have also talked to him about this since he was little, so it shouldn't have came as a big surprise." She paused briefly as he looked at me.

"Perhaps something else is bothering him. Maybe you should speak with him tonight."

"I will." I said as I stood from my seat.

"Will excuse me, I need to do some paperwork from my internship. Hopefully I can finish it before dinner." She laughed as she tipped back the rest of her drink.

"Of course. I will see you then."

I made my way to my room, not to do paperwork, that was a lie. I just needed some time to think. I sat on my bed, opening my notebook to read what Serverus had wrote me just a few short days ago. I slightly chewed on my nail as I read the sentence over and over and over again. I quickly jumped off my bed and rummaged through my drawers until I found a quill and ink. I scurried back over to my bed as I tossed my grown hair over my shoulder. I read it again whispering his words out loud this time. I tapped the quill against the paper, until I groaned, throwing it onto my bed spread as I lay on my back. I don't know what to do. I would kill to talk to Hermione right now.

As I laid their pondering over my thoughts, I heard footsteps pass my door. I bolted out of my spot and ran out of my room to see Draco walking down the corridor.

"Draco! Hey wait up." He turned and looked at me as I saw a small smile placed against his tin lips. I couldn't help but return it.

"What's up (Y/n)?" He asked as I finally reached him after my brief moment of jogging.

"Oh nothing just wanted to talk to you. I feel like we haven't talked in a while."

"Yeah, I know, it's just this whole thing with my dad-"

"Oh yeah, how is that coming along?" I asked cutting im off slightly with my excitement.

"I'm accepting the offer." He said with a smile beaming on his face. He looked so happy with his decision.

"That awesome Draco! I'm so happy for you. Does that mean no more long meeting stealing all of your time away?" I laughed as I spoke and nudged his shoulder. He backed away slightly as I touched him, putting an off feeling into our conversation. I wonder why he is trying to distance himself from me.

"Sure does." His lips pressed together in a thin line, an attempt to smile. I backed off as he spoke.

"Well, maybe we hang out tomorrow or something? I have the day off." I tried to bring back our normal cheerful conversation, though it feels like my attempt failed.

"I don't know. Maybe. I guess will see. But I-.. uh will talk to you later okay?" He said as he turned around and walked away from me not letting me get another word in before he rounded the corner. I quietly stepped back into my room as I shut the door, I felt a small tear slide onto my cheek. I liked Draco. And now that I am finally realizing it, it's too late. He's probably talking to some wizard girl out there. I know his family has a lot of connections. It wouldn't be hard for him to do so.

Maybe it's time for me to find my own place... I thought as I sat back down on my bed, looking at the open note from Severus. I read it over once more as I took a deep breath and wiped the dampness off my cheek. I dipped my quill in the ink and began to write.


It's nice to hear from you. I'm doing fine. How's the new promotion coming along? Everything you expected?"

 How's the new promotion coming along? Everything you expected?"

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Hey guys! Sorry for such the long wait. I have Draco's ending finished in my head, I'm just struggling to find time to put it on paper! Haha! Well, I really hope you guys like this chapter! I'm really excited to finally write this ending out that has been playing through my head for months!

Comment, Vote and Follow me Please! I appreciate the reads! <3<3<3

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