The New One

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Time skip: 1 week before gmg

It was a new morning, this meant a new me. I looked to my side and saw my exceed Genie in his human form sleeping. He's like a son to me, I stroked his hair before standing up; I looked at myself in the mirror and saw my new guild mark, my yellow Sabertooth guild mark on my shoulder where my navy Fairy Tail mark once was. I heard a knock at the door, as I went to open it I realised I was only in my underwear but it was too late, my new best friend walked in. "Ummm...hey Sting..." I looked at the floor feeling embarrassed, I looked up at Sting as he held ut his jacket, leaving him shirtless. "Take it and cover-up, as much as I think of you as a little sister, you can't present yourself like that when I'm around." I laughed at Sting's comment and put his jacket on before slipping shorts on. I kissed his cheek just to see how he would react and I smirked, he turned red. He kissed my cheek back and I looked down luckily my hair as covering my face as I felt my whole body turn cold other than my cheeks.

"Come on get changed and meet me outside we gotta do some training." Sting informed me before ruffling my hair and doing the same to Genie before walking out. "I hope you know th-" I was interrupted as he was walking out the door "That you're keeping my jacket, yeah I know that was why I gave it to you, babe." He smirked my way and I pouted and looked to the side. He may be attractive but I have feelings for someone else. I shook my head and walked to my closet, I have found clothes, I stood there debating until I heard Sting shout "Hurry up! It's not a fashion show!" I giggled and picked out a royal blue skirt with a black chest piece with a yellow cross and grabbed my sword. I kissed Genie's head and left him a note saying I've gone to train with Sting so he can follow his nose to us or stay with Minerva. 

Over the last few months, I've grown close with everyone in the guild, I'm either training, hanging out with Sting, Rogue, Minerva and Yukino or helping the master around the guild or taking jobs. I'm still a soloist but sometimes I let the others tag along, we're known through Fiore as Team Hell, basically, we will complete the job no matter the cost. Most of the guilds fear us since we are the strongest team in the guild with Minerva as our leader. I received a letter from Mavis a few weeks back telling me that she told the guild that I had an unfortunate accident and passed away, I just burnt the letter, Fairy Tail is in the past. "I have to focus on the future, on my family." I smiled and ran to the door, I could hear Sting talking to himself so I tackled him. "Thought we had to go train and I find you out here talking to yourself." Sting and I glared at each other before bursting into laughter. 

Sting and I were walking through the city's streets until I sensed a presence I remember, I looked at Sting, "I can sense my sister, Gray, Wendy, Natsu and Lucy." Sting nodded before pushing a white cloak to me, I gladly accepted it; I received it after my master, Jiemma allowed Genie and I to join the guild, I told him about my past and he gave me my cloak to keep myself from being shown to Fairy Tail during the GMG, and they would change my name and call me 'Angel' due to my power. "Here." Sting put my hood up for me and tucked strands of my red hair behind my ears, I smiled and said my thanks before walking through the streets, we soon were approached by them. "Heh, would you look at's fairy scum." I heard Sting say as we walked past the mages from Fairy Tail. Natsu and Wendy had instantly stopped, Natsu stopped since of what Sting said and Wendy backed into Gray since she recognised my magic power. "You wanna go blondie!" I glared at Natsu from my cloak.

Natsu was on the floor kneeling before Sting as he held his chin. "Think you're gonna get first place, dear oh dear Natsu I used to look up to you. What a pathetic rat I was!" I just stood back and watched whilst surveying the faces before me, they were too occupied on the fact Natsu was talking back to Sting. I tapped Sting's shoulder, "What is it, Angel?" When he said Angel he looked directly at Erza and she looked like she knew something. "We must leave them, Sting. They're not worth wasting your magic energy on."

Gray's POV:

"We must leave them, Sting. They're not worth wasting your magic energy on." The girl in the white cloak looked so familiar, but her face was hidden from us, she had a clear Sabertooth cloak on for her safety and protection like their guild is trying to cover her up. Wendy knocked into me as I looked down and whispered something into my ear "Can you feel that...the power coming off her..." I concentrated on the air and noticed this girl was giving on high amounts of magic energy. I told Erza and Erza was shocked as well. "Natsu we really must go." The red-haired mage suggested to Natsu, this was when the cloaked girl raised her head a bit and made eye-contact with me. Brown image of my past came into my mind but when the image left, Sting and the white-cloaked girl were already gone...

"Gray? Ice popsicle? ICE PRINCESS?!" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at the pyro before sighing. "Sorry, she looks like someone we know..." I looked specifically at Erza since I knew she was going to be confused about how I saw her face. "Erza...I think she isn't dead..." Erza looked taken back, and started shaking "There's no way she's alive, the first master even told us she died on Tenrou during training, how could it be she's alive?" I just shrugged and told her their eyes were the same. Erza just shook off the feeling that really as her twin sister, we continued to walk around town.

Azra's POV:

"Thanks, Sting." I looked at the blue-eyed mage who walked alongside me, thanks to him I felt safer, he protected me and kept me safe. There were a few times we bumped into familiar people from Fairy Tail, none of them made eye-contact with me other than Gray, but there was one time when Mirajane tried to get close enough to me to take my cloak off, but Sting grabbed me before. "I'm just doing my job of your best friend." He ruffled my hair through the cloak and threw an apple at me, I grabbed it and took a bite before giving it back to Sting. We started to head back to our guildhall and waited for tomorrow's problems.

We arrived back at the guildhall and I let the hood of my cloak down and walked to the bar in the centre of the room and ordered a soda, Minerva sat next to me with Genie sleeping in her arms. "Did you come to contact with any of them?" I nodded and turned to face her "They have 2 teams, I can tell you who the teams are." The black-haired girl smirked before placing Genie on the bar counter, "I'm going to tell my father then we can come up with a plan, you know their names and magic correct?" I nodded and watched her walk off and thanked Orga, who was tending the bar today. "Orga I'm really sorry about taking your place in the Games." The lightning god slayer let out a small chuckle and patted my head, "Rufus had to drop out since he was drained of magic energy from his last mission so I'm replacing him" My eyes sparkled and I jumped over the bar and hugged him. Orga and I have always been close, even when I was in Fairy Tail, we would sometimes bump into each other when I walked around the city.

Master Jiemma called the team into his office, there was Minerva, Sting, Rogue, Orga and Yukino. Even though Yukino wasn't participating this year due to her lack of training since she's been doing on long jobs, she was told to come as well just in case one of us were to get hurt badly. "I'm sure you all know why you are here?" I looked where our master sat and smirked...

Time to come up with a plan to feast on the Fairies...

The Secret Magic (Gray Fullbuster x oc)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang