The Interrupting One

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Gray and I instantly broke the embrace at the voice of Natsu and Happy. We decided to walk slowly back into the guild but when we heard Natsu and Happy heading to the front doors, Gray grabbed my arm and pulled me into the supply cupboard, it was pitch black and I couldn't see, I felt Gray's warmth around me again. "Shhh, he'll hear us otherwise," Gray whispered into my ear, I wrapped my arms around him and we stayed like this forever, forever in my mind wasn't very long. 

"Yo Happy let's see what quests are on the second floor!" Natsu's voice sounded extremely loud for night time, but that's when I realised he was right outside. "Aye, sir!" Happy's voice rung through the guildhall, I could hear Natsu sniffing then I remembered his magic...Dragon Slayer Magic. He could use his nose to smell familiar scents, in this case, Gray and I. My grip around Gray tightened a bit, he could tell I was nervous then suddenly, the door was thrown open. "OI STRIPPER WHY ARE YOU HERE?!" I felt Gray pull me closer to him, "I could say the same thing to you to Flame Brain!" Gray didn't sound very happy about the fact that Natsu had walked in whilst Gray and I was hugging. That's twice in the same hour Natsu has interrupted Gray and I. I heard Happy fly over, "Hey Gray what are you doing with Azra?" I heard Natsu mumble something, which clearly made Gray annoyed since he then broke the embrace completely and got into an ice stance, "None of your god damn business!". I decided then t escape through the window before any of them noticed, I'll tell Gray tomorrow why I took off like how I did.

I ran back to the Fairy Hill dorms, as soon as I went through the doors, Levy was waiting in the kitchen with a book in her hand. "Oh hey, Azra!" my blue-haired best friend exclaimed, I just smiled and sat on the counter and pulled out the book that Levy had given me. "How come your back so late?" Levy questioned me, I didn't mind I could tell Levy anything, I have even told her about my past and how my magic was awakened, she's been there to support me so it's only fair I tell her my secrets. I glanced from my book ad saw Levy still reading and mumbled "I was with Gray..." when my confession was out and went int Levy's ears, she closed her book shut and set it on the counter and looked at me. "Fullbuster?" I nodded as a response to her question, she walked right in front of me and took my book away. "Do you have a crush on him?" I looked at my best friend, her facial expression shows me that she was eager to know. I knew I didn't like Gray like that, "No I don't Levy and we both know too well erza would send me and him to our graves early if I did." There was a moment of silence between Levy and I and then we both burst out laughing, "Don't worry I know when you like someone, but when you were with Gray did anyone see you?" This made my laughter stop completely, I went silent and shook my head...this was my first time lying to my my best friend. I need to make sure she doesn't find out about my lie or god knows what will happen to our friendship.

Levy and I continued to talk about different things then she brought up the Grand Magic Games, "Azra I think you should compete in the grand magic games this year." I shook my head because even though Levy knows about my past, she has yet to come to the knowledge of which magic I have in my body. "I can't Levy, it's the fact that people don't know my magic and might get scared from it..." I felt my best friend take my hand into hers, for some strange reason it felt nothing like when Gray held my hand. Levy smiled at me. "It's ok, I'll stop talking about magic if you're uncomfortable with it." I nodded and looked at the time. 1 am. "Levy we should really get to bed." My best friend stood up and collected her book of the counter, I copied her and we both walked down the halls to our rooms, Levy and I shared a room since she normally stays at Gajeel's but he was out on a job with Pantherlily so Levy has a bed in my dorm for when things like this happen, or she just wants some privacy.

Levy changed into her pyjamas and crawled into her bed whilst I just sat by my window and gazed at the stars, I felt my eyes getting heavier as I thought about the day I have had. Being knocked over by Gray, to going to a cafe with him; laying on the beach and feeling his embrace and then hiding in a closet and Natsu finding us. Soon enough, I felt my eyes close completely and all I saw was darkness.

As the sun greeted the sky, birds were flying around Magnolia waking everyone up by singing their songs. I opened my eyes when I felt the sun rays hit my face, I smiled ad opened my window a bit. "Today will be a new day," I repeated these words to myself every day because, I believe that when a day is over, all the problems to come from tomorrow can be left to tomorrow's me and not today's me. I heard footsteps running down the hallway, when I peeked my head out I saw all the girls from our guild running like headless chickens. They all stopped and blinked at me, even Erza stopped and looked at me, I was utterly confused. "What's wrong with you all?"  continued to stare each one of the girls down, until Wendy Marvell a sky dragon slayer about the age of 14 stepped forward and spoke. "I'm surprised you haven't been told, there is a ball at Sabertooth tonight and we have been invited." I blinked and pinched myself, great...I wasn't dreaming this was reality. I have to go to the ball. 

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