I nod, accepting what she says, though I know it's not true. My birthday was a while ago. 

But, living in a cave, immobile unless... yeah, my boyfriend being a werewolf, werewolves being real, sprouting wings, learning I can fly—

Learning I can fly.

Yeah, this is more plausible than the fact that mummies are rare because they were eaten.

"I'm gonna go back to school now," I tell her with a tight lipped smile, gesturing to my cheerleading uniform.

Amber blushes again. "Of course. I can call you an Uber?" 

I laugh. "No thanks. I'm not sure where I am, and I'm also pretty sure there aren't many vehicles that can accomodate these." I punctuate my sentence with a flutter of my wings.

Amber laughs as well, and leads me to her computer where she forces me to eat the red-velvet cookies she baked, and we print out directions. We're approximately fifteen minutes from the school, by car. Probably less by way of my wings. 

"Thanks for not you know... calling the cops or dissecting me," I say, as Amber leads me to the back door of her house.

Amber smiles, her brown eyes bright with unvoiced happiness. "Well, I was the one to summon you," she laughs.

I laugh too, and waving a farewell to Beau, who now has a constipated expression as he wincing as though he's been branded.

I walk through their backyard, which thankfully does not have a fence, and go into the woods. I make sure that I'm out of Amber's sight before trying to fly, not wanting to be seen busting my ass if this doesn't work.

Inhaling deeply, I take a few more steps until the trees begin to thin out. I frown as I look at the way one seems to have been cracked in half, whilst about five others lie fallen on the ground. Taking a running start, I concentrate on flapping my wings, until my feet lift from the forest floor.

I manage to get off of the ground, but holy fuck is that terrifying so, I panic and try to reach for the ground. 

Steeling myself in midair, I murmur to myself, 'you've got this' and allow myself to be pushed higher into the air. I'm not any higher than the trees, and legally there shouldn't be anyone around to shoot me down, so I figure it's safe enough to attempt to continue on in the direction of the school.

Since I've taken the woods and not the street, it's a bit different, but this way is supposed to be a straight shot to campus, so hopefully this isn't too difficult.

Mimicking the way Tinkerbell flew, I lean forward and use my hands to aim in the direction of the school, letting out a surprised yelp when it actually works. 

"Holy crap," I whisper to myself.

The wind whips my hair in every direction, and I blow it away, not wanting to chance the movement of my hands.

I'm moving too fast, and there's a tree in my way, but I dodge it easily.

This sensation, the lack of anything holding me down, the sheer power that radiates from my wings that glow brightly, tinging my view of the darkening sky with a wine colored hue on either side.

It's like Daniel Caesar's song Get You but... happier.

I begin smiling, so hard that my cheeks hurt, when I near the school. There are students around, so I stop mid-flight, and cling to one of the thicker trees.

"Crap, crap, crap!" How am I going to let Kai know where I am? How am I even goint to find him? Isn't he still near the cave? How the hell do I get passed the rest of the student body unnoticed? Or even get down?

In my panic, my back begins to sting, and I look around in fear, certain that there's some salt covered creature hoping to kill me, when I see that my wings have begun to recede into my back, as though sensing my need to hide them.

I sigh. That's one less variable, albeit one that could've helped me get down. I clench my eyes tight, before realizing that I'm definitely going to need to see my way down, and open them again.

Suddenly, I find myself scrambling for purchase as the bark of the tree thickens beneth my palms. Shakily and gasping for air, I place my—thankfully—covered feet, onto a stable looking branch and make my way down.

Once my feet hit the forest floor, I begin a slow jog over to the main office building, looking for my daddy to tell him that he needs to find Kai.

I keep my pace, but subconciously allow my gaze to flit over to the students who sit on benches or on the ground, textbooks in their hands. 

I expect them to be shocked or to have at least some kind of reaction at my return. But they seem to be unphased, giving me no more than a wave and a smile before going back to work.


"Listen here you.. you pint-sized Silverman! We need to find Rebecca. If you care for her the—"

Kai interrupts my father whose back faces me, his arm wrapped around my mother who lies her head limply on his shoulder.

Kai's gaze flashes to that ever-glowing green and I watch as my father visibly tenses. "I don't have to look for her, because she's right behind you. Leo."

. . .
Almost forgot but, it's still Friday where I am!

Next chapter on Monday


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