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WARNING!!!! This chapter may offend some people. Please note that it was never my intention to offend anyone. I always try my best to never hide from the truth or sugar coat it. Please enjoy the story.

Happy reading

Chapter 16

One weeks. One long weeks Dillon has had me trapped in his room. He took off the chains after three days. No, I wasn’t chained to the bed anymore, I now wore my very own slave shackles. A heavy brass choker, with a very long heavy chain attached to it.

I was allowed to go everywhere in the room, but the chain stop short at the door.

I was chained up like an animal.

Almost every day for the past week, Dillon has tortured me, by leaving the speaker on when Clyde was there. I had to listen to the pain in his voice as he blamed himself for what has happened to me. And vowed every day to find the person who was responsible, and put a bullet in their head.

I felt mad with myself that I never told him that I loved him back. I had so many opportunities to say it to him, but I always held back. Thinking the time wasn’t right. I should have known that all those lost time were the right time.

I was started to feel like I was never going to get away from Dillon. I’ve tried picking the lock many times, but it never budged. So I gave up trying. Dillon came into the room after Clyde had left. He come over to me, trying touch me and I stepped away from him growling.

“Don’t touch me.”

He grabbed me and pushed me onto the bed forcefully. “I think I’ve waited long enough.”

I tried to move, but he pinned me there. I stared up at him, then spat in his face. He used the bed covers to wipe it away, then pushed me farther into the bed. I cried out from the pain. His hand grabbed my thigh pushing my white dress up.

“How many times have you let Clyde screw you? How many times have you let him touch what is mine?”

He grabbed my face, forcing me to look at him. “I’m gonna make you forget about him. The things I’m gonna do to you Juliet?”

The sly grin and lascivious look in his eyes made she shiver with uncontrollable fear. 

I kicked at him, trying to get him to let go, but it was no use. His lips came down on mine and he was trying to force his tongue into my mouth. I clenched my teeth together, never giving him access. I felt his hands pulled at my underwear, and I started to fight even more. This was not going to happen to me again. No! I will not allow it. Fight! Fight! That’s all that was going through my mind.

I heard when he ripped my panties, and my body went into flight or fight mode. I started to scream and he slipped his tongue into my mouth. I bit down hard on it, drawing blood. He screamed, pulling away. He slapped me in my face.

“You stupid bitch, you bit me.”

He began to get move forceful and violent with me. Hiking my dress up higher and ripped the rest of my underwear away.

I felt his finger being forced into me, and I cried out. He grinned like he was enjoying it. He had a look of pure pleasure on his face. He pushed harder, making me scream.

“You like that, don’t you Juliet?” He continued assaulting me body, and making me scream until I was weak from it.

He let go of my hands to rip open the front of my dress, sending buttons everywhere. When my hands were free, I sunk my nails into his face. He cursed, pinning my hands back over my head.

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