I mean, i was the one to catch them making out. I was the one who has never had a date in her life. And I was the one with the perfect older brother, a mutlitalented little sister (who is 13 by the way) and a always-seems-to-be-better-than-me cousin. But I decided to go talk to him anyways.

As I ran up to him, I saw a flicker in his eyes. Running in heels is hard, so he better have a good explaination to the whole making-me-run-in-heels thing.

"Gabe! Why are you out here alone? Are you alright?" I panted/ gasped/ asked.

"Huh? Ooh um yeah I'm fine I guess", he said truning his back to me.

"Ok but you only answered one of my questions. Why are you out here alone", I asked again, getting anxious this time.

"I uh..I..needed to...um..I needed to..um ..think", he finally spat out. I just blinked at him. Why is he being so blunt? This is so frustrating.

"Gabe, I don't want a blunt answer. Just tell me. I'm serious, I was um..worried about you", I confessed softly.

"Really? Why?" he asked shocked.

"I dunno, I just don't like seeing people sad, I guess", I said putting my hand on his shoulder, turning him around so he was facing me

"Do you really want to know?" he asked, "I don't think you can handle it thought". Usualy people say this in a teasing tone, but he sounded geniually serious.

"I think I can" I smiled, trying to get him to loosen up a little.

"Ok then, well come with me, but take off your shoes", he said pointing to my feet.

I bent over to unbuckle my shoes, as he kept his gaze fixed on me. I slid out of them and set them on the pavement of the back deck. I ran back toGabe.

"Ready to go?" he asked. I nodded, but I wasn't so sure. What did he have to show me? Why does it have to be a secret place? Why can't he just tell me now?

He finally smiled for the first time tonight. He held out his hand and I took it instantly. He walked us both down to the edge of his backyard. There was a small path, prefectly paved with a rustic style stone. He led me up the sidewalk for about 10 minutes, but what was at the end shocked the life out of me for the second time that night.

It was a beautiful stone garden, lined with perfectly cropped plants and topiary (greenery). There was a gorgeous white gazebo right in the center, surrounded by pure white benches. I was astounded by the sight of this garden. That those five boys had such a classy garden.

Three of the four sides were lined by tall white walls, which were covered with vines. The last side glass, over looking L.A. I let go of his hand and went over to the glass wall. I put my hand on the top, running over its smooth edge. I walked along the wall to find a small platform, jutting out over the cliff, nothing supporting it. On it was a small table and two small chairs and two seater.

I walked out unto the platform, having the breeze blow against me once more. I felt on top of the world right now. Like Rose on the Titanic , feeling as majestic as she could feel. That's how I felt at this moment. I felt fragile yet sturdy, but so alive and free.

Gabe suddenly appeared beside me. And looked out to the city with me.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" he said putting both hands unto the glass.

"Yeah it is totally gorgeous but I don't see why we have to talk up here", I asked still fixated on the view in front of me.

"I just didn't want anyone to disturb us, you know?" he said.

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