Chapter 17

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( Harry's POV )

I was awoken by pain radiating up my leg like little tendrils of fire burning at my skin..

Slowly looking around the room becoming more aware of my surroundings.

I noticed a small card on the side of the table. On the front it had an old picture of me and the boys.

Pain! I felt something out of excitement I called the nurse who's never too far away.

She entered the room hastily; wearing the routined uniform and neat pony tail followed by light make up what really brought out her blue eyes.

"What seems to be the problem Mr styles" the nurse asked cheerily,

I turned my head to look at her letting out a low hiss.

"I felt my pain, I felt pain in my leg"

She gave me a warm smile as she started her routine,

"That's good, I'm no doctor but I'd say you'll be walking in about 4-5 months"

I was so happy that I beckoned her to lean down and hug me. of course she denied at first but my smile convinced her to go for it.

It fell silent after a while and I was still wrapped in her embrace when I finally said,
" you look tired.."
I squinted at her name tag,

"A-mber why don't you have lunch with me whilst I wait for Zayn and Niall"

Her cheeks flushed a dark shade of red as soon as I mentioned Niall.

"I'd love to Harry, also do you know Niall is single?" I chuckled whilst looking at her

"Yes, he is just don't go near Zayn he's mine ..he is" I gave her a cheeky smile and I noticed how her lips curled into smirk.

Before we could say anything else the door burst open followed by a thick Irish laugh echoing through the room.

When Zayn came in he leant down to kiss me then climbed onto the bed wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Who's this then Haz?"

Zayn was curious, something about it made my heart flutter.

"This is amber she's been nothing but sweet to me and I find her good company"

Even though I wasn't looking at him I could see Niall stare at Amber intently.

Me and Zayn were just in casual conversation as were Amber and Niall until they stood up.

"Er we're going to go watch a movie or something hope you don't mind us leaving" Ambers cheeks flushed once again.

"Awe niallers got a date" me and Zayn said in unison.

Soon after he was out the door, Liam and Louis should be coming to visit in a couple of hours.

"I'm tired Zaynie, hold me?"
I pleaded giving me these sweet glossy puppy eyes,

"C'mere then baby"

I said as I wrapped him up In my arms, re - arranging his neck brace.

As I cuddled up to Zayn and I felt my eye lids droop a little before whispering into His ear,

"I love you"


( Louis's POV )

"Hurry up Lou, we said we'd be at the hospital 10 minutes ago"

Liam was shouting up to me from the hall,

I shuffled around my room looking for my denim jacket before grabbing my phone and leaving.

I met Liam at the car; he didn't hesitate on revving the engine and leaving.

As we were driving I could feel Liam staring at me attentively, every so often he'd look away but not so much now.

Since Harry's accident and my realization that Eleanor's child is not mine.

I've always loved harry..but I know he won't accept my apology. I can see him falling for Zayn.

Zayn. Zayn. Zayn.

How do I compare to him?

"Lou? Lou were here"
I heard Liam waffle on,

"Are you sure your ready to go in, I know you've been in to see him before but there's a chance he'll be with.."

I cut him off rather harshly.

"Your not helping Liam, go park the car I'll meet you in there"

Leaving the warmth of the car sharp wind hit my cheeks. I neared the entrance of the hospital digging my hands further into my pockets.

I scanned the room for any familiar faces but I got no such luck.

"Hello sir and you are?" A young women's voice startled me.

"Uhh Louis" I whipped my head around to meet the small but overly polite nurse.

"Who are you visiting today then?"

"Harry. Harry styles"

"Ah follow me lovely"

She then led me down the white walled and disinfectant smelling corridor until we arrived at a door that had the number '69'.

"Oh what a surprise" I whispered to myself, well that's what I thought.

"None of that now, Harry is in a critical condition"

she tried to keep a straight face but I could see a smile forming

She grabbed her clipboard and made her way down the corridors leaving me stood outside the door.

I pressed my hand shakily to the door, peeking through I caught sight of Zayn and Harry asleep on the bed.

If only I hadn't of been an ass hole that could of been me on the bed; holding him so tightly.

IF only I hadn't been an ass Harry wouldn't be on the hospital bed right now.

Liam knocked me out of my daze by tapping my shoulders,

"Louis, louis why haven't you went it?"

He was concerned but my reply showed no comfort.

"Harry's fine, I'm sure Zayn will take good care of him"

I could tell by the way Liam's facial expression changed when I mentioned Zayn and Harry in the same sentence that there was something on his mind.

I went to speak but was interrupted,

"Let's just go home... I'll make us dinner, watch a film it will be nice"

I didn't know what he was getting at but I liked it.

Me and Liam never get the chance to hang out, the way he looked to the floor as he waited for a reply made my heart melt.

"Sure Li it will be nice to spend time with you"

He instantly gave me a huge smile what I'm sure brightened up the room.

I laughed at him as he danced through the corridors singing,

"Oh baby baby don't you know you've got what I need"

I erupted with laughter at the song he'd chosen to sing; kiss you has to be one of the funniest songs we've written.

"Looking so good from your head to your feet, c'mon come over here over here, c'mon come over here yeah-h"

My stomach was hurting so much from all the laughing I've been doing. I'm sure we were getting some weird looks but I really didn't care.

As I left the hospital with Liam all I could think was fuck Zayn and Harry.

Liam ain't that bad looking..

An// lol hey - lea🎄

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