Chapter 4

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( Harry's POV )

"Alright boys from the top!"

I groaned and flung myself onto the floor, we've been rehearsing the same album on repeat for 4 hours all for tonight's concert.

As the melody of the song began to play I took one last breath before starting my solo.

"You don't understand, you don't understand, what you do to me when you hold his hand.."

The anger I put into my part must of caught the others attention; because zayn came up behind me and held my shoulder in his palms.

He then began to sing his verse

"Cuz we're on fire, were on fire, oh' we're on fire now..."

As soon as the song finished I ran off stage and burst into tears. The way Lou was looking at Eleanor through out the whole song, I felt sick.

I skipped breakfast. Again. my palms were beginning to sweat as I trudged back on stage with puffy eyes.

"Harry r y' okay?" Nialls thick Irish accent rung through my ears

"I'm fine" I lied "just a bit of a bug Ni"

Our dance coach decided to call off the rest of rehearsals and get us ready for later tonight.

I was desperate for something to quench my thirst, I spotted a bottle of smart water on the table. that will do I thought; as I was drinking it a shriek came from behind me.

"What are you doing with my water you little faggot!!"

There stood an angry Eleanor right next to me now,

I nearly choked on her choice of words.

She stood there with the same questioning look, waiting for an answer.

"I was really thirsty, I'll buy you a new one loo-"

I was cut off by her fist connecting with my face.

"Stay away from my lou..queer"

The shock hurt more than my throbbing face, I just lay there and cradled my now bruising cheek.

After assessing my self in the mirror I had just applied some make-up to cover the bruise.

A couple or minutes before we had to go on louis came over to me

"Haz, I love you baby okay?"

I couldn't help it I leaned in and planted kissed onto his plump lips. slowly are lips entwined and I licked at his bottom lip begging for entrance. He allowed me to roam his mouth for the sweet taste I crave.

Until we were separated by millions of fans screaming at the tops of their lungs.


It's been five days since the Eleanor incident, I still don't know what to think of it.

No one knows but me and her. However I'm really starting to worry now, lou was supposed to be back by now; from his date with Eleanor.

Normally I wouldn't worry because I know that lou loves me but lately I'm not too sure..

Someone keeps knocking on the front door repeatedly, I better go check.

I slowly make my way to the door to reveal zayn. he's got his head held down and he looks a mess, which is normally never.

"Z, you okay??"

No answer

"Zayn?" I ask a little louder this time.

"Yes harry" he's answering me as if nothing weirds going on. because it sure is.

He lowers himself onto the sofa, I decide to join him.

"Harry I need your warmth"

Before I had chance to answer his lips crashed to mine, instead of pulling away I. I. I kissed back, and I liked it

As soon as we pulled apart for air zayn shot up and ran out of my flat. Leaving me speechless craving his lips.

Suddenly the guilt hits me like a ton of bricks. I've cheated in lou, I'm going to have to tell him. but how?

This is a filler 👽

I'm basically writing what I'd want to read- If I haven't said that before - lea xx

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