chapter 2

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( Harrys POV )

I woke up with the urge for coffee. Its about 8am in the morning and my urge for coffee is making its point.

Im not too sure if Lou's awake yet. I stumle out of bed and head to the bathroom to carry out my usual routine; shower, brush teeth, and get dressed. Slowly creeping across the hallway of mine and lou's flat, I grab my keys and phone then make a dash for the door.

The cool morning breeze of england hit me hard. We're back in england for a week, Liam found a few clubs and partys we could check out. As I was walking out of our drive it only just occured to me that louis wasnt even at our flat. He was with eleanor.

It then kicks in, does Louis actually love me? or is this just some sort of ' am I straight or gay ' game to him.

I walk around the corner to find the local starbucks, once im inside the smell of fresh coffee beans burns my nose. I think not, I settle with a tea and make my way over to a small booth at the back. My mind wanders for a second untill my phone starts vibrating from my pocket.

"hey Haz you up for Nandos on Nialls birthday, its a suprise!"

Its Liam, always so caring.

"sure sure, i'll speak to you at the studio"

I go to drink my tea only to find its empty. Feeling a little disapointed I head out, only to be stopped by a small girl with; who seems to be her mum. A fan.

"are you Harry styles"

I answered with a smile, my first real smile in a couple of days. "yes, yes i am"

"im sorry to bother you but could you sign this for me please??"

A good ten minutes later i had managed to crawl back to the flat. "This flats a mess. my god". After deciding to clean the whole flat and do some washing I went to the kitchen to find food. I sat down satisfied with my clean, well cleaner flat and ham sandwhich. 'your gays showing harry' I can clearly picture my mum saying.

I checked through my twitter casually following a few fans, when one tweeted caught me off guard. It was a 'Narry shipper' as they call it hating on a 'Larry shipper'. I chuckled to my self because Niall is certainlty not my type. Lou is, his cute little bum, his sassy attituted to everyone else- bar me. I just love Lou and all his little things.. I chuckled at my use of my own song.

* 2 hours later *

I entered SYCO recording studio to be hit with the smell of leather. As I headed over to the desk I nervously ran my hand through my curls. A cute brunnette sat behind her computer typing away. She looked up and smiled.

"Styles.. follow me"

I gave her an odd look, whats going on? On the way to where ever she was taking me I admired all the record labels hanging on the wall. Untill we stopped just at a silver and black meatlic door.

"have fun now"

what? I thought, I was pulled out of my trance by a loud cheer and balloons flying everywhere in the small room.

There stood all my mates, Simon and a couple of the syco team, then there was Lou. He'd thrown me a 3 year aniversary party, just for me! The excitement was pumping through my viens untill I saw Louis's buldge, another thing what i can pump.

Everyone was in conversation with one another so I made my way to the food table. Only to be suprised by a pair of strong arms wrapping them selevs around my waist. "happy aniversary baby" he whispered in my ear. I shivered at his touch.

"I thought you forgotten" I whined.

In less than a second I was whisked out and pushed into the bathroom, He attacked my neck with his soft lips.

"say-you-think-I-forgotten-one-more-time" he panted.

The dark lust in his eyes was bizzare, I decided to take charge he was taking to long to get to the point. Whilst our lips were connected I was unbuttoning his jeans. He captivates me, I reach my hand inside his boxers feeling around for what I want. Once Ive got ahold of his throbbing member i slowly start to pump. Earning a low moan from him I chuckle, pumping faster and faster each time he rolls his head back in delight.

"No, I want you to see me touch you baby"

He nods. satified i carry on pumping untill he releases all over the bathroom. I qucikly peck his lips and we exchange I love you's.

Now all we have to do is return to the party and explain what we were doing...

thats chapter 2! im so exicted for whats to come, I hope you like it, if not please say. Like and comment and stuff xx

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