Chaper 3

380 9 1

( Louis's POV )

I feel so nervous about tonight; I wasn't even at Eleanor's. Not even close, I was organizing our anniversary party.

I hope all goes well...

*4 hours later *

Well I didn't expect that reaction from harry. If getting a hand job like that for every party I throw, I'll be having more.

I'm now on my way with my beautiful boyfriend to some fancy restaurant, out side of town, I was pulled out of my thoughts by harry.

"Where are you taking me boo?"

I blushed; I can't help it even when he says my name I melt.

He then places his hand on my thigh and rubs his thumb around... After a couple of awkward minutes I manage to choke out "turning me on isn't going to make me tell you where we are going haz" I paused...

"it's just going to make me stop the car and bend you over the hood"

That shut him up I thought... That was Until he purred in my ear

"Why don't you" he gave me a smug look

I had to grip onto the steering wheel, does he not know he can cause to crash!

"Because haz we have reservations" I said as we pulled up in the parking lot.

He gasped out loud when he saw the flashing lights of the restaurant.

( Harrys POV )

I couldn't stop myself from letting out a loud gasp..

I can't believe he's took me here. He made his way to my side of the car and opened the door for me.

"For you my princess"

I scolded him

"Come one boo we all know that's it's you who's the princess around here" he chuckled at my response.

"What can I say haz, what can I say"

As we walked into the beautiful candle lit restaurant I took in my surroundings.

Beautiful, Tall bouquets of ravishing red roses were placed on every table, sparkling cutlery shining in the corner of my eye every where I looked.

Then there was Lou, he looked beautiful as ever, My Lou.

"Come on haz our tables over here, the place is empty just for you princess"

I could feel the heat rushing to my cheeks, he called me princess again!

This Time I just nodded because I secretly loved him calling me that.

Almost as soon as we had sat down a waiter rushed over our table, making us sigh off the thought of us not having a night alone, carrying a large bottle of fancy champagne. I don't know what type, I never drink the stuff.

"Ahhhhh anniversary by any chance?" The petite old woman asked

Louis was in casual conversation with the waiter as I stared off into space.

Thinking about it media paints one of the worst pop star images of me you could imagine.

I I'm labeled as the 'man slag' and 'ladies man' of one direction when I'm gay and have been in a three year relationship!?

Mine and Lou's food has arrived; instead of tucking in I pick around the sides of my food.

"Why aren't you eating haz?"

I paused for a moment. He can't know about my diet lately, what and when I eat is completely up to me. Also I've found I'm never really hungry due to moving about a lot.

"I'm sorry Boo I just feel a bit Ill that's all.."

He nods, I see worry flash through his sea blue eyes.

"We better be going haz. some rest will make you feel better lets go"

He made his way to the till to pay as I waited awkwardly by the door unsure what to do with myself.

Louis motioned me to go to the car, so I did. As I was walking I hit the large metal doors.

Blood was everywhere, my eye sight blurred. I just had to let go it felt easier. I'm really tired anyway.


( Louis's POV )

I'd just scanned my card through the till when I saw a mop of curls fall to the floor.

"Haz!" He didn't seem to get up so I ran over to where he lay.

"Shit" I said under my breath

Anxiously I lifted him into my arms and carried him to the car.

Once he was strapped up I headed off to our flat.

( Harrys POV )

I woke up with my head buried in the crook of louis's neck and his arm was wrapped tightly around me.

I smiled into his skin, slowly I crawled on top of him and laid sloppy kisses from his shoulder to his torso.

"What a way to be woken up ey?"

My cheeks heated up

"Er, I didn't mean to wake you boo" I hid my head into the covers

"Stop hiding your beautiful face haz I want to see it"

I breathed heavily, my face was far from beautiful.

Making my way out of bed I went into the bathroom to freshen up, we have a concert in Manchester tonight, exciting.

When I returned into the bedroom louis was gone but the smell of bacon and egg wafted past me.

Following the smell I clambered down the stairs still stiff from last night; and sat on the nearest island stool.

"Breakfast haz??" louis asked

My stomach begged to be fed however I ignored it.

"No thanks I'll get something on the bus to Manchester"

He nodded in agreement. I brushed my hand through my hair. I guess I do that when I'm nervous.

A couple of hours later Liam called us out to get on the tour bus. I don't know where louis is I think he's in the living room area with Eleanor; since she has to make appearances with us.

I was busy talking to Zayn in the bedroom anyway, the thing with Zayn is that I can trust him with anything.

Only he knows that I've been feeling down about my weight, Eleanor and the tour stress. I don't know how but he just makes me feel better.

"Come on man just take a drag it makes you feel better"

I laughed nervously

"Z, why you even smoking a joint out side the bus window"

"Chill, here take it" he offered me the joint with his spare hand- the other was flicking through his phone.

I brought the joint to my mouth and took a long drag, slowly exhaling the smoke I instantly relaxed.

"Thanks z"

With that I exited the room not wanting to smoke any more weed.

I decided to sit on Louis's lap and watch the smurfs one of my all time favorite films.

Eleanor came in and sat next to Lou.

Something about her just never feels right, ever. I gave her a sly look and leaned down to peck Louis's lips.

"Not now haz I'm tired"

A pang of hurt shot through me.

I got out my phone and texted zayn:

Can we cuddle? :* xx

Quite a filler :) vote and comment & what do you think about harry is he developing a eating disorder? :0 -lea xxx

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