Chapter 6

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'Hey I don't want you to be the one who got away, I wanna stay addicted to you yeah'

( Louis's POV )

My palms are dripping with sweat, I'm currently waiting for my appointment with Simon.

I really want to be spending this time with haz, he's perfect. I love him with all my heart and if something was to happen I'm entirely sure I'd be able to live with it.

"Louise tomlinson" the annoying receptionist called out

She smiled at me, showing off her ugly teeth. I'm gay so I'm really not interested.

"Your ten o'clock for simon is ready, oh and here's my digits hotty"

I gave her a look of disbelief before replying "well you can take your digits back and learn how to say my name properly, oh and what makes you think I'd date a skank like you?"

Leaving her speechless I walked on only wanting to get this bullshit meeting over with.

I sheepishly knocked on Simons huge oak doors,

"Come in louis"

I pushed open the door and walked into the room.

"How's it been louis, everything okay with harry"

This is odd why does he want to know

"What's it to you old man?" I replied sassily.

He raised his eyebrow and smirked "now, now louis calm the attitude I am your boss remember"

So he is. I nodded in agreement

"Right louis, in order for you and harry to keep your jobs, end this realshion ship."


"In order for this to work louis, you must break him. even if it breaks you in the process we can fix you up!"

I swung around on my chair; thinking over what he just proposed.

"Once one directions contract runs out, I- I'll be able to be with harry?"

He chuckles

"That's if harry still wants to be with you"

I gripped ahold of the seat in order to stop my self from strangling him

"Is that all" I asked in a bitter sweet voice

"Yes" he answered, with that I shot up and left.

I feel broken and I haven't even ended it with him. Simon doesn't understand, at all, I crave Harry's touch, taste, his heart.

The only person I trust right now is Liam, he'll understand. he always does.

// filler 😏 I felt mean leaving you on a cliff hanger but I decider to be meaner and give Louis's POV so you still don't know if Harry's okay or not 👽 - lea xxx

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