Chapter 13

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( Harry's POV )

"Will you marry me"

I'd say it took me a couple of minutes to process what was happening, he's just proposed to her...

My eyes reached Eleanor's envious ones and a smirk played on her lips, before she ran on stage.

Yanking the microphone out of my hand she breathed into it,

"Yes-s.. Of course lou"

I couldn't believe it as louis made his way over sliding a beautiful ;24 carrot white diamond ring on her finger.

"I love you boo bear"

This can't be happening.

I ran across the stage and took the mic out of Eleanor's grip.

Shakily I brought the mic closer to my mouth,

"If the truth has been forbidden.."

Another breath

"then we're braking all the rules"

With that I ran over to Zayn slinging my arm around his shoulder.

Smiling at the audience I blew a few kisses earning thousands of screams.

"Eleanor if you'd now leave, we have a concert to perform to the only girls in our lives...our fans"

I smirked as she stormed of the stage ignoring Louis's glares I started to sing.


Liam was the first off the stage, followed by Niall.

Once we were all backstage I sprinted straight to the toilets. Kneeling next to the toilet bowl my sight went blurry and my head started to hurt as I threw up my insides.

Knowing that louis actually has feelings for her makes me physically ill, even though I'm with Zayn I obviously still love my Lou.

Slowly exiting the toilet to reveal silence in our dressing room, it came across to me that the others had left.

I made my way across the small room in search of my phone.

"Ah! there you are"

I said as I held my phone triumphantly.

unlocking my now found phone a message from louis, Niall and Zayn came up.

'Hey babe we've gone out for the engagement party, I'm sorry but that witch doesn't want you there:( love you xx' - zayn

My vision was becoming clouded.

'Ayy harry we've gone out with t' witch cya later mate' -Niall

'Harry, this may be hard to understand but we've gone out with Eleanor, don't do anything stupid I love you bud:)! x'

Liam's always so caring.

'Learn to be nice to Eleanor you prick' -louis

I threw my phone to the floor watching it smash into mere shards of glass.

Grabbing the nearest bottle of vodka I rushed to my car thumbing around for my keys, I swigged the last drop of vodka.

Craving the taste of alcohol hoping to numb the mental pain louis has caused me. I drove around Manchester looking for the nearest booze store.

"That'd be £46.99, aren't you that dude from onedirection"

The shop keeper asked as he scanned the endless amounts of cans through the machine.

Shooting him a cold glare, I paid the money and left the small shop.

Walking across the car park the cold night hair was blowing my curls in my face; it was relaxing.

I remember how louis used to run his long fingers through my curls whilst we cuddled. it was my weak spot.

I stumbled over to my car as I was already half drunk and hopped inside.

All the buttons looked mixed up and I couldn't see the road clearly. ignoring my sight defects I put my foot down on the pedal.

As I was driving along the motorway all the headlights of the cars amazed me, so pretty I thought.

Revving the engine higher I was now driving at 190mph , 205mph...

It felt like I was flying, squinting my eyes so I could see I looked out the window l. is that a bird or a-

My thoughts were cut off as the car jolted to the side taking away my control of the car.

I felt no emotion as the car flipped over still skidding down the motorway. I felt shards of glass digging into my neck because of the now smashed windows. I could die I thought, I was too drunk to even care.

Suddenly the car collided with the railings what separate the lanes; I felt my body wrap around a piece of metal.

The ear piercing screech of metal against the floor ripped through my ears.

Once everything had stopped I lay flat down on the road clutching my knees. I can't move, all I can feel in pain.. everywhere.

I could see flashing lights coming my way and sirens raining as I let my eyelids droop shut.

I love you lou..

// sorry I haven't updated, should start updating more frequently now. Xx -lea

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