Chapter 21

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Erens POV

I woke up in the back seat of a car. I was in the middle with Marco and Jean next to me and in the front was Sasha at the wheel and Connie in the passenger seat.

"What?" I looked at everyone. "Where are we? What happened?" I asked, completely confused.

"Wow you punched him hard. Im proud of you." Jean chuckled, talking to Marco.

"Sorry Eren, you went out of control... I had to do something." Marco said.

"Freckles over here knocked you out." Connie laugher.

"What, how?" I looked at Marco still slightly confused.

"Dont worry." He smiled.

"Well where are we going?" I asked.

"To Krista's house." Jean replied.

"How did you-"

"I am friends with her." Connie said.

"Try to control yourself this time, or else we wont get any clues." Sasha said.

"I will." I mumbled.

"Good boy! Have a cookie!" Sasha said in a high motherly tone.

"Shutup." I smiled.

"Its here." Connie pointed to a nice little house. We parked infront of it and all hopped out. "Your talking." Connie pushed me in front.

"I hope her mother isnt like Ymirs." I mumbled and knocked on the door.

A girl opened the door. She couldnt have been much older than Krista.

"Hi." She answered with a smile.

"Hi." I replied. "We were wondering if you knew where Krista is."

"Oh, she went to a sleepover at a friends house I think." The girl tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Yeah she went about two days ago. Said she was staying for a week."

"W-Where?" I asked eagerly.

"She said at her friend Ymirs house so... Im not sure where that is."

I buried my head in my hands and sighed deeply, trying not to yell and spazz out.

"Calm." Sasha pet my shoulder.

"This is pointless..." I said softly, tears forming again. "We'll never find him." I felt a tear roll into my hands.

"Aw, whats wrong?" The girl said.

"Dont worry." I wiped my eyes, regaining myself. "I-Its fine." I began walking back to the car.

"Thank you." I heard Marco say and they all began following me.

How the fuck are we supposed to find Armin now? There are no clues, no nothing!! Its pointless!! As I was walking I glanced up and saw someone walking across the road. They looked familiar....


"M-Mikasa!" I yelled.

She looked at me and instantly took off down the street.

"GUYS!!" I yelled behind me and began running towards her. They all followed me and I got a sudden burst of adrenaline. I caught up with her and grabbed her arm but she got free. I quickly took off after her again, this time almost tackling her to the floor, I held her arms and she struggled to get free, then stomped on my foot. I let her go from the pain in my foot and she tried to run again but Sasha, Connie, Jean and Marco surrounded her. She looked around at us then looked straight at me.

"Whats your problem!?" She yelled.

"Wheres Armin?" I asked, looking at her with anger.

"I dont know what your talking about." She looked away and crossed her arms.

I grabbed the collar of her shirt and looked right into her eyes. "Cut the crap Mikasa. Where. Is. He." I growled.

"Fuck you." She growled back, pushing my hands away and stumbling back into Sasha.

"Why wont you tell us?" Sasha asked in a sickly sweet tone.

"B-Because I dont know." She stuttered suspiciously.

"Your not a good liar." Marco chuckled.

"Why dont you just tell us?" Connie smirked.

"What is it Mikasa?" Jean asked.

"S-Stop it!" She yelled as we threw comments at her.


"Whats wrong?"

"Are you okay?"

"Youd feel better if you told us."

"Give it up Mikasa..."

"Its disgusting how you know these things and dont tell us."

"Do you feel bad about what your doing?"

"Hows Armin going?"

"Oh thats right you dont know..."


"Yes?" I asked.

Suddenly, she quickly kicked my gut, sending me backwards onto the floor. She ran past me down the street. We all began following her but she was running too fast. We ended up losing her.

I cursed under my breathe and clenched my fists.

"Its okay Eren-" Marco tried to comfort me.

"NO ITS NOT!!" I yelled, turning around to face them all. "ITS NOT OKAY AT ALL!!"

"Eren..." Connie said.


"Stop." Sasha said.

"OH NO DONT YOU START. LOOK AROUND SASHA. WE CANT DO ANYTHING!! NOTHING AT ALL. HES GONE!!" I yelled. "Hes gone." I whimpered, falling to the floor.

"We will find him okay?" Jean said.

"We wont." I sighed.

"Eren-" Sasha started.

"We wont find him!! Weve been trying... There are no clues, no hints, NOTHING TO HELP US." I shot at her.

"Just listen to-"

"Whats the point?"


"Just dont Sash-"

"SHUTUP!" She slapped my face. "OH MY GOD JUST SHUTUP YOUR SO ANNOYING." She sighed. "Look." She held out a knife.

"Woah woah woah." I stood back.

"Not you idiot. I took this from Mikasas backpack and ripped it open." Sasha smiled.


"So maybe she dropped some shit and we can follow it." She rolled her eyes.

"Oh." I said, slow to realise what was happening.

"So in other words, just to dumb it down for you. FOLLOW TRAIL, FIND ARMIN."

"Oh!!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah dumbshit." She mumbled. "Cmon lets head in that direction," She pointed with the knife. "Maybe we can find something.

I nodded and we all went off.


Theres only 4 more chapters left omf *^*


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