Chapter 4

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I woke up at around 6 the next morning. As soon as I got up, I grabbed my arm warmers and slipped them on my arms. Letting out a shaky breath, I smiled in the mirror.

Its okay now.


I leant over the counter and placed my head in my hands.

"Armin, what happened yesterday?" Marco approached me.

"Uh-" I thought frantically for an excuse.

"OH YEAH!!" Sasha ran into the room. "What happened with the apartment?" She asked.

"Apartment?" Marco said confused.

"Oh yeah I was meaning to ask you." Connie walked in, and waited for my response. Before I could say anything, Eren appeared behind him, making me freeze.

"What's this about an apartment? Are you looking for a place?" He asked me, with a twinkle in his eyes.

"He already found a place, he went to it yesterday." Sasha said.

"He did? I didn't know about this..." Marco trailed off.

"Yeah, so what happened??" Connie asked. Sneaking a peak at Eren, his eyes were looking elsewhere, as if disappointed but then he looked back at me, awaiting an answer aswell.

"Well, I missed it..." I sighed.

"WHAT!?" Sasha yelled.

"Oh?" Marco said.

"How did you miss it, you're always up early." Connie asked.

"I-I just woke up late and by the time I got there after all the traffic, I missed it.." I said, the shakiness coming back into my voice and my wrists began throbbing.

"Maybe there's another date? Where is it, I can look it up for you." Marco smiled.

"I don't think there is, but I guess you could see." I sighed and handed him the clipping that was in my notebook.

"34/5 Daewood Place." Marco read outloud.

"WAIT WHAT!?" Eren scrambled over to Marco, tripping over a table but still managing to get to him. "DID YOU SAY 34/5 DAEWOOD PLACE?!" He yelled.

"Yes, I did." Marco looked startled.

"THATS MY APARTMENT!! IVE BEEN LOOKING FOR A ROOMIE!!" He grinned and looked at me, making my eyes widen and my cheeks flush a bit.

"A-Are you... serious?" I asked, having second thoughts about the apartment. I liked Eren but being around him 24/7 would probably drive me insane, just like him.

"YEAH!!" He laughed and cleared his throat. "Sorry, I'm just excited someone I know wants it. I don't exactly want a random person to be roomies with me." He rubbed back of his neck. "You can still have a look if you want. After work maybe?" He asked.

"Uh, yeah sure okay." I smiled and his smile went from ear to ear.

"THANKS!! ILL COME AFTER U FINISH!!" He squealed like a teenaged girl and ran off.

"I know it's hard to believe Armin," Connie sighed and shook his head. "But he really isn't crazy."

I simply laughed.


I wiped down my last table and sighed deeply. After wiping the sweat off my forehead I turned around and saw Eren right in my face. "WOAH!!" I yelled and fell backwards. I would've fell onto the table if it weren't for Eren catching my hand and pulling me forward. I quickly took a step back, so did he.

"Sorry." We said simultaneously. Then we laughed, I was blushing.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, putting some cleaning stuff away.

"I told you I was coming after your work." He said, playing with some straws in a jar.

"Oh yeah." I said, taking my hair out and shaking it. I looked at Eren, who was staring at me. "Can I help you?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

He chuckled. "Are you done?"

"Yeah." I replied. I grabbed a couple of things then walked out the door with Eren, locking the door behind us.

"Wait, how exactly are we getting to your place?" I asked.

"I don't know but it's an hour walk from here." He chuckled lightly.

"I have a car." I said.

"That works too."

We began walking to my car which was just around corner.

"So..." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Connie told me you've been searching for a house for ages, why did you choose this place out of all of them?" He asked.

"Well... It looked nice and peaceful, and it has a garden." I smiled to myself.

"You like gardening?" He asked.

"I like anything peaceful." I giggled.

"Well the garden I have isn't very peaceful... I haven't touched it in the two years I've lived there." He chuckled.

"I can fix it up. It'll give me something to do." I smiled as we approached my car. I unlocked it and we hopped in.

It was a 10 minutes drive to Erens place. Speaking of Eren, he wasn't being completely mental, he was actually being normal. It was nice.

"Hm?" He said.

"I didn't say anything." I said.

"Yeah you mumbled something."

"Oh I must've been thinking aloud."

"Well what were you thinking then?"

"I was just thinking how you don't seem as... Stressed right now." I said.

"Oh. Yeah I like the night. I guess you could say it like, shadows my problems."


"So," I yawned and rubbed my eyes. "This ones yours?"

"Tired?" Eren asked.


"I feel you, I haven't slept for three days." He sighed. "Anyway, yeah this is it."

He unlocked the door and I walked in. It was amazing, except for the mess Eren had everywhere.

"Sorry for the mess. Its usually not like this, I just..." He trailed off. "Yeah."

"What?" I asked.

"Don't worry. Anyways, this is the garden I was telling you about." He said over me, going outside and pointing to a small garden area.

"Wow it really is sad." I said, looking at the dead grass and weeds in it.

"Yeah..." Eren sighed.

After a bit more touring of the house, we sat down on the couch and began talking. He was a funny guy, and was normal. I guess his craziness did come from stress. I think I had decided on my new place.


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