After The Benefits End - Part 30

Start from the beginning

It was her.

She was stood there in her trackie bottoms and a vest top, she must be bloody freezing its Autumn now.

I took my hoody off and stood behind her. I slipped it over her head and she put her arms through the sleeves. She didn’t even turn around to look at who I was, but I guess she must know it was me.

*Liv's POV*

I ran out the house and down the road as fast as I could. My heart was falling to pieces around me. I avoided going to 'our tree' it held so many special memories but I also knew that they'd look here for me first. Especially Dan. I got to the park and walked straight through and up to the view point. I couldn't speak to them, look at them. How could they do that to me? My best friend and my sister. My boyfriend and my twin. I rummaged through my pockets for my phone but it wasn't there. Shit, I'd left it at home. I needed to ring one of the girls, see if I could stay with them for a couple of days. I didn't want to see them or speak to them. I needed time to think. 

But the more I thought about it the less angry I got. It wasn't the fact that they'd slept together that was bothering me as much as thought it would. It was the fact that they lied about it all this time. I hated the thought of Dan and Evie, kissing...touching...being intimate like me and Dan are. I mean it’s my boyfriend and my twin sister. The thought did rip me apart but I wasn't with Dan when they slept together. I never fancied Dan when they slept together. And I certainly didn't think we would have been together in the future when they slept together. 

We were sixteen, not twenty one. I was acting like Dan and Evie had slept together recently when they hadn't, it was five years ago. I could hear someone shouting in the distance. I turned around and saw him. I knew Dan’s voice a mile off. I watched him run across the park and over to our tree calling out my name before stopping a girl. I watched as he walked back out the park and to his car.

I turned back around and looked out at the view. I'd ran out in such a rush I'd not grabbed a jacket as well as my phone. I rubbed my hands over my arms to try cause some friction, make me warm up. 

It must have been about half an hour later I heard the sound of a familiar engine pull up at the bottom of the hill, then I smelt Dan behind me, that boy always smelt amazing. His hoody went over my head and I slipped my arms in. 

*Dan POV*

“How could you?” she whispered

“I’m so sorry.”

“I didn’t ask if you were sorry Dan, I asked how could you sleep with my twin sister?” she snapped turning to look at me

“It just happened.”

“Bollocks, so were just talking, your clothes fell off and you ended up on top of her.”

“No. We were drunk and...”

“Just fuck off Dan I don’t want to hear it.”

“No you have to listen to me.” I say grabbing onto her arms

“I don’t have to do anything now get off me.”

I let go of her arms and looked at her, there was a coldness to her eyes and her sparkle that I loved so much…had disappeared.

“I need you to listen to me Tink.” I whispered, my emotions taking over me as tears spilled down my cheeks

“Why? Why should I? You all lied to me. You all knew. For five years you all kept it from me.”

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