Blood on My Hands

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It was August in the year 2024, this will hopefully mark the end to Laughing Coffin, the player-killing guild that has killed many. They killed so many that they can't be ignored by the assault team anymore, they need to be dealt with. One time they almost got Liz, thank god I was there, who knows what would have happened if I wasn't. Everyone was going to where Laughing Coffins guild was, and what I didn't know was the chaos that would pursue.

A Day Earlier

I woke up like any other day, the smell of breakfast was always the first thing I smelt. I got ready and left my room to eat. I met Jam in the hallways and something was clearly wrong

"What's up," I ask

"O nothing" She replies grimly

"You know I'm immune to lies," I tell her

"Seriously there's nothing," she says pissed

"Jesus, if you wake up on the wrong side of the bed" I continue

"Screw off, I don't have time for you" Jam yells out and instantly covers her mouth in regret

"Look I didn't mea--" she starts to say but I cut her off

" Seriously what's up," I ask serous, "you don't snap like that often, usually your calmer"

"Really can't hide anything from you can I," She says

"Nope" I reply

"Fine I'll tell you, I got a message that the assault team is gathering people up for take out Laughing coffin," Jam says

"Really?," I ask

"Yea, they asked for every guild to take part but honestly I don't ours to, but if we don't go we will be seen as spineless cowards," Jam tells me

"Simple, let me go," I tell her

"But (U/---" Jam starts to say

" No buts, I need to get at them after they almost got Liz, don't tell the others" I cut her off

"That was a close one with Liz but I don't think you should go alone" Jam argues

"I'll be fine, I don't want you guys to be troubled," I say to her

"Ok, there's a meeting at lunch," She told me.

"Thanks, I'll set out after breakfast" I declare

"Be careful," she tells me

I ate breakfast and Jam didn't say a word about the meeting to the other members. Once it was done I set out for the meeting. I did some levelling to pass the time and then I headed to the location of the meeting.

The meeting was informative to say the least, a bunch of boring important shit. They talked about the higher players in Laughing Coffin, all the stuff that in general I don't care about. The meeting went on for what felt like hours. Finally, it ended and I was free, I saw Kirito and Asuna in the meeting so I figured I would talk to them a bit.

"Yo!" I say to Kirito as I sling my arm around him like pals

"What's up (U/N), I'm guessing everyone is doing well," Kirito asks me about my guild

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