Part 24

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*Ben POV*

"You're what?!" I asked as I started to hyperventilate. "Ben calm down." She pleaded with crying eyes. Then it hit me: I'm was going to marry her. This was great! I actually WANTED this baby! I was ready! "That's great!" I squealed and picked her up in my arms. "Thank god you're not mad." She whispered in my ear. "Of course not, but are you ready to have a baby?" I asked her. "Yes, yes I am. With you I can do everything." "Then I am too." I whispered in her ear and smiled.

*New Years Eve*

"10, 9, 8, 7...." Everybody yelled all around us. Y/n and I were at a party in the center of London. Luckily Joe, Lucy, Rami & Gwilym had also been invited. "2, 1!" I kissed Y/n and smiled into the kiss after a few seconds. "What's up?" She asked me and pulled away. "I can't believe I get to spend 2020 with the girl I love. I'm marrying her and I get to be the father of her child." I whispered. She put her hand on my cheek and smiled warmly to me. "I'm excited too."

"Let's get this party started!" Joe yelled and jumped around on tables. Y/n and I couldn't contain our laughter and laughed all night long. Mostly because of Joe, obviously. "I heard you knocked her up." Joe said coming over to us. "Wow, you have a way with words Mr Mazzello." Y/n said in pure sarcasm and giggled. "Yeah whatever..." He snickered. "How far?" He added. "Only a week, I think." She answered him. I put my arm around her shoulders and admired her beautiful self, while she chatted with Joe.

"Is he behaving okay?" A small woman with curly brown hair asked. "Oh! Hey, Anastasia! Guys this is Anastasia, my girlfriend. Ana this is Ben and Y/n." Joe exclaimed. "Nice to meet you." Y/n and I said and shook her hand. "Nice to meet you too." She said and smiled. The four of us took a walk and ended up on a pub nearby. We all ordered beers and were about to say cheers when I remembered something important.

Y/n hadn't been drinking all night because she was pregnant, and she wasn't gonna ruin it now. "Y/n no." I said and took the beer out of her hand. "Wha-? Oh." She said and smiled apologetically. "Don't worry love, we both know it's hard in the beginning." I whispered in her ear. "That's very true." She giggled. "I'm not feeling well Ben." She added. "Let's go home." I responded and stood up. "Joe, Anastasia, thank you so much for a pleasant night! We are going home now." I said and smiled. "Thank you too." Joe said, hugging me. "Take care mate." He added as we walked away. "We'll do." Y/n said and waved goodbye.

"Is this nice?" I asked Y/n as I was giving her massage. "It's very nice. Thank you Ben." She replied. "Anything for you my love. And our little prince or princess." I said and made her smile wide. "I love you." "I love you too Y/n." I answered. "Would you like a cup of tea? Some snacks? Sweets?" I asked her to make her feel better. "That sounds nice." She said with a cheeky smile. I chuckled and went downstairs to get the things for Y/n. I made myself a cup of tea as well.

While I was preparing it all, I thought of baby names. If it was a boy I wanted him to be named William, Peter or Harry. If it was a girl I wanted her to be named Lily, Sophie or Amelia. Y/n had to agree of course... I was wondering if she had thought about baby names yet. Maybe she had...

"Here's something for the beautiful lady in bed." I said and gave her what she had "ordered". "Have you... thought of baby names yet?" I asked her insecurely. "Not really, why?" She replied and ate a cracker. "Just wondering..." I said and trailed off in the end. "Have you?" "Well, yeah." I admitted and rubbed the back of my head.

"Let me hear them." She insisted and took a sip of her tea. "Okay..." I began. "For a boy: William, Harry or Peter. For a girl: Lily, Sophie or Amelia." I finished and looked at her. "Interesting.." She said and ate a piece of chocolate. "What do you think?" "I like them all!" She said with a smile playing on her lips. "But..?" I asked suspiciously. "There's not a 'but' today." She snickered.

"BEN!!!!" Y/n screamed. I woke up instantly and looked at her. "What's wrong love?!??" I asked frightened. "I need medicine!" She wheezed. "Okay okay! What do you want?" I asked and put on a shirt. "Just something for extreme headache and for my stomach, it aches! It hurts so baaaaad. Please hurry!" She begged. "I will be right back!" I said and went downstairs. I quickly found the pills and joined her in the bedroom again. "Here you go love." "Thank you darling." She said and swallowed the pills with a mouthful of water.

"Are you feeling better?" I asked her after an hour. "Not really." She replied and pouted. "I'm sorry to hear that." I sighed. "Let's get some sleep now." I said and caressed her cheek gently. "Okay." She agreed and smiled. I pulled her close to me and embraced her tight. She put her arms around my torso and closed her eyes slowly. "Goodnight babygirl." I whispered and closed my eyes.

*3 months later*

"Ben I can't handle it! It hurts so much!" Y/n complained and leaned closer to me. I hugged her and assured her everything would be fine.

A/n: Edited: Which names do you prefer? To be honest... I just  chose random names, but I think they are kinda cute. x

(1000 words)

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