Part 14

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*Y/n POV*

"We found them!" The voice in the phone said. "Great! Where?" I asked hesitant. "Uh, they were in a terrible condition, so right now they are at the hospital." The police officer said. "O-Oh... I'll visit them now!" I exclaimed. "Sure, we'll visit the 4 of you tomorrow in the hospital then." "Okay, thanks!" I said and hanged up.

"BEN! LETS GO!" I screamed. "Why? Where?" He asked me confused. "Rami and Lucy are in the hospital." I said. "Oh." He said flustered. "Lets go." He exclaimed and grabbed my arm.

When we arrived, we were led to their room. Thankfully they shared a room. When we got inside, they were still unconscious... Both of them. We sat down next to them and waited for them to wake up. A doctor came in and explained what had happened to them: "The girl had locked them in the basement. She didn't feed them nor gave them water. Some of her friends beat them up a couple of times and when you started the search for them, they were saved. If you hadn't done that, they would've been dead by now."

Holy- I was in shock! How could anyone be that cruel?! I was crushed, but Ben, Ben was crushed like a million times worse than me. He thought it was his fault... because of Kat. That bitch! It wasn't his fault AT ALL!

"I-it's my fault." Ben said while crying. I was also crying, but I tried to contain myself. "No it's not Ben! Stop fkn saying that!" I snapped. "You don't understand Y/n!" He yelled. "Yes I do!" I shouted.

He didn't answer, he came over to me and hugged me tight. "I-I'm Sorry." He spoke. "It's okay." I said. "Everything's gonna be okay. Ben I love you." I added. "Okay. I love you too." He said and kept sobbing.

After awhile, Lucy's eyes opened. "Where's Rami?" Was the first thing she said. I nodded in Rami's direction and she calmed when she saw him. "Lucy h-how are you feeling?" I stuttered. "Who's Lucy?" She asked me. Oh no! Couldn't she remember herself?! How could she remember Rami and not herself?

Ben and I looked at each other, extremely confused. "Hey, I'm kidding! I haven't had a memory loss, don't worry." Lucy said and giggled. I felt relieved and started to breath again. I hadn't even noticed I had held my breath. "Don't do that again!" Ben exclaimed.

Lucy explained what had happened and yeah... a few tears were spilled... We were crying all the time😂 unfortunately...

After 2 hours or so, Rami still hadn't awoken. We started to worry and so did the nurses and doctor. "Uh, we need to make some tests, to see if it's the morphine, or if it's something else." A doctor said. They took Rami to another room and did the tests. Lucy, Ben and I were very worried. We couldn't sit still, well Lucy could, 'cause she couldn't walk.

They came back 20 min. later and said to us: "Rami's heart is giving up, but we are trying to keep him alive. We will get back to you as soon as we get a result." All 3 of us broke down in tears. Ben fell to the floor and cried his eyes out. Lucy was a mess and I... well I... I couldn't bare to be there, so I ran away. I ran outside. Outside to get some fresh air.

My mind was filled with hundreds of thoughts and it hurt really bad. I couldn't bare the thought of losing Rami, he was one of my best friends... and I... I just couldn't lose him. I started to run, nowhere in particular, I just ran. Ran away from all of the troubles, ran away from my past, running towards my future.

What would my future bring? Why stay in that mess, when the rest of the world was waiting? Over the last few weeks, I had gotten new best friends, a boyfriend, not to mention, a new dog - Ben and I had decided to share O'Malley. Should I just run away from that, or should I turn around? Was it worth leaving all of that behind? What had they brought me? They had brought me nothing but damage. But they also brought me love... Was it enough? Was it enough for me to stay?

While all of those thoughts ran through my head, someone called my name. "Y/n." I could her someone scream in a far distance. "Y/N!" Someone yelled again. I decided to stop and see who was calling. It was Ben. He had followed me. As soon as he came up to me, he said: "I know I haven't brought you anything but trouble, but please, PLEASE stay Y/n! I can't live without you! I love you Y/n! I promise something like this won't happen again! Ever again!"

While he was saying those words, the beautiful clouds decided to pee on us. Why now? I already had forgiven Ben, but he clearly didn't know. "Ben, it's not you... it's THIS." I said and spun around. "It's what?" He asked confused. "It's the people here! It's the environment it''s..." I tried to finish the sentence, but I ran out of words.

"Y/n we.. we can move to..." He began, but stopped. He didn't know what to say. Then he finally got to finish: "In the country side if that's what you want! I just wanna be with you!" He continued. "Ben, I wanna be with you, but I don't wanna be here... with all of those arseholes from our past." I finished. "I get it! I really do!" He agreed.

I nodded and said: "we should probably get back to Rami and Lucy." "Yeah."

We walked back to the hospital and joined Lucy in her room. We sat around her bed and held her hand. Lucy and Rami was an item, so I couldn't imagine the pain that Lucy was going through right now. I know for sure, that I would kill myself, if something happened to Ben. Is that a good thing?

Suddenly a doctor came in and interrupted my thoughts. "Rami is.....


A/n: This was a bit weird and sentimental, but I hope you liked it!

Edited - "The clouds peed on us." What the hell was I thinking?😂🤦‍♀️

(1075 words)

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