Part 5

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*Lucy POV*

I woke up in a really soft bed. I looked around the room and realized I was in my new apartment. Y/n was really nice and I was happy we were gonna live together for awhile. I smelled something good from the kitchen. Y/n was making pancakes!

"Good morning sleeping beauty."
Y/n joked as she pointed to a clock on the wall. It was 11 am. Wow I had been sleeping for a long time! I sat on a chair next to the dining table and looked at my phone. "Want some pancakes?" Y/n offered me. "Pleaseeeee!" I begged. She laughed at my childishness and gave me a plate full of pancakes. "Don't you want any?" I asked as I took a bite of one. "I already ate." She answered with a smile. I started eating the pancakes and they were so good! It was the best pancakes I had ever had.

"What are your plans for today?" I asked, to start a conversation. "Nothing actually... what about you?" She mumbled while looking at her phone. She then put her phone away and looked at me smiling. "I have a date with rami!" I said overly happy.
"Cool! Tell me how it goes! When is it?" She said just as excited as I was. "He'll pick me up at 5 pm." I said.

Then I remembered that Ben and Y/n technically were friends... but I knew better! They totally had the hots for each other. "Why don't you invite Ben over?" "Why would I invite Ben over?" She asked confused. "I'm pretty sure you like each other!" I said with a smirk. "I haven't really thought about it, but maybe..." She said with a smile and blushed.

I was excited for my date with Rami. It was our second date and I had planned the entire evening. First we would go to a fine restaurant, afterwards to a beautiful park, then to a really cool pub and then home to me (If it went that far, and if Y/n allowed us).

If I had to be honest, Ben and her would make a fine couple so I wanted her to invite him over. "Do you mind if Rami maybe visits tonight? After the date?" I asked her, hoping for approval. "No of course not. I'll be in my room so you can have the living room." She answered with a smile. "Thank you so much!! I really think you should invite Ben over though." I kept pushing. "Okay..." She said. Hopefully I had convinced her!

*Y/n POV*

I decided to ask Ben...

Hi Ben! I was wondering if you wanted to join me this evening? Lucy is going on a date, so I'm lonely...

Of course darling! What time?!

5 pm?

Sounds good to me. See y a later :)

See ya!

"Ben is coming at 5 pm as well." I announced. "Cool!" Lucy beamed. I was low key about to have a "date" for the first time in 3 years. I was excited and ran to my room to pick out an outfit. I tried on a bunch of dresses, but ended up in a pair of shorts with a nice shirt.

(Your outfit - the picture)

Lucy was wearing a long blue dress with black heels and a black cardigan. She looked absolutely stunning. I was staying home with Ben, so we were probably just gonna order some food.

*Knock knock*

"Y/n can you open the door?" Lucy shouted from her room. I opened the door to see Ben in a tuxedo looking outfit. My jaw dropped. To the floor. "You don't look that bad yourself!" Ben giggled. I was speechless! Was this guy a model or something? If he wasn't, then he definitely should be! "I know we're just gonna stay here, but I wanted to make a good impression." He added with a blush. He gave me a beautiful red rose and I still didn't know what to say. I put the rose in water, as Rami walked in with a smile on his face. "Hi guys! Hi Ben. What are you doing here?" Rami questioned Ben suspiciously. "Y/n and I are gonna have a good time just like you and Lucy." Ben explained. Rami seemed to understand and smiled. Lucy then walked out of her room and winked to Rami. "WAUW!" He managed to say. "Bye Y/n and Ben!" Lucy waved. Ben and I waved to them as they walked out the door.

"So! What do you wanna do?" Ben asked me when we were finally alone. "Play games? Watch movies?" I suggested with a smile. "Sure!" He agreed. We played chess and he unfortunately won... after that we played Call of Duty: Black Ups 2 on my PlayStation - I won!

We then decided to watch a movie. At last we chose Grease, 'cause why not?! I sang along while Ben laughed at me. We started dancing when they sang 'You're the one that I want'. It was the funniest "date" I had ever been on! We had forgotten all about dinner so we ordered a pizza around 11 pm.

We talked while we ate the pizza. "You quit your job yesterday... what are you gonna do now?" Ben asked me curiously, while taking a bite of a slice. "I don't know... I have to figure that out! What are you working as?" I asked. I actually hadn't asked that before now... I felt a bit ashamed actually. "I'm... I'm an actor..." He replied, unsure if he should've said it.

"That's so cool! Should I know who you are?" I asked, trying to see if I somehow could remember him in any movie. "Probably not." He laughed. "I'm actually shooting a movie right now. With those of my friends you've already met." He informed me. "That's, that's amazing! What is the movie about?" I asked very curiously. I was so curious that I caught myself sitting up straight. "The rock band Queen." He said smiling.

"Awesooooome! I loooove queen!"
I squealed. "Who's your favorite member?" Ben asked me with a smirk. "They're all amazing, but my favourite member is Roger Taylor." I said with a small smile. "Really?!" He asked surprised. "Definitely." I assured him with a laugh. "I'm playing Roger in the movie." He said with a smirk. "THAT IS SO COOL! But you don't look like him at all..." I chuckled. "Makeup and wigs fixes that part." He smiled softly at me.

We walked over to the couch and sat down. We were drinking Cola and eating popcorn, when we suddenly sat 10 centimeters from one another. He looked me deep in my eyes.

A/n: Had to edit this piece of shit :)

(1140 words)

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