Part 15

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*Y/n POV*

"Rami is... Rami made it, but we think he has a memory loss. We won't know for sure, before he wakes up." "Oh. Okay." Lucy said as tears started falling down her cheeks again. The doctor left and all three of us broke down again. We were happy he was still alive, but sad about the thing with him having a memory loss. It was awful.

While the three of us tried to clam down, a bed was placed beside Lucy. Soon Rami was lying in that bed. He looked awful. He was extremely pale and had bruises all over his body.

Rami was unconscious for hours, so the fear was building up inside of us. Would he remember us? Would he remember himself? His family? Those kind of thoughts ran through our heads and none of us could control them.

Hours passed and we became more and more scared. Finally he opened his eyes. "Hi my love." Lucy quickly said. "Hi?" Rami asked confused. Lucy was tearing up again and none of us spoke. "Where am I Ben?" Rami suddenly asked. "At the hospital." He replied.

We all calmed down, but we shouldn't have. "Who are they?" He then asked. Lucy broke into tears and I froze. "Uh, mate. That's your fiancé and my girlfriend." Ben awkwardly responded to Rami. "What?!" He asked confused.

"Let me explain it to you." Ben said and glanced at me. He wanted me and Lucy to go away, while he explained it all. Lucy and I left and were both dying inside, especially Lucy - wonder why...

"I just don't get it!" Lucy said and put her hands on her forehead in frustration. "Why can't he remember me? His fiancé?!" "To be honest... I don't know... it's so weird that he remembers Ben, but not you..." I said and made it all worse. Lucy sat down on a bench in a waiting room and pulled her knees up to her chin. "I-I'm Sorry, I didn't mean to-" I began. "It's okay Y/n." She said and cried again.

We talked a bit more, but were soon on our way back, because Ben came to get us. When we joined Rami in the room again, Ben pulled me aside. "We should probably let them talk." He whispered and looked me in the eyes. I nodded and let him lead me back to the waiting room.

While Lucy and Rami spoke, Ben tried to comfort me. I hadn't known Rami for so long, so the feelings that build up inside of me, was mostly my pity for Lucy. I can't imagine the pain running through her heart, body and mind right now. I don't know how I would feel if Ben suddenly forgot me, but I do know, that it wouldn't be a good feeling.

"About the house.." He began but trailed off. "What about the house?" "When do you wanna move in? Our stuff is already there..." He said and smiled. "What about... when we get out of here?" I asked with a cheeky grin. "Approved!" He replied and giggled.

Lucy then bursted out of the room and ran away like a wild firestorm. I quickly stood up and ran after her. I quickly glanced back at Ben and saw him on his was back to Rami. He glanced at me and smiled a little. I turned my focus back on Lucy and caught her by the exit.

"What happened?" I asked out of breath. "He-he.." She began, but couldn't finish the sentence. I knew it was something bad, so I decided to embrace her like anyone else would and should've done.

The tears from her eyes ran all the way from her eyes, down her cheeks and further down along her neck and landed on the floor. Her tears spilled down on the floor like a faint heartbeat, every second of every minute in an eternity. She was definitely heartbroken.

I didn't know what to do, so I texted Ben on my phone and he quickly came over to us. "I'll take Lucy to our house, make sure Rami is okay." I said and kissed Ben goodbye. He nodded, gave me the keys to his car and went back to Rami.

I dragged Lucy outside and inside the car. I drove to my new house I shared with Ben. I tried to drag Lucy inside, but she didn't wanna cooperate. "Lucy come on!" I groaned as I tried to push her inside. "I don't want to enter!" She exclaimed. "Why not?" I asked confused and frustrated. "Because you still don't know what Rami told me." "Oh.." I trailed off. "Can't you tell me inside?" I added. "No." "Okay, tell me." I said and sat down on the doorstep.

She joined me on the doorstep and leaned her head against my shoulder. "He told me that he wanted us to take a break, while he regained his memory..." She said and let out a sob. "Oh... I..." I spoke. "Don't!" She said and stopped me. "I guess I just need to show him what he's missing. I need him to fall in love with me again..." She said and stood up. "And I'll help you!" I said and tried to cheer her up. "Thank you Y/n."

After a few hours of talking, Ben entered. "I'm back." He informed us. "Joe and Gwil are taking care of Rami right now." He said and joined us in the living room. "That's great." Lucy replied as she wiped away a tear.

"How are you feeling Lucy?" Ben asked her and looked sad. "I'm a bit better after talking to your wonderful girlfriend." She answered him. I smiled by her compliment and sat down on the couch. "Remember we'll always be here for you!" Ben and I said in sync. "I know, thank you." She said and smiled.

"You can borrow the guest room for as long as you'd like." Ben said and smiled. "Your stuff is actually in the guest room, 'cause the police officers didn't know what to do with it." I said and giggled. "Thank you so much!" She said and hugged us. "I think I'll get some sleep then." She said and walked upstairs. "Goodnight Lucy." "Goodnight Y/n."

"Wow, what an eventful day." Ben chuckled. "Yeah.." I said and sighed. "Maybe we should get some sleep too." He whispered in my ear. "I think that would be a good idea." I said and took his hand. We walked to our room and dozed off as soon as we got under the covers.


A/n: Edited lmao

(1110 words)

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