Part 11

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*Ben POV*

"I can't believe you actually think she loves you!" Kat, my ex girlfriend, yelled in my face. "I couldn't care LESS about what YOU think! Why the FUCK are you even here?!" I asked angrily. She had come to visit me, in my apartment in London. She was a total bitch and I hated her. Especially after what she had done!

"Are you still angry about those pictures?" She asked me, as she noticed I slowly dozed off. "YEAH WHY THE HECK WOULDN'T I BE?!" I said more disturbed than before. I smacked the door in her face and got ready for my date with Y/n. Y/n and I had been really close lately and I really liked her. I mean love her. She was just so perfect!

When I was ready, I took the train to Brighton, 'cause I would be there for awhile. I knocked on Y/n and Lucy's front door, but no one answered. I unlocked the door with the key she had given me 2 months ago. I stepped inside and saw blood on the curtains and on the carpet.

"Y/n?! Y/N?! LUCY?!" I yelled through the apartment, but no one answered. I checked all of the rooms, but they were all empty. I pulled out my phone and called Y/n. She didn't answer... I immediately called the police and told them what I knew. They quickly arrived and started a search for the girls.

I was furious, sad, devastated and heartbroken! I didn't know what had happened, but no matter what had happened, the person behind it, would pay! I called Rami and filled him in. I could hear he was feeling the same emotions as me.

*A week later*

The police, Rami and myself had been searching for the girls for a week, but without success. Rami and I didn't know what to do. We missed the girls more than anything and just wanted to now that they were okay.

Suddenly a specific person popped into my head... KAT! THAT BITCH! I told Rami what she had said to me before I made her leave me.

We decided to pay her a visit.

*At Katriona's*

*knock knock*

I knocked on her door. "Who is it?" She asked us. Rami looked at me and whispered: "What are we gonna answer?" "It's me. Ben." I answered both of them. The door swung open. There Kat was... standing up against the doorframe with a devilish smile.

"Hi boys." She said and smirked. "Oh fuck off!" I yelled. "WHERE IS SHE?!" I added. "Who?" She asked and smirked even more. "I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL-" Rami started, but got cut off by a voice mumbling: "B-Ben?" It said silently, but I recognised the voice immediately.

"Y/N!!" I shouted and pushed Kat away so I could go inside. The voice spoke again and I followed the sound. Finally I found her. "Oh y/n! I'm so so so sorry!" I apologised while tears started streaming down my cheeks. "H-help m-me." She stuttered. I looked at her and saw she was tied to a chair and there was blood dripping from her lip. My eyes went wide and I started to untie her.

When she was free I embraced her. "W-What happened?" I asked her, while I tried to hold back sobs. "S-She a-attacked us... Lucy i-is in the basement!" Y/n exclaimed. "RAMI!" I yelled. "I'm coming!" He yelled back.

"Where's Lucy?" He asked worriedly, when he only saw Y/n. "Basement." I said and looked back at Y/n. "Let's get you home!" I said and picked her up in my arms.

I took her to my apartment since hers was still a crime scene and was in the polices custody for now. I put her on my bed and made her some tea to warm her up. I pulled out my phone and called the police.

"Ben?" I heard Y/n say. "Yes my love?" "Thanks for saving me." She said. "Always!" I reassured her and kissed her on the forehead. "Get some sleep and we can talk tomorrow." I said as I tucked her in.


A/n: I also edited this one, but I don't think I'll have to edit many more :)

(725 words)

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