Chapter 4

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Adrien thought that the motions of swinging from rooftop to rooftop would feel familiar, except it didn't. He didn't know how he was even alive! Plagg must be protecting him somehow. He glanced up at the dark sky, it looked like it would rain any moment. Thunder rumbled in the distance.

When he reached the scene of mass destruction, he witnessed the girl who looked quite a lot like Marinette attempt to steal something from the boy with her yo-yo, stumbling when he jerked out of the way. The girl let out quite the yelp when Adrien jumped right next to her without warning.

"Kitty, you should be in bed! Has the doctor even checked up on—" she was cut off by a sudden burst of blinding light in their face.

"Oh, so the boy is here! We can grab him and leave!" Light boy made a menacing face, but it dulled when that same glowing mask was hovering in front of his face yet again. "But first, we must steal your miraculouses!"

And so the fire light duo began to corner the superheroes. The boy sent another ray of light, brighter this time, that sent Adrien reeling on the floor. He couldn't see for at least two minutes and in that time he felt a pair of arms wrap around him. He didn't know who it was, but he decided to trust them and their grasp as they carried him away.

When he could finally see again, he saw the girl and she put him down when she realized he could see. They appeared to be on a rooftop, and the destruction was nowhere to be seen.

"Are you ok?" She asked, caressing his face as if she were checking for damage.

"I think so, you're Marinette, right?" He mumbled, and with that her face turned red.

"Yeah, sorry, I... I forgot..."

"You forgot your own name?" He smirked and laughed when her face turned even redder.

"No, no, you know what I mean, silly kitty!" Her face fell after she said it, like she was having flashbacks. Reliving memories.

Memories he would never have.

"Also, you can't call me Marinette here, you call me Ladybug, or bugaboo or whatever but NOT Marinette. You're Chat Noir when you're in suit." She hissed when she said her name, like she was afraid of someone else hearing it.

She opened her mouth like she was going to say something else but was interrupted by a burst of fire right next to them.

"You two have been flirting long enough! Surrender now or we can make this a painful battle!" Fire girl said from below them. "All we need is the boy and the miraculouses, then we will leave in peace."

The boy? Were they talking about him? Adrien assumed so when the fire light duo jumped up on the roof and they worked to corner them. They didn't get very close, as Ladybug shouted something, was it lucky charm? A bendy metal wire the same pattern as her suit miraculously popped into her hand and she began to look around. He decided that questions were for later as he stared in bewilderment at what had just happened. He felt like he would remember that, if it was a common occurrence in his previous life as Plagg had implied.

"Kitty! Grab this!" Ladybug shouted, handing him one end of the wire. She immediately began to run around fire girl and light boy and fire girl, binding them tightly. Fire girl, seeing what she was doing, lit her hands on fire.

This was a mistake on her part, for the fire touched the wire, and it immediately spread, scorching light boy.

"Sister, stop this!" He cried, and burns began to form around where the wire was touching him. She tried to call the fire back, but her hands were bound and she wasn't experienced enough to call it back quickly without using her hands. The burns visibly worsened and he continued to yell out in pain.

"This is what you deserve, to be roasted by your sister!" Adrien shouted. He wasn't sure why, but it was almost teasing, like he was used to it. Light boys's eyes snapped up to meet his, confusion and surprise in his glare.

"I see you haven't changed," he coughed, yelling afterwards from the pain. Fire girl had just managed to call back the flames, leaving them both bound.

Before Adrien could ask what he meant by that, the wire was struck by lightning, leaving the brother and sister with their hair on end and blackened from the strike. Adrien and Ladybug just stood there in shock, unsure of what to do.

After a moment, she stepped over next to the dazed duo and yanked identical necklaces off of each of their necks. Adrien's eyes widened as two black butterflies flew out and Ladybug caught them with her yo-yo. How many functions did that thing have?

A strange black bubbling substance momentarily shrouded the fire light duo, and when it receded two almost alter identities were left there. Ladybug grabbed the wire and threw it in the air, shouting something he didn't catch as the fogginess in his head was receding. Light boy was now dark and emo looking, and fire girl was now elegant and almost had the countenance of water in a way. He tried to grasp something in his brain but he couldn't. He knew these people. He tried to remember their names, but came up empty.

He jumped back when the two woke up, miraculously healed by whatever Ladybug did when she threw the wire in the air. The girl's eyes widened when she saw Adrien.

"What happened?" She asked, seemingly surprised to see him there. Emo boy's eyes widened when he saw Adrien as well.

"How did you get here?" Emo boy asked. Adrien was so confused at that point that he decided to start by making it simple.

"Okay, whoever you guys are, I don't remember you, I had amnesia and just woke up a few hours ago. How about we start with names?"

"Kee—" the girl started, but was cut off by her brother's glare, "Er, I mean my name is Linh, and this is my brother Tam."

Something stirred yet again, and he was about to ask them if they knew him when they both quickly stood up and ran off, yelping out a quick 'gotta go' as they scaled the roof. All that was left was the glittering black pendants, now fixed by whatever Ladybug did to them.

"Wait, you forgot these!" He picked them up, and when he looked at them he nearly threw up from the swirling in his darkened mind. Recognition flared, the strongest it's been yet, but yet again he couldn't place it.

He grabbed the pendants and let Ladybug lead him back to his residence. He couldn't hear anything and the bile was still coating his throat when he landed in his humongous bedroom.

The black swans were still clutched in his hands when he stumbled over to his bed, trying to figure out what he needed to do next.

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