Chapter 1

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All that existed was darkness. Thick inky black, for a long time. Or was it a short time? Time didn't exist here.

Then the darkness took form, and there was a boy. A beautiful blond boy with a golden demeanor.

What was his name?

He didn't know. He didn't know anything about himself other than this.

Then he saw a pair of beautiful golden-flecked brown eyes take form in the darkness. They were so oddly familiar, yet he couldn't place it.

He didn't know how long it took for time didn't exist, but eventually the round eyes faded and things began to take shape. Eventually he began to hear muttering from somewhere near him and then the light took over the darkness. He was conscious.

He didn't know if the groan was from him or someone else, but his throat was like sandpaper and he felt as if he hadn't moved in a long time.

"Adrien?" A high pitched voice gasped.

Was that his name?

His eyes fluttered open to reveal a pretty girl with dark blue hair and round inquisitive eyes. Her expression turned to one of pure joy when she realized he was awake, "Oh, Adrien, you're awake!" The girl shouted, throwing her arms around him but backing away when she saw how he flinched at the touch.

"Yeah... I'm awake," he rasped, surprised at how coarse his voice sounded. He sat up in the hospital bed, noticing the needles he was hooked up to and how they curled into a machine that was monitoring his vitals.

"Oh, mon chaton, I was so worried about you! Don't ever scare me like that again!"

He hoped the nickname would ring a bell, but his mind stubbornly stayed blank. "What... happened?" The question formed on his very raspy tongue and he knew there was much more to that question than he could ever know. He motioned for the cup of water at a table by his bed and the girl gave it to him. He had just enough to soothe his sandpaper throat before he set it down to listen to the girl.

"Adrien," her face twisted into a pained expression, "You nearly died. Hawkmoth... he nearly killed you. I saw your limp body in Nathalie's arms and I thought..." she trailed off, and by the way her eyes glossed over he knew. He decided he'd ask about whoever the heck this hawk dude and Nathalie were later.

The boy racked his brains to try to remember something, anything, but it stayed empty. Nothing seemed familiar.

He hoped he sounded as apologetic as he felt when he asked, "Who are you?"

The girl looked very confused for a moment, but then realization dawned on her. "You don't remember me?" She asked, trying to hide the pain from entering her voice.

"I'm sorry."

"What do you remember?"

"Nothing, I'm assuming my name is Adrien but that's all I know." He hoped saying his name aloud would trigger something, but the name felt unused and unfamiliar on his lips, like he had never said it before in his life.

The blue haired girl's eyes were filled with sadness and he wished he could help her. He wished he remembered being Adrien. The name still felt so foreign to him.

"Well since you don't remember me, my name is Marinette," the girl mumbled, her voice squeaking as she said it.

"Marinette," he said, trying it on for size. Still nothing. The name felt as unfamiliar as Adrien to him.

"I am, er, I mean I was your girlfriend," her cheeks turned red and she muttered so low he almost didn't hear her.

Now that Adrien knew this girl was supposedly his girlfriend, he got a better look at her and found that she was rather pretty, with her dark blue bangs and wide bluebell eyes, and a hint of freckles peppering the bridge of her nose.

"I miss you, Adr—" she ended her thought and she began to inspect something intensely. It took him a moment to realize it was his eyes. "Why are your eyes blue?"

"Your guess is better than mine, you're literally asking the person who's had amnesia," he scoffed.

"Maybe it was a side effect," she proclaimed, with much less surety than he would've liked. "Your eyes used to be green, but now they're ice blue."

Marinette's face paled and she looked away from him, "I'll go get the doctor, I guess," she mumbled, clearly upset over the fact he didn't remember anything. She looked back at him as she stood up and walked towards the door, giving him a very sad smile as she disappeared.

She left Adrien to his own thoughts as the door closed behind her. Questions rattled his mind as the hospital room seemed to close in on him.

Was Marinette telling the truth? Could he trust her?

Where was he?

Why did this happen to him?

The last one stumped him more than the others.

Who was he, really?

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