Chapter 3

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Adrien was alone, yet again. He wondered just how long he would have to sit there, waiting for the next person to come over. He didn't want to tell yet another person that he didn't remember them, the hurt in Marinette's eyes was enough.

Now that he was alone, however, he began to inspect the room. There was a TV off to the left corner and a table immediately to his right which had a half full glass of water. The thing that caught his eye was the little black box on the table that had red inscriptions which he didn't understand. So, being naturally curious, he picked up the box and opened it.

He shrieked and dropped it when a blur of green swirled out of it. This wasn't normal, was it?

A creature the size of his palm with features similar to a black cat appeared along with a silver ring which he put on. Why? He didn't know.

The creature yawned, "Oh, Adrien, I haven't had a slice of camembert in forever! It's time to pay up!"

"I had my memories erased," he blurted before the strange creature could say anything else.

The creatures's stark green eyes widened, "What?" it gasped, "So you don't remember me?"

"Nope," he looked away, not ready to do this again. If only he could go back in time and fix whatever he did wrong that caused him to get amnesia.

If only.

"Ok, so my name's Plagg and basically I give you powers so you can be a superhero and save Paris with your lovebug. All you need to say is—" Plagg was cut off by a loud emergency broadcast coming from the TV, which caused both of them to yelp.

The TV showed a scene of a teenage boy with prominent Asian features and silver-tipped bangs, but something wasn't right. His skin was stark white and glowing and he shot blinding light from his hands. Next to him stood a girl who looked extremely similar with the same dark hair with silver tips. Her skin was a normal color but her hands were aflame. Is this what went on in Paris?

The boy was angry, shooting light and everyone he saw while the girl lit things on fire. For a moment they stopped and some sort of purple symbol mask thing floated in front of their faces. They both muttered something and went back to destroying things.

The reporter began to speak and a girl in a red bodice with black spots who looked quite a bit like Marinette swung from a yo-yo. Adrien wasn't able to listen as Plagg had started to yell at him.

"Ok so we have a bit of an emergency! That glowing boy and the fire girl have been akumatized and you need to save them with Ladybug. All you need to say is 'claws out' and then—"

"Claws out?"

"NONONO I WASN'T DOOOOOONNNNNEEEE!" Plagg's voice drowned out as he swirled and disappeared into the ring he wore.


Within seconds he had transformed. He hadn't even seen himself at all yet, he didn't even know what he looked like. Naturally, he walked over to a mirror to see what had happened.

He was shocked with what he found. He was in a tight black bodysuit with a belt that functioned as a tail, complete with black cat ears and a mask. In his hand was a staff-like stick thing that he didn't remember having before. He looked at his face for a moment and found that he was quite handsome, if he didn't say so himself. His ice blue eyes felt almost out of place in the cat attire, but he had a well toned body and floofy blond hair which paired well with his handsome features.

He went back to the window, for he shouldn't waste his time staring at his own reflection when he should be trying to figure out how to be a superhero when he didn't remember anything.

The window slid open when he pried it. His recklessness kicked in when he jumped out, trusting his instincts.

All he knew was he had to try to save Paris. How? He didn't know. Where was he going? He didn't know, but he followed the flashes of light and fire. He just let his cat-like reflexes do the work as he swung his way through the city, secretly terrified of everything that had happened since he woke up.

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