Chapter Seven

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VALENTINA WAS UP AND EARLY BEFORE HER 8:30AM CLASS. This was obviously a stark contrast to her old school in Singapore at the Methodist Girls' School (MGS) that had her at school by her driver by 7AM sharp. Although, Strathallan School back in Scotland had more leniency; having their roll-call start at around 8AM. Even with that sense of lateness she had to wake up at 5AM. She had dorm-mates, and boy did she need to get to the shower real early before it got too chaotic. Her old habits did not have any effect or whatsoever, because overall, she's still so utterly jet lagged. She blames Araminta and Astrid with their calls for still making her body-clock Singaporean. So, thus there she was with zero sleep, awake at 5AM as it would've been 5PM back in her dear tropical paradise of Tyersall Park.

Valentina did decide however that rather than doing nothing, and wallowing in the darkness of her bedroom, she might as well do something rather more productive. With her being a martial artist, she did have a sense of athleticism that she would rather obtain; thus she decided to take a good run. New York did not have the same quality of environment as Singapore so she had to settle with entirety of Central Park — she could use some trees rather than the usual concrete jungle of Manhattan. Valentina then equipped herself with a running attire and her Ipod and ideally left a note for a sleeping pill induced Nick.

The absolute greatness of running was that she could do the most dangerous activity of the world while on the go; she was thinking. As she listened to some Phoenix — Entertainment could get you hyped by just the intro, Valentina swears — she thought about possibly almost everything she could. She thought about A-ma, and how in maybe a few years in time she maybe with her once again. She thought of Charlie Wu, and how he lost Astrid to a loser like Michael Teo. She thought of Nick, and how he had so much freedom for he was a man. Along with all that and all of the numbers and equations she'd encountered in her recent years, she thought about Imelda Kahn. The mere thought of her once friend gave her a sure heartache; it is a known fact that it is harder to go through a break-up with a best friend than a lover. She then thought of her big move to the Big Apple, and how it was all probably for the best.

Thinking was absolutely dangerous while running, because she did not even notice a six-foot figure colliding to her five-foot-four self. Valentina surely would've fell flat on her face if it wasn't for the strong arms of the blue-eyed boy.

"I'm so sorry!" Valentina didn't the person and who it was as she adjusted her Ipod and balanced herself. "I just kept on running and I didn't notice."

As an exasperated Valentina composed herself she finally noticed who she bumped into. Nathaniel Archibald himself.

"Well if it isn't Ms. Valentina Young." Howard Archibald smiled at the young heiress as she simply stood straight and smiled back. Simple courtesy. "I didn't expect to see you running here too."

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