"You want to come too? If not, I can drive you home..."

The girl parted her lips, cogitating for a second.

"Taehyung's right," she finally said, "The night is pretty over the Seine River."

And with that said, she started walking, Yoongi following her.

The sun was now gone, making place to a delicious night. The warm wind caressed Yoongi's face, tousling his hair and bringing a smell of freshly cut grass and the perfume of night flowers. The sky was a warm navy, stars made invisible because of the lights of the city. A perfect moon crescent, looking like a smile, was partly hidden under a thin layer of white fluffy clouds. People were strolling in the streets in groups of two or more, talking loudly and looking happy, holding hands and laughing. The streets felt full of vitality, young adults were running around in fancy clothing, eager to find a terrace to take a drink or a club to go dance. Smokers were discussing in front of restaurant entrances, the lit end of their cigarettes illuminating their faces.

A smile tugged on Yoongi's lips. The intensity of the city was making him feel invincible, like the world belonged to him and he didn't have a worry in the world.

The pianist walked faster to catch up with Victoria.

Taehyung was a little further down the street, running, in the right direction this time, and Hoseok was after him, screaming at the man to slow down.

Victoria laughed at the scene and Yoongi pushed his tongue inside his cheek.

This was it. This was his chance to talk to her and get to know her. However, his tongue felt like lead in his mouth. He didn't know what to say, or ask, or how to act, so he stayed silent and a little annoyed at himself for losing all of his means when she was around.

They slowly walked together in quiet ease, side by side, a couple of meters away from Taehyung and Hoseok. At least, the tension and the awkwardness were gone, and Yoongi knew that he could thank the wine for that. Victoria's reddened cheeks and her slightly woozy eyes were a clear indication that she was a few glasses away from being tipsy.

The girl suddenly yawned, closing her eyes and trying to hide it with her hand in front of her mouth.

"Sorry," she muttered, "didn't sleep much last night."

Yoongi bit his lower lip. There was his opening.

"How is that? Working late?" he asked.

"No... I was actually with my uncle, Jin. He taught me how to make dumplings."

Yoongi smiled at the thought of Victoria with her hair full of flour.

"Really! And was it a success?"

Victoria nodded.

"I think so... well it tasted pretty good to me, at least. Jin wasn't as satisfied as I was, but he is a perfectionist, so he's never really contented with anything."

She said the last phrase with a fond expression in her eyes.

"You seem to like him a lot," observed the pianist.

The Seine River could now be seen at the end of the street and Taehyung was trying to skip towards the water, Hoseok holding him back with his whole body, still clutching on the two bottles of wine.

"I do like him a lot! We are not related but he takes care of me like a real uncle would."

"He's not a part of your family?"

Victoria shook her head.

"My Dad went to law school in Paris with him. They became best buddies there and were even roommates for a while. Jin was friend with my mom and was the one who played match makers. He made her and my Dad meet at a party. So when I was born, they asked Jin to be my Godfather."

Sonata No.9 | MYG 🔞Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora