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I inhaled sharply, carefully thinking about my next words. Honestly, I must've looked ridiculous as I opened my mouth to speak a few times yet nothing escaped my lips. Johnny growled, throwing his hands in the air. "You're ridiculous! I can't FUCKING believe you-" A small groan from the man cut him off, who was quickly silenced by Johnny kicking his ribs and rendering him unconscious yet again. "I'm not done with you, so don't you DARE move." He picked up the body and glanced at me before heading into the basement.

Well fuck.

I stood still for a moment, trying to comprehend everything that he said. I mean— He's being a bit of a dick but he's doing it because he cares, right? Whatever, I guess when we get to the root of it I'm only doing this to save my own ass from Satan. I should probably work on this whole manipulation thing anyway 'cause I don't really feel like suffering for all of eternity.

After a few minutes of drowning out the screams that were nothing less than horrific from the basement, Johnny finally emerged. Before Johnny could even speak I spoke up without thinking. "You're right, I am being ridiculous. I'm sorry." He looked genuinely surprised at this but smiled nonetheless. "See! I knew you'd come around! This right here is why I'm so crazy about you!" God, talk about bipolar. He held out his good hand for me to take, which I took half-heartedly. When I stood up, we were standing uncomfortably close to one another.

"So..." I started, not really knowing what was going on. "Sooooo...." He copied, grabbing with of my arms, which I quickly swatted away. "If you keep using that arm then the wound with open and you'll die of sepsis." I lectured him, slightly shaking my head as I did so. I can't be rewarded by Satan is Johnny is fucking dead. Johnny, of course, frowned and wrapped his good arm around my waist, pulling me way closer to him. I gulped, awkwardly smiling shortly afterwards. "Isn't this great? Y'know, You and me being totally in love!" He cooed, his eyes half-lidded. "Yeah... In- In Love."

"I think that's actually the first time you've said you love me." He chuckled, his grip slightly tightening. "Pshhh, No way! I uh- love a whole bunch." I stumbled.

"Prove it."


"Prove that you love me 'a whole bunch.'" He quoted me, a shit-eating grin on his face. I shivered slightly. "Uhm, Alright then." And with acquiesce I leaned in and kissed him. It was revolting. When the short kiss broke I sighed with relief. "See?" Johnny's grin had morphed into an almost blissful smile. "God, Y/N. You're the only person that I'd willingly spend my time with and not try to murder- Well, aside from that one time."

My eyes widened as I tried to keep a content smile on my face. "Haha, yeah. Good memories that definitely weren't traumatic at all." I mumbled, somehow sliding away from Johnnys grasp. "No, they were deeply traumatic. I thought I'd lost you for good." He spoke in an almost robotic voice. "Right...Welp, I've had a long day so I'm gonna-" Johnny let out a small "Oh." before disappearing into a room for a moment and returning with a blanket. "Yeah, I kind of forgot that people sleep on purpose. I don't get it. It wastes time." He shrugged, causing me to look at him with a confused expression. "Sleep anywhere, but I swear to FUCK don't touch anything, okay?" I nodded. "I think I've got it." After turning off the static TV and setting myself up on the sofa, I mumbled a good night to nobody in particular before surprisingly falling asleep.

🖤Time Skip🖤

That night I didn't have any dreams but considering some of the stuff that I've seen then that's probably a good thing. I forced my eyes open and pushed myself into a stirring position, yawning as I did so. I glanced around with squinted eyes, noting that it was just as dreary as it always is. Lovely, Isn't it? Unusually, however, there was no trace of Johnny. "Must've gone out...great," I mumbled, annoyed that I have no idea where my clothes are.

I stood up, only to hear two voices who seemed to be bickering with one other. Baffled by this, I followed the sound of the voices into the room where the two Pillsbury Doughboys stood. I peeked into the room, muttering a low "What the fuck" as the styrofoam statues argued with each other. Almost as soon as I said this, they stopped and.....seemed to look at me. I gasped, quickly darting away from the room. For just a minute or so I stayed quiet, trying to hear them talking, but there was nothing. Thankfully, or unthankfully depending on the way you look at it, the front door swung open and Johnny came through it.

"Hey Y/N, you look like shit. What the fuck happened to you?" He asked blankly, shutting the door in burying his hands in his pockets. I rolled my eyes. "Geez, you really know how to make a girl feel good about herself," I joked. "And you know, just have auditory visual hallucinations, the usual." Johnny grinned. "Sounds fun."

"I wouldn't use 'fun' per se, but I can say where you're coming from," I replied sarcastically, slightly tilting my head. Johnny stood still for a second as if he was thinking about something before almost jumping into the air. "Oh, Fuck, RIGHT! I found your keys after you'd fallen asleep, but I didn't want to wake you or anything. You looked way too peaceful or something." Resisting the urge to fist bump the air, I smiled. "Thank fuck. Can I have my clothes too? I don't feel like constantly wearing yours."

It wasn't too long until I actually had all of my belongings. "Welp, Thanks for your hospitality, but I better be going." I pursed my lips, tightening my grip on my keys. Johnny frowned. "God, I wish I could spend every single second with you." He professed, wiping a fake tear from his eye. "Haha, yeah— But sadly life doesn't work that way." I shuffled awkwardly. "Uhm, bye." I said quickly before going out of the door.

To be honest, I couldn't get out of there quick enough. Once I had started to drive I started to relax more, only now realising how tense i was in his house. When I reached a red stoplight, I gripped the handle of the steering wheel tightly.

"How long am I supposed to keep that charade up for?"

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