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A dim light shone through the window, pulling me out of my slumber. I begrudgingly rubbed my eyes, groaning as I did so. When I opened them I saw that I was in my bed. "Was that just a dream?" I mumbled, recalling the events from last night before glancing at the smashed window. "Oh."

As usual, I pushed myself out of bed. I would've left the room if I didn't notice a piece of paper on the bedside table. I picked it up, straining my eyes to read the scribbled hand writing.

Dear Y/N,
                 You fell asleep before I left so I had to drag you to your bed. (sorry if I gave you brain damage.) Anyway, If you aren't dead by tonight then meet me at Lovers Peak at 10pm and DONT BE LATE. I have something that I want to show you

- Nny

Short and sweet, huh. Well, im not going to stick around and see what happens if I don't go. I glanced at my alarm clock, seeing that's it's currently around 3 pm. Guess I slept in. I folded up the letter, sitting it back down before I walked through into the living room. Might as well waste time since I've got 7 hours...

🖤Time Skip🖤

It had been a long day of waiting of anxiously waiting, but finally the hour struck. I had been waiting at the cliff that overlooked the city for around 5 minutes now, sitting on the hood of my car as I did so. Thankfully, I didn't have to wait any longer as the lanky man showed up. We exchanged pleasantries before getting into my car. As I had no clue where we were going Johnny had to give me directions, but other than that the car ride was silent.

I pulled into a rather unpleasant neighbourhood, not really somewhere where you would want to raise a kid anyway. Much to my dismay, Johnny had told me to mark in front of what seemed to be a crack house with the number '777' plastered next to the door.

We both left the car, and I followed him up to the door which had a surprising amount of locks on it. "Welcome to my humble abode." Johnny grinned after unlocking the door, Holding the door open for me. I thanked him, walking into the shabby looking house. "Very minimalistic." I mumbled to myself, though I'm sure Johnny heard it.

The house was cold, probably colder than the outside. It smelled musty and somewhat metallic which I can only assume is blood, which wouldn't be surprising as there was small splotches of it everywhere. The floor was solid concrete and the drywall of the walls was breaking off. My gut told me that this place was definitely not safe which I agreed with, but running would probably be just as fatal. I mean, the guy that owns the house literally stalks me and he knows where I work AND live.

Johnny walked over to me, tightly grabbing both of my wrists and snapping me out of my train of thought. "Okay, Y/N. I'm about to show you something very important so you're going to have to promise me to not fucking run away, you hear me?" I quickly nodded, and almost immediately he let go, giving me a smile, "Good! Now follow me."

Johnny started walking down a set of stairs, and I quickly followed. He lead me through multiple rooms, hallways and even more stairs before finally stopping in a room which smelled more metallic than any other room. The room wasn't too big, but the vibe that it gave off was worse than what it was in any other room. One off the walls was dripping in a red substance which I'm pretty sure is blood.

"You see that wall?" I glanced at Johnny, "I have to keep it wet. I don't want to know what'll happen when it gets dry. I can hear whatever is on the other side speaking to me, and it's driving me fucking insane!"  He almost shouted his words, but I knew from the tone of voice that he genuinely believed what he was saying. Johnny grabbed the sides of his head, he looked like he was in pain. "H-Hey man, are you alright? You look-" he cut me off. "Oh yeah, I'm fine. Let's go get a brain freezy." He perked up, like nothing ever happened. I won't question it, I'm not in the mood to die today.

After trekking our way through his basement again we finally made it to the ground floor. As we walked outside I grabbed my car keys from my back pocked, but I was stopped. "No, lets walk." He said sternly. "Woa- Uhm, Okay then." I stuffed the keys back begrudgingly back into my pocket.

"So... The rent on your house must be high. That basement is huge." I stated, Not wanting the walk to be too awkward. "I don't pay rent. The house was abandoned so I moved in." He said matter-of-factly, obviously not wanting to talk about himself. I think I just made the walk more awkward. After thinking for a minute or so, I finally came up with another way to start a conversation. "Um- Thanks for taking be to bed last night. You really didn't have to, and thankfully I didn't get brain damage." I chuckled at the last bit, recalling the letter. He looked over at me, a small tint of red on his cheeks, "O-Oh, No problem I guess. You didn't look too comfortable on the sofa so I thought I should save you the back pain." It was at times like these where you could almost forget that he was a mass murderer. Almost.

After another round of smalltalk, we arrived at the 24/7. Stepping inside was like a blast from the past. "I haven't been in one of these in years. I would always hang around them with my friends, It was great." I said to myself, gazing at the linoleum isles. Johnny instinctively walked over to the Brain Freezy machine, grabbing two cups and filling them up. Thank god it wasn't two yet as Johnny really seemed excited to get the cold drink.

I wasn't really paying attention to Johnny as he wasn't doing much anyway, I was too busy looking at the various selection of chips and candy before eventually settling on F/S. I walked over to the man behind the counter, handing him the snack. He didn't seem to interested in his job, as he lazily scanned the F/S. "Ugh, that'll be like $1.50 or whatever." He groaned, not even looking at me. I frowned handing him the money. Johnny must've took notice of this as he strutted over and placed the two brain freezes down.

"Who the FUCK do you think you are?" Johnny spat, leaning over the counter. The cashier looked at him, "Woah man, I don't want any trouble." Johnny reached into his back pocket, pulling out a knife. How the fuck did that fit in there. Out of a sense of self preservation I stepped back, not wanting to get involved.

"All you dickwads are the same. You'll all die the same, too."

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