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I burst open the door to my house, stumbling in before rushing into the bathroom. I sloppily held my H/L hair out of my face as I kneeled down next to the toiled, involuntarily vomiting into it. Everything was just too much, you can only suppress so much. After a minute or so of staying in that position and a few tears escaping my eyes, I got up.

I hastily checked that the door was locked before heading into the kitchen. I sighed, opening a cupboard and pulling out a half empty bottle of vodka. I hadn't touched any alcohol in over a year, so I stared at the bottle in my hands for what seemed like hours, contemplating wether I should go back to my old habits. Eventually, something in my brain won the debate and I opened the bottle and let the drink run down my throat. The taste was horrible, and it felt as if it was burning my insides, but it'll take the pain away eventually.

I think I should be allowed this more than anyone else right now. I mean, I was killed by my boyfriend who is an unstable, murderous freak of human nature and then I meet the literal Devil himself and I'm told that my only reason for existence is to subside said boyfriends behaviour who killed me in the first place. My life is going just fucking great, so aren't I allowed to numb myself. After a few more swigs of the vodka, I screwed the lad back on and sat it on the kitchen counter.

I lazily laughed to myself, suddenly thinking of something. "I probably look like absolute shit." I made my way back into the bathroom, looking into the mirror as I got there. I actually looked alive! Well- not the alive that I looked before I died, like my skin actually had colour and the bags under my eyes were more or less gone. I gave a brittle smile to my reflection before ripping off the band aid that lay on my neck, hissing as I did so.

It wasn't long before I had found myself in the bathtub, soaking my skin in the hot, yet relaxing, bubbly water. I think I'd been needing this as it almost took my mind off of everything, and my nerves had been slightly calmed, but a small part of my mind was still racing. What would've happened if my Mother hadn't had killed herself? Would I even be in this stupid city in the first place? Would I have met Johnny? If I did, Would he have killed me?

"That's enough of that" I thought to myself out loud, pushing myself out of the water. I grabbed the towel, wrapping it around my frame as I pulled the plug. Consequently, I was freezing so I rushed to put pyjamas on and dry my hair. Before I was ready, I guess I didn't realise how tired I actually was, so I decided that it was time to sleep.....




A loud ringing woke me up, and it didn't help that I had a slight headache due to the previous drinking. I groggily looked over to my alarm clock, thinking that it was waking me up, but it was 4:08AM. It took my dazed self to realise that the ringing was the phone. I dragged myself out of bed and into the living room, before annoyingly answering the phone. "Hello?" I croaked.

"Hey, Y/N. It's me, NNY! Remember, your boyfriend."

"...how could I forget...? Anyway, it's 4AM, what do you want, and how did you get my number?!"

"How I got your number isn't important right now, and I would've called earlier but I was kind of busy-"

A faint, yet loud scream interrupted him, and he seemed to have leaned away from the phone and shouted violently at whoever was screaming.

"Sorry about that. Fucking idiot didn't know any manners. AS I WAS SAYING, Since our last sort of 'date' kind of ended with you dying I was wondering if you wanted to try it again tonight..?"

"......So you call me at 4AM to ask me on a date.....? Fine, whatever. What have you got in mind? I don't really care what is is as long as you don't try to murder me again."

"Geez, You're still hung up on that? It was 2 weeks ago, get over it.....Oh, right, I was thinking a movie or something. Since you don't seem to care I'll just meet you there, Bye."

He hung up, leaving me slightly stunned for a minute. He didn't even tell me what time to go at. I muttered a small "Why am I surprised?" Under my breath as I put the phone down. I should probably go to sleep as apparently I've not been to work in 2 weeks. A girl has to make money.

🖤Time skip🖤

I groaned, walking into work with my head down. I did not get as much sleep as I wanted, but I guess I'll just have to deal with it. My thinking was cut short as someone called my name. "Y/N!" Said the voice. It was definitely Mr. Harred. He appeared in front of me, his usual concerned look on his face. "Where where you? I was so worried." He said almost frantically. I looked at him for a moment. "Well if you were that worried then why didn't you call?" I remarked, not meaning to sound as mean as I did.

"The storm cut all of the phone lines, but they're fixed now. How did you not know that?" He inquired, his eyebrows furrowed. "Why don't we go into my office and have a little chat?" I shook my head. "Later, but right now I just want to take my mind off of things." I uttered, walking away from him.

The day was slow, hell, it was only lunch. Swallowing my pride, I made my way to Mr. Harred's office and told him everything from Johnny strangling me to being send back to Earth by Señor Diablo. Although I could tell that he didn't believe a word I was saying, he still politely listened. When I finished, He nodded with a sigh. "Y/N, sweetheart, I've raised you since you were little and you're like a daughter to me but this is the most concerned I've ever been about you. Come home, just for tonight. Everyone misses you." He said wearily. "I can't..... ive got a date tonight-"

I was cut off when the door was burst open. Oh god, it was Charlene. Charlene was a coworker, but she was a bit- well, let me explain. She was your average woman in her 40's that acted as if she was 18. Her skin was a dark orange from fake tan and her hair was bleach blonde. Oh Jesus, I'm fucked. "Did I hear someone say a date?!?!" She squealed, bouncing up and down. "I-Uh. Yeah- I'm going on a date tonight." I immediately mentally slapped myself. She pulled me out of the chair and hugged me. "Oh, I can't believe this. Our little Y/N is growing up!!" She said as if she was crying. I pulled myself away. "I'm 25, I've been on dates before........some better than others.

She gasped, "You just have to let me help you get ready! Mr. Harred, can I take sweet little Y/N here to get ready for her date? We're running out of time to get her ready by just standing here!" She said wayyyy to enthusiastically. I looked at Mr. Harred, my facial expression basically pleading him to stop her. "Oh, Alright then. You girls head off, I'll get someone to cover your shifts." I slumped my shoulders in defeat, mentally preparing myself for what's to come. She almost screamed. "Oh, Thankyouthankyouthankyou! Well pumpkin, time to go to the mall!" She shrieked, dragging me outside of the building and into her car.

The whole ordeal felt like an eternity with Charlene talking my ear off the entire time. After a shopping montage of her making me try on the most dreadful dresses, I finally settled on a black dress that went down to my mid-thigh. I don't even know why we wanted my to dress up, it's Johnny we're talking about, he won't fucking care, not to mention it's a MOVIE date. After she took me to her house and did my makeup and hair, which may I add surprisingly wasn't actually terrible, she smiled at me as if she was a proud mother. "Oh, darling, you just look so BEAUTIFUL!" She wiped a fake tear from her eyes. "Oh— uh, thanks."

"You just have to let me take a picture so I can show my husband and the boys!" Before I could even answer she already had a camera in her hand and had snapped my photo. I just can't with this woman. As I blinked away the flash that almost blinded me, she loudly gasped. "You're going to be late, Let's hurry!" She, once again, dragged me into her car. The movie theatre wasn't too far away, but with Charlene.....You get the picture.

By the time we got there it was dark and it had started to lightly rain. "Well sweetie, there you are. I hope you have a WONDERFUL time." I have a smile and quickly exited the car. I looked up at the bright neon lights said that "Movie Theatre" illuminating the rain. It looked beautiful. I breathed out, before heading to the front doors.

"Oh god, I can't believe I'm doing this."

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