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I hugged my arms, cold from the rain. As I walked though the door my eyes scanned the theatre. The carpet was reminiscent of one from an arcade with its neon and black colours. Being a weekday the theatre wasn't too busy, although there were a few teens that probably snuck out to hang out with their friends. God, how I wish that was me. I wasn't standing for too long as my maniacal boyfriend snuck up behind me.

"HI Y/N!" He said loudly, scaring the shit out of me. I whipped my body around, and almost let out a sigh of relief. "Holy fuck, don't do that." I headed, planning my hand over my heart. Johnny smiled, "What? That was hilarious- Wait, you look different..." He scratched his head, scanning my figure. "Yeah, I look wacky, right? My coworker dressed me up like this. Honestly, it's ridiculous." I slightly shook my head. Almost immediately after saying this, Johnny grabbed my arms.

"Wacky?! You're not fucking wacky! I can show you wacky!" Without me even saying a word, he marched over to the closest group of teenagers. "Hey, YOU!" He screamed, making them turn around.......What happened next was not pretty. I shouldn't go into detail but there was a lot of blood, screaming, stomping and a whole lot of people evacuating the area. Although outwardly I didn't react, I've learned to internalise everything and I was actually freaking the fuck out... oh god, here comes the cold sweat.

When Johnny was finished, he walked over to me as if nothing happened. "See? That's what wacky looks like. You look nice." He grinned as he wiped the blood on his hands on his jeans. "Oh-Yeah. Uhm, Th- hmm-, Thanks?" I stuttered, cursing to myself for it. Thankfully, Johnny didn't realise how nervous I actually was and just continued the conversation. "Well, shall we?"

I hummed in response as we went to the front desk, but for obvious reasons nobody was there. "Hm, Guess nobody is on shift. Oh well." Yeah, I wonder why. He jumped over the desk and grabbed 2 tickets. "Can you do that?" I questioned, arching an eyebrow to which he just shrugged. "Well I'm going to pay so it's not stealing." He said nonchalantly, hopping back over the desk and placing a few dollars of the table. As we started walking to the screening room, A question came to mind. "How do you have money? Do you even have a job?" Johnny shrugged. "Let's just say I get stuff done." He said, and I left it at that.

Inside the screening room there were a few people that obviously didn't hear the previous commotion. Without much fuss, we found our seats that were near the back and sat down. "What're we watching anyways?" I asked, glancing at him. Johnny smirked. "The curse of Micheal Myers. I'm actually not a big fan of horrors, but it could be...interesting." I deadpanned. "So you took me to see a movie literally called Halloween.......Two weeks after Halloween?" I silently shouted, though it would have been louder if we weren't in a movie theatre. "Well I couldn't have took you on Halloween, you were kind of busy being dead." He clarified. "Yeah, thanks for that...dipshit." I groaned, whispering the last part which he didn't hear. "What was that?" I shrugged it off. "Nothing."

Nothing too interesting happened during the movie itself. Although some parts were scary, I've learned to internalise everything. Sadly, some of my fear did skip through and I found myself clinging to Johnny, but I almost immediately let go when I caught myself doing it. The movie itself? It was terrible and confusing. Definitely not one of my favourites.

We started to walk out of the building "That was a terrible movie, right?" I laughed, thinking back to some of the cheesy parts of it. "Yeah, too much fucking cult stuff. Not my thing." He pursed his lips, opening the door for me. I gave a small thank you, and as soon as I went outside the cold air nipped at my skin. I hugged my bare arms, slightly shivering. "At least it's stopped raining." I sighed, looking up at the now clear sky. "Don't you have your car?" Johnny pondered, raising an eyebrow. I shook my head.

"No. I had to leave it at work because of my coworker, Charlene. Honestly, she's nice but she doesn't think." I remarked, looking at him. "I'll walk you home then. You don't know what kind of weirdos are up at this hour." I stifled a laugh. Ironic coming from him. As we walked I subconsciously walked close to Johnny because of how freezing it was. Johnny, however, payed no mind to this so I barely even noticed.

"What's it like being dead?" Johnny blurted out from seemingly nowhere. "Well I- it's kind of hard to explain. I guess if you went to heaven you aren't supposed to have urges of any kind, but I just kind of felt number than usual." I shrugged. "It was all so confusing. When I went to hell it was more empty than I would've thought."
As I explained it more, Johnny just kept nodding. "Sounds fun!" He grinned, cutting me off mid sentence. "Yeah.....Fun is not the word I'd use to describe it. It felt more like College to me."

"Wait- You went to fucking College!? And how the hell did you pay for that? No offence." He had stopped walking, so because I'm so polite I did too. "I think it was a trust fund by my grandparents. I don't know, I've never met them." I frowned. "But hey, the past is the past, can't change that. Especially high school." A chill ran up my spine.

"You always fucking talk about high school but you don't talk about it. WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED IN HIGHSCHOOL?" He shouted, but I quickly told him to shush.

"Eehhhh, Y'know, high school drama.....Fine. There was this girl/boy I was friends with and I guess I liked her/him? I don't know man. Well I had the great idea of stealing her/his girl/boyfriend so that they gets jealous and wants to go out with me. Flawless logic, right? Yeaahhhhh, It didn't work. I mean I went out with their girl/boyfriend for a while but I broke up with him. That's also why I skipped prom. I mean I was kinda popular but I didn't want to be voted Prom Queen and get Carrie'd." He blinked for a few seconds.

"What the FUCK-" I cut him off. "Hey, I never said that I was a perfect human. I have regrets, and that's one of them." I huffed. "Besides, I'm better now. I've technically not had a boyfriend in like 5 years and I'm not going around being a slut." I shut myself up. Why should I feel the need to explain the actions of me from like 8 years ago to him?!

I started to walk again, and after a moment he caught up to me. "Fine, Do Whatever the fuck you want! You seriously don't have to be a bitch about it." He scoffed. I knew fine well that he was a murderer but he was making my blood boil. "Oh, you're one to talk Mr. I think I'm better than everybody else so I kill innocent people just to justify my own existence. Get over yourself, because I'm not in the fucking mood do do it for you." It was extremely evident that he was getting pissed and struggling to not act on his emotions.

"I'm home anyway. I hope you stop acting like a fucking child for the next time we speak."

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