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After a few minutes of constant sobbing and sniffing I pulled myself away from Johnny. "I'm sorry, I'm a mess. I should just go home." I muttered, wiping my stinging red eyes. He nodded hesitantly. "I don't think you're a mess, we all have our moments, right?" He chuckled, stepping away from me. "Guess so." I said solemnly, standing up. I patted my pockets for my keys before loudly gasping. They weren't there. "What?" Johnny asked bluntly, placing a hand on my shoulder. "I can't find my keys, and what have I told you about that arm?"

Johnny grunted but nonetheless stayed silent. "It's fine, I'll just get someone to pick me up." I mumbled, grabbing my phone from my pocket. Devi, of course, said no as "There was no way she was going to that shithole again." Which I don't blame her. Tenna doesn't drive and I don't have any money for a Taxi. I pinched the bridge of my nose after my many failed attempts of trying to persuade Devi to pick me up. "Ugh, I'll just walk!" I remarked. "Yeah, there's no fucking way that I'll let you go out in your state. Weirdos and creeps might try to harass you."

I glanced at him with an unamused look. Yeah, I'm fucking traumatised from killing F/N and I'm in no mental state to do anything as I keep repressing everything, but there's no way I'm staying here. "I'm a big girl, I can handle myself. Besides, we're on a break so you shouldn't care what I do." I responded, crossing my arms to emphasise my point. Johnny clenched a fist but stayed calm. "Oh, come on Y/N, you don't have to act tough in front of me. I know what fear looks like and it's painted on your face like a picture." He pointed at me. "Plus, to make me sound like less of a freak I still do really care about you. People out there are sick and will try to corrupt you but that's why I'm here! If I stop caring then you'll just turn out like the rest of them and-" He chuckled. "You know what I do to them."

I stared at him for a moment, almost frozen in some relative of fear. "Okay, point taken. I'll stay, but only until the morning, okay? These clothes are disgusting enough and I don't want to amplify that." I gestured to my blood stained clothes. Johnny shrugged. "I'm not a fucking lunatic, I have I washing machine! You can just wear my clothes if you want. They'll probably fit." Although Johnny looks like a matchstick and his clothes are pretty form fitting, I suppose they're loose enough. "Fine, whatever. You can't shout at me if I stretch anything though."

🖤Time skip🖤

I have to admit, Johnny's shirts are pretty comfy. I wasn't wearing anything fancy, just a T-Shirt and shorts but it was better than most thing that I own. After dumping my bloodied outfit into the washing machine I collapsed onto the sofa. If I wasn't so emotionally damaged then I could fall asleep. Johnny, who hadn't seen me after changing, sat next to me. He glanced at me and mumbled something under his breath. I hummed in curiosity but he waved it off. "Nothing. It doesn't matter." Trusting my gut, I decided not to push it.

I grabbed the remote for the TV and began to flick through the whole 3 channels on it. At least my TV had cable. I settled on some cooking show that was on and glued my eyes to the screen, trying to distract myself from everything. Being late November, if course the lady on the show was doing some trashy version of a Turkey. I rested my head on my hand and sighed. Out of the blue Johnny stood up, causing me to look at him. "I'll be out doing...stuff." He said ominously. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do." He then proceeded to walk out of the door.

Johnny leaving really left me alone with my thoughts, and although the lady in the TV was talking I couldn't hear her over my own internal voice. What I could hear, however, were the distant screams of everyone down in the basement. Should I help them? Well they are innocent people.....But how should I know that. I mean, What if they're the most horrible people on the planet and they're just repaying their sins. The world isn't black and white, and hell, even Satan said Johnny is doing this for a reason......But Satan said that so why should I believe him. I shook those thoughts out of my head at coincidentally the same time that the door swung open.

Behind the door of course was Johnny, but he was heaving and unconscious man behind him. Ignoring that I decided to speak. "That was quick" I whipped, sitting upright. Johnny glanced at me strangely. "I've been gone for like 5 hours. It's night." I sniggered, thinking it was some sort of sick joke. "Seriously man, you were gone for like 2 minutes." Johnny kicked the body inside before holding the door open wider. "I swear to fucking god! Have you been doing drugs?! Just look outside like a fucking rational person and see for yourself!"

I frowned, walking up to the door and looking up. He wasn't ducking kidding. "What the fuck..." I whispered to myself, furrowing my brows in confusion. Johnny eerily laughed. "Maybe you're finally going insane!" I shook my head, trying to rationalise it. "No No, I probably just fell asleep or something and didn't realise it." Johnny closed the door, snorting. "There's no way in HELL that you fell asleep on that thing." He laughed, gesturing to the sofa. "Plus, I've seen you when you just woke up and you don't look like that at ALL!" I hugged my own body and frowned. "I'm not crazy, okay! I'm just a normal person who's deeply traumatised my her past. Yeah, that's it."

Johnny started to drag the body towards the basement. "I've been through EXACTLY what you have and I know for a FACT that you're fucking BAT SHIT INSANE! You're probably SO INSANE that you don't even realise it!" I turned away from him, trying to ignore his words. "Stop it. It's not funny."

"Oh come ON."

"I said stop!"

"Oh please, I'm helping you out here!"

"You're making me worse. Why are you doing this?"

"You FUCKING KNOW that I'm doing this because I LOVE YOU, Y/N!"

Aberration (JTHM x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz