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I slammed the front door of my house, not meaning to close it as hard as I did. I slid down the door, sighing as I did so. I'm so fucked, aren't I. After a few moments of having a slight mental breakdown I started to see the positive side of this. I mean, I'm terrified of this guy but I stood up to him! Maybe he'll get the hint that although I agreed to be in a relationship with him that I'm not at all interested......Who am I kidding? The guy believes what we wants to believe.

That night I don't think I really slept at all, partly due to the fact that the cheap ass makeup wouldn't come off so I had to scrub my face like a motherfucker. I did eventually doze off on the sofa while watching TV, but I was awoken by the sun shining through the window. God dammit. I rubbed my eye, reluctantly peeling myself from the sofa. I staggered into my room, and to my surprise I was almost late for work! I quickly got dressed and rushed out of the door, completely skipping breakfast.

After having a Taxi driver that had very bad road rage due to rush hour drive me to work, I finally arrived, and I was only like a minute late. That's probably a record. People usually don't miss me at work anyway. I'm only there in case someone wants extra information on a painting, which they barely care enough about it to even ask. I made my way to the break room, only one thing on my mind.

When I got there, I took a piece of bread which, thank god was there, and popped it into the toaster. You see, the break room always had a few necessities, so I could at least have toast. After it was sufficiently browned, I covered it with butter/jam/ect and savoured every last bite.

Most of the day after that went relatively normal- well, until...... I was doing my rounds of the museum, Y'know, helping the occasional person out, talking to coworkers that I don't like, stuff that's boring. As I walked down a certain hallway my heart almost stopped. Guess what fucker was looking at the paintings? He knew full well that I worked here so I was fucking pissed that he decided to show up.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I said angrily, storming up to him. Johnny whipped around, a smile plastered on his face like usual. "Oh, heyyyyyy Y/N. Didn't expect to see you here." He chuckled in a sarcastic tone. I scoffed. "Cut the shit, Johnny. Just answer the damn question."

Johnny groaned. "Welllllll, I WAS going to apologise for last night, but-" I shushed him. "Shhhh. The walls here have ears. Can we just talk about the date later?" Before Johnny replied there was an ear shattering squeal. Of course, it just had to be Charlene. Her heals clicked as she ran over to me, hugging me tightly from behind when she did.

"Oh Y/N, Darling! Is this your little boyfriend that I've heard all about!" She said excitedly, Glancing at Johnny. He look extremely uncomfortable. "Yes, And I've literally not said anything about him." I muttered, praying myself from the woman's grasp. She clasped her hands, placing them on her cheek. "You two look so......perfect for eachother." She said almost insultingly.

"No offence Charlene, but we were kind of in the middle of something." I glared at here, gesturing between Johnny and I. She waved her hand at me, giggling. "Oh Sweetie, You won't even notice that I'm here!" Although this was annoying I knew nothing could be done about here. I turned back to Johnny who had clenched his jaw. "We'll talk about this later." I said in a monotone voice before walking off.

🖤Time skip🖤

Finally I had finished my first full day of work in a long time. I walked down the stairs of the gallery, patting down my jeans as I did so. When I reached the bottom I pulled out my keys and scanned the parking lot for my car. When I found it and got inside I quickly turned the key and turned on the heating. I glanced at the fuel meter that was almost at empty. I sighed, knowing that the only gas station that I'll make it to on time is the creepy one near the bad side of time. Oh gee, how lucky am I!

It was a short drive, and I had managed to fill up my car and pay for it without any problem. When I was walking back to my car I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. When I glanced at it I realised it was a person. The guy was dressed eerily similar to Johnny but he looked goofy. Fuckin weirdo. I shook my head, walking back to my car. Of course though, he had started to walk towards me. I slumped my shoulders, being sick of all of this bullshit that I had to put up with.

When he was close enough to at least have a conversation with he spoke. "Hey!" He said as if we'd been friends for years. "Hello..?" I said almost hesitantly, arching am eyebrow. "Sorry to be rude, but who the fuck are you?" The man stared at me for a moment before answering. "I'm Jimmy, but I suppose you won't need to know that!" He said, trying to be threatening but failing.

"Hey man, I really don't have time for this so can you just wrap it up?" I asked, really not taking him seriously. It was just then that I noticed that he had a hand behind his back. When I looked at it he smiled, revealing a previously concealed knife. "You're gonna listen to me, ya' hear that?" He said overconfidently, pointing the weapon at me. Sorry, I'm not getting killed by a dweeb. I rolled my eyes, but was caught off guard when I heard the all too familiar voice of Johnny shouting.

"HEY, FREAKSHOW. GET AWAY FROM Y/N BEFORE I RIP YOUR FUCKING GUTS OUT!" He screamed, almost running up from behind me. Jimmy gasped. He looked awestruck. "Holy shit, Johnny! You're like, my id-" before he could finish however, Johnny had pulled out his own knife and tried to stab Jimmy with it.

After a fight that I wasn't to interested in, Jimmy ran away. I glanced at Johnny and widened my eyes when I saw a large gash on his arm. "Holy shit, man. You're gonna bleed out!" I exclaimed. "C'mon, let's go somewhere so you don't fucking die. "Johnny looked confused. "I thought you hated me or something." He faltered. "I don't know if you've noticed but I'm not you. I don't kill people. Besides, I can't hate you if you die. Now hurry up and get in the goddamn car!"

After a small argument in the car about where to go, we came to the conclusion that Johnny's house was the closest. After a short fringe that consisted of my shouting at him to keep his arm raised above his head and to apply pressure to the wound we made it. When we got out the car Johnny finally admitted something. "Yeah, I actually don't have anything in my house for wounds. We'll have to go to Squee's."

"What- the kids? Fine, whatever. Are his parents in. Johnny shook his head, and so we walked through his house and went through the door. While I headed into the bathroom to get a bandage and probably disinfectant, Johnny headed into Squee's room. After a minute of my looking though the medicine cabinet, I found the bandages and bactine. I went into the room which Johnny had previously went into, and I saw Johnny showing the wound to a terrified kid who was probably only 6 or so.

"Johnny, stop that!" I groaned, walking over to him and grabbing his arm. Johnny sighed. "God, Y/N. I was just teaching Squee!" He defend himself. Due to this, I poured the bactine on without warning. Johnny hissed, and tried to retract his arm which I was luckily holding onto. I rolled my eyes, wrapping the wound in bandages and tying them.

I "tsk'd" at Johnny before turning to Squee. "Sorry for that. I'm Y/N, by the way." He squeezed his teddy bear before squeaking out a small "Todd." Which I assumed was his real name. "Well Todd, it's nice to meet you." I glanced at the bear. "Who's your little friend?" I smiled softly. "Th- That's Shmee!" He said louder, obviously become more comfortable around me.

After talking to Todd for a while and the occasional input of a bored Johnny, I tucked him into bed. He had actually asked me to stay with him as he was terrified of the monsters. "Yeah, I'll stay." I yawned, sitting on the floor next to Johnny. I got comfortable and unconsciously leaned my head on his shoulder. "Goodnight."

After sleeping up for god knows how long, I was woken up from the bang of that I presumed was the front door. I quickly woke Johnny up, who was actually surprised to be sleeping. Footsteps could be heard approaching the room. I grabbed his unharmed arm and pulled him into a closet. A drunk man crashed through the door woke Squee up by shouting profanities at him. The man, who I quickly learned was his dad, repeated over and over again that Todd ruined his life and he wished he was never born.

I glanced at Johnny and we both nodded. We both jumped out of the closed, Johnny rushing to the man while I rushed to Todd. Johnny knocked him out, but didn't kill him due to "Squee needing a father figure." I scooped the kid into my arms, patting his back as tears poured out of his eyes.

"Everything's okay now, Todd. Everything is okay."

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