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The air was crisp, and although it was the afternoon I could see my breath as I breathed. Johnny and I were on a small hill close to the outskirts of the city as it was far too busy, (and I wasn't in the mood for Johnny to kill someone), both of us lying on the grass and gazing into the cloudy sky just chatting about general things. If you haven't picked up on it already it was the mid 90's, so grassy areas outside of cities wasn't uncommon.

At this moment of time I wasn't scared of Johnny, I was just trying to ignore the fact that he's a serial killer and just pretending he's a deranged crackhead or something. Nevertheless, he was a surprisingly good person to converse with. "I miss my brother." I breathed out, my hands crossed over my chest. "Well, He isn't my biological brother. He's Mr. Harred's son but I guess he is since we grew up together." Johnny hummed. "Go see him then. I mean what's stopping you?" I side glanced at him and noticed that he had turned to face me, so I did the same to him. "I don't know- well, the last time I saw him was last Christmas and I wasn't exactly the nicest person to him.... Well, I've never really been the nicest person to anyone."

Johnny was silent for a moment. "You've been nice to me. Don't think that I don't notice that at times you're scared shitless of me, but even still you accepted my feelings for you. That's the nicest thing that anyone has ever done to me." There was a smile on his face, but not his usual psychotic one, this smile was genuine. I looked back up to the sky. "Yeah, it's a crazy world that we live in" I chuckled. There was a comfortable silence for a moment, but my mind got the better of me. "Sometimes I just wish for a way to escape it all. I mean the drugs never work and theres.....Y'know, I would never do that." Johnny sat up, "Why not? God knows I've tried to do it."

I frowned. "I haven't told you about my parents yet, have I? Quick story is my dad was in debt due to his addictions and disappeared and my Mom had me when she was 16 so she offed herself. Typical stuff, but I don't want to turn into a reflection of them. I never really met them anyway but they still had a big impact on my life. I'm not exactly in my best mental state if you haven't noticed. Johnny stared down at me and my face turned a bright red out of embarrassment. "Sorry, I tend to ramble."

I sat up next to him, gazing off into the city. From far away it looked calm but when you get close it has a lot going on....Kinda poetic if you think about it. "You should open up more- Hell, even if you don't you seem like you need SOME sort of release." Johnny stressed, and although his voice was loud you could tell it came from a place of genuine concern. "Like what?" He shrugged. "Hm. I don't know, Maybe try drawing or something. It worked for me, and since you don't exactly seem enthralled with the whole killing thing I think you should give it a try." I thought for a moment, "Maybe I will, though I'm not that good at painting. Pretty ironic, huh?"

After a few more minutes of talking, we decided to go home. My car was parked about 10 minutes away, so we continued our chat. "Y'know, I write a comic. S'called Happy Noodle Boy. It's pretty popular with the homeless insane." He said with an eccentric manor. "Sounds very- um. Very interesting. I'll have to read that some time." Johnny laughed. "Oh, let me tell you, it's VERY interesting." I took notice that he was starting to melt away from his previously calmer tone and was. With my hands shoved into the pockets of my jeans, I started to look around, trying to distract myself from the looming sense of dread.

In a tree that was not too far ahead of us I had seen a squirrel. I quietly watched it run across the branches of the trees, almost mesmerised by it. Johnny ;who had obviously took notice of my watching the squirrel and was now watching it too; spoke up. "I always wanted a squirrel, but I don't think I'd get another pet." "Why's that?" I mumbled, barely loud enough for him to hear as I continued looking at the rodent. "Two years ago I got a rabbit but I guess I accidentally nailed it to a wall and it died." Oh yeah, I hate it when that accidentally happens. I hummed in response as we passed the tree, now not knowing where else to look but the ground.

🖤Time skip🖤

Somehow, Johnny had convinced me to go back to his place. Maybe it was the fact that he was slowly unhinging and my fear of him was rising again, but that's besides the point. I sat on the sofa in his sparsely decorated living room, trying to ignore the reeking stench of the now unfortunately all too familiar metallic smell. Before Johnny could return from the kitchen where he was grabbing me a glass of water, I thought about all of my life choices that had lead me to dating a serial killer. Oh god, how I wish this was some teenage girls really crappy fanfic, but of course life is never that easy.

I sighed in irritation. How long does it take to get a fucking glass of water? Well, now that I start thinking about it I never heard the clinking of any glasses or the sound of water pouring. The looming dread that I had felt earlier was amplified by 100 and the cold sweat that I had become acquainted with returned. As if on cue, I heard Johnny's footsteps, but I didn't dare look over to him. Instead he walked over to me with a deranged smile on his face, and sat next to me. He still didn't have the water, for fucks sake.

"Y/NNNNN~ Why the FUCK aren't you looking at me? Did I do something bad?" He barked, chilling me to my bones. At least the Johnny from earlier didn't act this irrationally. "Oh- I- Uhm- Sorry!" I stammered, quickly turning to face him. His hands were fidgeting in a somewhat inhuman way and his pupils seemed smaller than they should, although this could be because his eyes were open wide and bloodshot.

In that moment, all you could hear was his loud breathing before he did something that besides my better judgement, I thought he wouldn't do. Johnny C, my own boyfriend, had lunges towards me, grabbing onto my neck and pushing down on my windpipe. I let out a gurgled sound as I tried to push him off of me but it was no use. If this had happened to Devi she could've fought him off like she did before, but I'm not her. I frantically tried to kick and punch him but he didn't react. My head quickly grew heavy and sore and my energy started to run out. My eyes involuntary shut and before I went completely completely unconscious, he said words that I'd never forget.

"Sorry, princess. You had this coming for you."

Aberration (JTHM x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum