Chapter 5.4

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Your eyes begin to slowly open up with the thought, and you look up to notice a white ceiling that nearly blinded your sight.
You got up from the bed you were layed on, and notice the white, soft blankets, and the large window that set view to Konoha.

"...The Hospital..."
You quickly remembered the reason to why you were there, and sighted. You struggled a little, but you managed to slip out of the bed. Your clothes were nowhere in sight, so you decided to simply get out of your hospital room wearing the t-shirt and pants they'd dressed you on.

No one was out in the hallway at the time. You deduced it was probably lunch time by now, also taking into account the position of the Sun at the moment.

'Kakashi-sensei was in a much worse condition than I was before, so he's probably in the hospital as well. If he's not, I'll die of embarrassment.'
You thought to yourself.

You peek through the small windows on the doors of the hospital room, and soon enough, find the one your sensei was in.

As you entered the room, you noticed Sasuke sleeping soundly on a bed next to Kakashi's.

'...Fair enough. At least he's alive.'

You inspect the two from a distance, and noticed that your sensei seemed to actually have ended up with a worse condition than Sasuke did.

You wodered, if like in the original plot... Itahi Uchiha was killed by Sasuke. You had to wait to find that out, though. But the thought made you feel anxious.

You sat down on a chair that stood between the two beds, and glance over to your teacher. He wasn't wearing his mask, but the bed covers compensated by being lifted up to his nose. You chuckled at the sight.

His hand as well, was above the covers, resting beside him.

For a moment, you thought about taking it.

"...Where were you?"

You jump at the sound of Sasuke's voice, and turn to him only to notice him sitting up on his bed.

You look down to your own feet.

"I'm sorry... I was foolish and was taken away in my sleep. The kidnappers said that they put up a smoke bomb to keep you all from waking up..." You answered, reluctantly.

You could hear a dry chuckle coming from the raven-haired boy's direction, as if he meant to say 'at least you know of what you've done'.

You look up to him and notice how easily he sat up on the bed, making you sight in relief.

"You and Sakura...?" You asked.

"...Sakura was fine, she treated most of our injuries on the way back. You're the only one who was still unconscious." At his words, your gaze stumbled back to the ground with a slight depression.
"...Do you know what happened?"

You look at Sasuke wearing a puzzled expression, and he simply adverts his gaze in response.

"...Never mind, then."

You both stay quiet for a while, as you thought about his words' meaning.

You got up from your seat and walked closer to Sasuke, leaning over to look at his eyes. Perhaps, just perhaps, he'd uncovered his mangekyo already. And you wanted to know. For the best future of all the shinobi, if Sasuke did awaken it, then things would really take a turn for the better during the upcoming ninja war.

As he looked back into your gaze, you could almost feel that he knew of your intentions. As if he could read you like a book.
Seeing this, you felt releaved, as if he'd given you a confirmation to your thoughts, and you smile, lifting your hands up in defeat.

"Regardless, I'm glad you're all okay."

Sasuke simply stares at you for a while, probably trying to figure out wether to smile back at you or to simply snort, but you then notice his gaze looking further behind you.
Your heart suddenly squeezes tighter, and you look behind you, fighting back an even wider smile as you saw your sensei's opened eyes.

"You're awake, Kakashi-sensei." You state with a soft tone. He moves his gaze up to you, not moving his face so as to not let the bed sheets slip away from it.

"You two seem to be full of energy already..." You simply smile in response.

"You two will probably need to rest for a little while longer, but I'm fine already." You say.
In return, Kakashi doesn't say a word to you, turning your smile into a slightly wry one.

But soon enough, Sakura came into the room along with Naruto, her eyes rounding up once she saw you.

"I see you're all awake already... but [Y/N], are you sure you're alright to be up already? You slept for three days straight." Sakura stated, as she came closer to measure the temperature in your forehead.

"Three whole days? But I feel just fine, really." You respond.

"If after some few last tests you're proven to be really fine, you'll be discharged then, I guess." Said Sakura, as she placed a small plate with rabbit-like cut apples in a small table between Sasuke and Kakashi. You stared intently at Sasuke. Hopefully, in this world at least, he wouldn't crush the apples with his feet.

Your gaze then went onto Naruto's direction, and you noticed a worried expression as he glanced over to you. You raised a brow and walked a little closer to him.

"And you, Naruto, are you okay? Is something wrong?" At your words, Naruto let out a small gasp, waving his hands in the air abruptly.

"N-No, no! It's all just fine!"

"...It is?"

"A-Anyway, let's get going, [Y/N]-chan! Let me run those tests real quick for you!" Sakura stuttered, leading you out of the room.

You simply shrugged in response, not noticing everyone's suspicion over your condition.



Hey everyone, i hope you're all enjoying this story! The next part is going to be the last one from the 5th chapter, and I decided to make it through Kakashi's POV.
Thank you all for reading, and I hope you'll still continue to do so... ><

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