Chapter 2.2

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"So then, since I was late, let's begin today's training already." Kakashi-sensei states, lifting only his eye to look at you all.


"All you have to do, is snatch these bells from me." Kakashi-sensei states, holding up three bells in front of him.
"I want to see how much you've all improved these past few years... you have until noon."

As soon as your sensei finishes his sentence, he vanishes, as if to give you all some time to plan things out with each other.

"So, teamwork?" You ask, as if trying to remind them of the only natural solution to the question you were presented with. Sakura smiles at you, nodding, and Naruro fistbumps the air screaming "Y'know it!", whilst Sasuke simply hums in response.

"What's the plan?" Sakura asks.

"The usual: we'll have the decoys and bounty hunters. Now who's what, we need to decide." You answer back.

"Well, Naruto's decoy for sure." Sasuke states, as you and Sakura nod in agreement.

"Hey! I want to be a hunter, y'know?!" Naruto reclaims.

"You can make another 500 hundred decoys and more if you wanted. You're the perfect decoy, Naruto." Sakura retorts.

"I call Sakura for a hunter." You state.

"I call Sasuke for decoy, then!" Naruto calls out, recieving a glare from Sasuke in return.

"Then we're all set. Whenever Naruto and Sasuke team up, you're invincible. The skies' the limit! Let's get to it, then!" You say, clasping your hands together.

Sakura's smile widens, and all of you jump into seperate directions, your traces vanishing behind you.


When Naruto managed to find your sensei, as planed, he sent an explosive kunai in his direction, which by detoning, the rest of you would be able to tell where Kakashi-sensei was.

By the time you got there, multiple Narutos were already charging towards Kakashi, and you simply stood on a tree branch, silently awaiting for your opportunity. Sasuke came into sight, and with Naruto, you could see a little more far off, the two of them preparing to weild their special teamwork move: the cloned shuriken. You could already notice Sakura on the other end of the field, also preparing herself to charge towards you sensei when the time was right, and in front of you, was your sensei, who easily dodged Naruto's shadow clones, without even having to look away from his precious book.

You could still use this to your own advantage: in the original plot, Naruto and Sakura were the only ones going up against your teacher in this challenge, and Naruto won by pretending to spoil the ending of Kakashi's precious book to him; for he spent so much time with the pervy sage, he knew what he'd written for the grand finalle.

As you studied Kakashi, you noticed his sharingan was out in sight already, and for a moment, you shuddered, for he seemed to have looked straight at you...
If he found out where you stood, now that certainly wasn't a good thing.

'Might as well.'
You think to yourself, as you bite your thumb and begin your summoning, calling out to your beast. A wolf appears on the ground below your tree, and so another decoy makes its way towards your sensei.

"...He seems busy enough." You mutter, as you look at your summoned and all the other Narutos, along with the special 'shuriken' that made its way towards your sensei.

As soon as Kakashi moves to the side to dodge both the shuriken and your wolf at once, you and Sakura charge in, Sakura being dodged from, and you, clashing against your sensei, both with a kunai in hand. You both exchange a few clashes before, whilst dodging an attack, you bend down to reach for the bells swinging on Kakashi's belt.
He dodges your hand and grabs it, before he swings you above his shoulder, making you land on your back on the ground.

You quickly lifted yourself back up, noticing Sasuke and Naruto both trying to reach for the bells at the same time, bumping against each other (ouch), and Sakura, whose fist broke the ground into blocks of dirt, and dissipated into a whole on the grassy floors.

You stare at the scene for a moment before running into the forest, hoping for the best. Soon enough, your sensei appears from behind you and makes you fall against a tree by grabbing you from your shoulders.
'I guess I'll be turning the hunter into the decoy.'
You thought.

"Running away, [Y/N]?" Kakashi asks you, his smile dark enough to scare a child away. You look up at him with a wide smirk on your face in response.

"...You know sensei, I've been meaning to tell you something as of late..." You begin, noticing his expression turning into one of a sudden interest.
"Lately, you've been telling us a lot about how your books are so amazing, but also how we're too young to read them, so we shouldn't even try to understand why, yet. Well, curiosity killed the cat, and so I gave it a try anyway." You smirk, as you notice your sensei's face begin to contour into one of surprise.
"I got hooked. I read all of the volumes in one go. Including the latest release." You state. "And you know what? Truly, you were right: at the end of the last book, I found it so interesting how the main character--"

"Don't spoil it!" Kakashi screams in horror, but his sharingan was still looking straight to your lips, reading them. You got what you wanted. He backed away slightly, but you still proceeded to make up and ending for his beloved story.

When you finish your act, you stand up straight on your ground, and smiled widely towards your sensei that your eyes closed in delight. He uncovered his ears and looked straight at you, and a smile could be heard through his tone:
"Sly... you got me."

You look up to see Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke each holding up a bell, both Sakura and Naruto wearing a grin on their faces (and you swore you could almost see a small smirk forming on Sasuke's lips).

"Gotta read in between the lines, right, Kakashi-sensei?" Naruto smiles.

"[Y/N]'s wolf came to warn us to follow you two when she ran further into the trees." Sakura explained.

"We got the idea of her plan when we arrived and heard your conversation." Sasuke added.

"Well... it's your win, before noon, no less." Your sensei stated. You couldn't help but feel proud and happy with the results.

"Well, I learned this trick from a wise man..."
'Rather, a wise boy named Naruto'.
You thought to yourself.

"I mean, we aren't the same kids we were when you met us after all, Kakashi-sensei." Sakura beams, wearing a playful smirk on her lips.


As everyone walked out of the training grounds, heading towards Ichiraku's ramen shop for some lunch, Kakashi turns over to you, earning your attention.

"That was a great strategy you made up there, [Y/N]."

"...Thanks, but like I said, it wasn't exactly my idea." You chuckle in response.



"...Does it really end that way...?" Kakashi asks, making you laugh aloud with delight.

"I wouldn't know...? I never actually tried to read a single one of those books you enjoy so much, sensei. And to say the least, I truly don't intend to anytime soon. Don't worry, you'll get to spoil the ending for me before I can to you, Kakashi-sensei."

Your sensei stays silent for a moment without giving you a response, as you laugh softly at the adorableness you found Hatake Kakashi to have.

You end up moving ahead of him to join the rest of your team on their bickering and goofing around, not noticing the gaze Kakashi sent your way.
Perhaps unnoticeably, you'd just found yourself letting and unknown flare of heat fly to the ground, which would soon grow into a small flame.

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