See You Again...

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This was another request from my sister Pickford67. So thank you!

For the sake of this story George never met Kenny, I love Kenny don't get me wrong but for the story I had to get rid of him.

BF/N means 'Best Friends Name'.


I'm sitting in a local Starbucks with my good friend BF/N, we were sitting talking about life and about our careers.

I'm a singer and part time model and actress, BF/N is a designer we've known eachother for about 20 years at this point.

"... so I got these front row tickets for a concert... and I want you to come with me,'s on Saturday." BF/N tells me, she seems slightly hesitant but I ignore it for the time being.

"Yeah sure, Ive got nothing on. Who is it, someone good?"

This is when she averts her gaze the table. "Erm... yes? It's.. erm.. a George Michael concert."

I freeze. Oh god.. "Then I'm not going. No, I'm sorry I've tried to avoid him for so long, no! What if he recognizes me! I can't!"

She rolls her eyes. "I knew you'd be like this! Look he won't see you! There will be masses of people, and besides you rattle on at me how much you'd like to see him again! Well nows your chance, I'm not asking you to talk to him, just come to the concert, please Y/N!"

Now, I know your probably confused at why I don't just go. But here's the thing, me and George knew eachother when we were kids, we got together in 1980, we got famous, in 1984 we gave eachother promise rings to prove our dedication to eachother, everything was fine, great even. George even proposed in 1993. Then, 1997 happened when George's mom died then he went on a downwards spiral, he got wreckless and spent less time with me and used his fame to sleep with anyone he could. I can understand he was trying to get rid of the pain but I couldn't watch him slowly ruin his life and fall out of love with me, so one day we got into a argument and I left, both of saying things we regret. He's tried to reach out to me in the past but I can't watch him do it again.

Flashback 1997

"You can't do this forever Georgios! It's going to kill you!"

George rolled his eyes. "Oh come on! Stop being so fucking dramatic! I'm fine!"

"Yes now! But what about a year? Two? Where will you be then!!? Stop it! I'm trying to help you!" I shout at him, trying to get him to see reason.

"Well a great job your doing!" He says sarcastically.

I scoff. "I'm sorry if I don't know what to do George! I may not be doing the greatest job in the world, but I'm trying! If you'd just tell me what to do!"

"You don't get it do you? My mum's dead, I'm never going to see her again! Nothing you can do will make me feel better!"

I lower my voice, so I'm speaking in a civilized tone. "I'm not giving up on you. We promised we'd be there for eachother through everything when you proposed to me, and that's exactly what I'm doing."

George's shakes his head. "You can't be there for me, because you don't understand."

I walk over to the Greek and hold his hand in mine. "You know I do, my mother died too remember? I know exactly how this feels."

𝗚𝗲𝗼𝗿𝗴𝗲 𝗠𝗶𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗲𝗹 𝗜𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀 🤍Where stories live. Discover now