Leud Acts

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So, here i am driving down to the Beverly Hills Police Department to pick up my boyfriend George Michael.

He'd got into trouble for 'Engaging in leud acts'. Why? I intend to find that out. I was used to his antics from knowing him since we were 12, but this was a first really, police? I mean.. wow.

I pulled up to the police department and lock up my car, as soon as I open the door an officer is there to greet me.

"I'm assuming your here for Georgios?"

"Yes, where is he?"

"He's in a holding cell, I'll go and get him." The officer then turned and left. I took a seat and looked around. Nice place... well, y'know for a police station.
Soon, the officer returned with George who if I'm honest looked worse for wear, he had slight bags under his eyes, and was slightly swaying as he walked.

"What happened to you?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

"I may be slightly hungover..." was the reply I got. I roll my eyes at the mans response.

"When can we leave?" I ask.

"Well, this will have repercussions, but for now your free to go."

I raise an eyebrow. "What kind of repercussions? Jail?"

The officer shakes his head. "No, this will be a warning, however community service will have to be completed"

"Right, thank you." I smile to the man. Then I turn to George "Right, Mr have some explaining to do."

Right after George collects his belongings we left and got into the car. When he sits down and puts on his seatbelt he begins to explain. Sort of.
"Soooo...." he dragged.

"Yes, so. Please tell me what the fuck actually happened?" I say lightly amused.
George looks at me. "Your not angry? Like at all?"

I once again roll my eyes. "No, what's there to be angry about? Okay. You may have got into a game of 'Ill show you mine, you show me yours' with an undercover police officer and then got arrested in a lovely park may I say, and taken into a beautiful police station, yeah, I'm completely pissed." I chuckle.

"Huh." Was all I got in reply.

"So, tell me, what lead up to the incident."

"Well, I did tell you I was going out for a drink." I nod, in recognition.
"I may or may not have had a few more than one. Say, 6 or 7? So, I was quite pissed if I'm honest, and I went into the bathroom for the normal purpose and he came in and began to unzip his trousers, and then begins doing some things, and me not thinking straight, copies him, then as soon as I start he pull out his handcuffs and takes me to his car... I was entrapped, I swear, I feel so awful." He pauses and looks directly at me.
"I'm not saying it was entirely him, but I wasn't looking for anything or anyone, I wouldn't do that to you, you do know that don't you?"

Some people may consider this cheating, but I don't, I understand I suppose, George has had a rough couple of years really, so I don't blame him entirely.

"Of course I do. George, what's done is done. Just be thankful it's only community service. Any idea what your going to do?"

He stays silent for a moment and looks out the window. "I could work for that food place, Project Angel food, for the AIDS victims, work in the kitchens or something. I already do stuff for them don't I? In honour of Freddie and Anselmo. So, I would enjoy that more."

"Good idea. Yeah, I agree."

George turns back to me. "Do you think this will get out?"

"What? The arrest you mean?"

𝗚𝗲𝗼𝗿𝗴𝗲 𝗠𝗶𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗲𝗹 𝗜𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀 🤍Where stories live. Discover now