Band Aid

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This is just a shortish little something I decided to write for Christmas, it isn't the best thing I've ever written and when I edit this book in the near future I will add to it but I wanted to update this for Christmas in honour of George which at the time of writing it's been 4 years since he passed.

So; although not my best... enjoy it regardless 😊



"George, do you mind?"

"Huh? What?" He asks turning to face me from the passenger seat of the car.

"Stop with the tapping" I laughed referring to the consistent nail tapping the man was doing on the inside of the door of the car.

George went a slight shade of red "Shit, sorry. Nervous"

Today was the recording of the Christmas charity single 'Do They Know It's Christmas?' which George was partaking in, he was slightly nervous because of this- there were many amazing singers there and he felt like he didn't deserve to be amongst them which was complete bollocks because he was one of the best singer there, if not the best.

But trying to tell George that and have him believe me was a difficult task as his self confidence wasn't the highest which may surprise a lot of people but George was a really insecure person especially about his voice.

We had a few friends there, especially Boy George, the second George in my life- I met him by chance a few years ago while walking down the street, he walked into me and we got talking and became fast friends leading to my George also striking a strong friendship with the man.

We had called him Butterfly or Chameleon, more recently, as nicknames because of his colourful personality and clothes, it also helped when I spoke too the two George's it was easier to talk to them giving one a nickname.

"Why are you nervous? Your amazing"

"Suppose" he sighed looking out of the window, I lightly patted him on the thigh.

"Hey, your incredible and you know it, Georgios"

A small worked onto his lips "Do I?"

"Yes. Your a talented fucker" I grinned leaning over and kissing his cheek briefly, George smiled lightly.

"Glad to know you think so highly of me"

"I always think highly of you, and that's good before you complain"

George rolled his eyes "I wasn't going to complain for your information"

"Well, you complain about everything I've ever complemented you on"

The Greek scoffs "I don't know why I bother if I'm honest- your never going to stop are you?"

"No" I laughed as we pulled up a couple of hundred feet away from the studio where the single was being recorded- there were a lot of press here actually but what do you expect when so many famous singers gather in one place?

George got out of the car first and came around to my side of the car and opened the car door helping me out wrapping an arm around my waist as we began our walk into the studio, the press called George and I's name as we passed and he sent them a wave as not to be rude before we headed up the small staircase into the building to be immediately approached by Bob Geldof who shook George's hand "George, alright? How's things?"

𝗚𝗲𝗼𝗿𝗴𝗲 𝗠𝗶𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗲𝗹 𝗜𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀 🤍Where stories live. Discover now