Living For You

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This has been a tough few months, I mean George almost died which almost killed me. Just watching him come so close to death scared the living shit out of me.

Everyday while he was in hospital I was by his side, praying for him to wake up, sobbing asking why god was so cruel. I thought George couldn't hear me, but it turned out he heard every word. So that made some entertaining conversation afterwards.

It's not like I'd confessed my love for him or anything- I did that years ago. He was everything to me I couldn't lose him, and luckily I didn't.

If one good thing came from the entire incident it was the song 'White Light', the single was an amazing track George recorded a few months back. It meant a lot to me, as the song was based on George fighting to cling to life and included some of the things I told him when he was unconscious. It was symbolic and was a promise of sorts that no matter what we'd always be with eachother no matter what gets in our way.

So they brings us to today, where we are on set for the music video to accompany the single. Because of my romantic involvement with George, he instantly cast me as the female lead in the music video and I didn't exactly say no.

"What's cookin' good lookin'" George spoke from behind me as I was applying eyeliner. I laughed at his cheesy comment "Could you be anymore uncool?"

George shrugged. "Yes, if you'd like me to be"

"Please, god no"

The man chuckled. "You'd miss it if I wasn't here"

My face became solemn for a second remembering how true that statement would have been if events would have been different and this didn't go unnoticed. "I'm alright y'know... look at me!" George smiles.

"I know, but you were so close to d- well, not being alright"

"But I am. So, stop worrying because I don't plan on dying for a long time"

"You can't choose when to die, George"

"Yes, I know. But.... don't ruin the sentiment" His arms wrap around my torso as he speaks, which makes applying eyeliner more difficult than it already is, it's already as hard as diffusing a bomb.

"I'll try not to"

"I love you..."

I lean back into the Greeks chest. "Love you too"

A knock then sounds from the door so the two of us turn and look to whoever was there. "Sorry, your needed on set"

"Alright, thank you" I smile, while pulling out of George's embrace and I begin walking to the dressing room door. "Coming, Mr Michael?"

"Nah, you know I don't fancy it" he whined cheekily. I roll my eyes, walk over to grab his sleeve- dragging him out the room.

Once we leave the room and navigate our way to the main set I'm dragged away first over to the director who talks me through what I have to do, which is as George put it to 'Stand infront of a wind machine and look fucking sexy' which I could do, seems as I've made a career out of it.
Obviously, being 46- I gave up proper modelling about 10 years ago, but I still do it for fun because if I'm being honest it is a good laugh.

I'm handed a massive furry coat by the costumer. George never mentioned that...

Don't get me wrong, it's not ugly- just not my style.. but I've worn worse things, or nothing at all.
I grabbed the coat and placed it over my shoulders before walking over to my spot. It was then George reappeared a smirk on his face- in reply I send him a middle finger... god I look ridiculous.

Director boy gave me a countdown and the music began to play- all my best poses were pulled.. what? I've missed it.
Okay, most women in their late 40's wouldn't feel comfortable doing this, but I haven't exactly had any cosmetic surgery. I believe the term is that I've aged well. I've never had high self confidence, but modelling did help with heightening it slightly.

We must have done this for about 30 minutes. Before you ask, no it wasn't my choice I think most of the men in the room got distracted.... i saw George consistently check me out... so yeah, I still got it.

Eventually, the Director got the shots he wanted, so his attention moved over to George, both shots were being done on the same set- not much had to be changed for his shots, just the lighting.

All today was was getting out solo parts filmed, all group dancing shots were being done tomorrow, this video was going to have gorgeous cinematography I can guarantee it.
Like he did with me, I made sure to check George out for the entire shoot. He looked great in black.

Thirst then struck me (not not like that), I would kill for a glass of water so I went in search of one which wasn't too difficult as there was a table with a few bottles filled with the clear liquid. I picked one up and placed it against my lips savouring it. Sometimes I forget how nice water is...

"Boo!" Someone then shouted behind me causing the water to go down the wrong way, I began violently choking, the person didn't even make a move to help me, all I heard was hysterical laughing and I'd know it anywhere.

"G-eor-gios-s!" I exclaim, still coughing like a madwoman. After a couple of seconds finally, I manage to breathe again, no thanks to Mr Wham! next to me. "That wasn't funny!" I chuckle lightly.

George raises an eyebrow. "It kinda was though..."

"Your gonna kill me doing that one day"

"Damn, you've seen through my cunning plan" he grins.

"Piss off" The moment I say this George wraps his arms around me from behind resting his head on my shoulder sighing softly.

"You do know this songs for you? Your the only reason I kept fighting, my life isn't worth living if your not in it."

My heart sped up at the words, my love for this man shouldn't be legal. He meant it and I know that which made it even more special.

George then continued "So....your the only one I could think of who is capable of filling the starring role in this video, aside from me of course..."

"Modest as always, Georgios" I deadpan.

"Yep. Would you change anything though, really?"

I shake my head. "Nope, your perfect"

"The same could be said about you"

A hum came from my throat. "True, but it wouldn't be true"

"Yes it would, anyone who doesn't think it doesn't deserve to be on this planet" The man whispers, love coating every word.

"You don't deserve to be on this planet"

George scoffed. "Wow, here I am being nice, while your insulting me" I knew he was joking but I corrected my wording either way.

"No! That wasn't what I meant and you know it. I meant, your too good for this world... especially to good for me, that's for sure"

"That's bullshit. Your amazing, and I'm so glad I met you, trust me when I say I wouldn't be here without you I would have lost my mind many years ago....your priceless to me"

Tears welled in my eyes at his tone and words, the really was too good to me. I swear he's a fallen angel- it wouldn't shock me if some huge white wings emerge from his back one of the days. "You have no idea how much I love you, Georgios Panayiotou"

"Yes. Yes I do, I've never felt more loved with anyone than with you"

"The feelings mutual"

No matter what life threw at us we'd always be together, we'd got through the losses through the press, through everything. And we will be together until the end.
Hello! Sorry I haven't updated this book in forever, I've been focused on my other books but hopefully I'll update more!

Hope you enjoyed it!

Much love ❤️

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