"Mother, father." Izumi skipped towards us as we entered the scene, which consisted of a large table in the middle of the room, covered in plates of different kinds of delicacies from around the Fire Nation. "Are you guys doing alright?"

"We're fine, you worry too much about us." I giggled as i gave my daughter a hug, then grinned out of happiness as my grandson approached us from the other end of the room.

"Hi grandma, and grandpa." Iroh attempted to shake our hands, but Zuko and i instantly pulled him into a group hug and squeezed him until his feet were up in the air and barely touching the ground.

"Iroh, i wish we could see you more often!" I confessed as i let go of him, then began to feel like i was on cloud nine as i saw my family and realized they were clearly doing well and everyone looked healthy, which was all i ever wanted.

"Don't let the food get cold!" The chef stepped out of the kitchen for a split second and warned us, then made his way back in and left me and my family alone as the palace guard began to walk back towards the lounge, whistling as he left our sight completely.

"Let's dig in!" Zuko proposed, then the four of us took our seats and sat around the table and began to fill our bowls up with some soup to start off with.

"I just want to take a moment to thank the spirits for bringing all of us here together for this lovely dinner. Nothing makes me happier than being with my own family." I raised a glass, making a toast as everyone copied. "I pray for everyone's health and safety, and may we all continue to live a long and wonderful life together."

"That was beautiful, Motoko." Zuko complimented my prayer, then clunk his glass against mine. "Here, here!"

"Well said, mother. I apologize for being so busy, but this is exactly what i needed to get my mind off of a few things." Izumi let out a breath of relaxation as she began to fill up her second plate with fire noodles.

"Do you need anything, mom? I can stick around and help you out for a bit. I don't necessarily need to leave right away." Iroh offered generously, making Zuko and i let out an 'awe' as we witnessed how much he cares for his mother.

"Oh, it's nothing too bad. I know things have been a little more difficult for everyone ever since your father passed away, especially me... but i need you to continue your duties as general of the United Forces. You've already been a big help, my son."

"Iroh, i've heard you really excell at your job. What's the best part of being a general?" I curiously wondered as Zuko reached over me and grabbed a tube of salt.

"You know grandma, being at sea is actually really fun and relaxing. I love traveling the world, and just being there for people who need me is a great feeling to experience." Iroh explained after he swallowed a piece of his bread, making a smile form onto my face.

"Darling, are you sure you're alright?" Zuko gathered Izumi's attention. "Your husband's demise wasn't that long ago, and-."

"Seriously, i'm okay. If i didn't have you guys, i'd say otherwise." Izumi reassured us, then began to chew her food rather quickly.

"You know, i always thought that you and Bumi-." I began, but was interrupted as Zuko placed his hand over my mouth, silencing me.

"Mom, i don't need to repeat myself. You already know that story. I've always been a lot more mature than him, and he hasn't changed one bit since we were kids. Please, let it go."

"I'm sorry, i was getting ahead of myself for a minute there."

"I can't help but agree." Iroh added, gaining everyone's attention. "Bumi is a great commander and taught me well, but he's a wild man and it's hard to keep up with someone like that. I can't imagine mom settling down with him again. I do miss my dad, however."

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