Kiba one shot ~ Werewolf

Start from the beginning

The girls were all glaring at Hinata.

"What's wrong?" I asked finally catching up to them on the dance floor.

"I-I'm s-sorry." She stuttered she looked like she was going to burst into tears and cry.

"What were you thinking!" Snapped Temari she looked pissed. "Shikamaru nd i are dating and I didn't even make that mistake! Is your crush worth more than the emotions of your hurt best friend!"

Hinata actually did start to cry at that one.

Temari and Hinata never got along well, what with Hinata being a bit of a cry baby and nervous wreck and Temari being the sharp tongued fiery up front tough girl she was. In all honesty I think they tolerated each other because of me.

"What's wrong what happened?" I asked worried.

Sakura and Ino quickly filled me in. Apparently Hinata had cracked and ended up telling Naruto where we'd all be tonight after he hinted he might try to come if she told him.

"Dammit." Cursed Tenten. "I'll bet you anything the others out him up to it."

"I can promise you that." I sighed rubbing my temples "my cousins not all to bright when it comes to girls crushes he knows absolutely nothing about it while everybody else knows. They used him to get the information. Geez."

Hinata was in tears as she apologized. I gave her a tight smile, I couldn't deny she got on my nerves quite often when it comes to stuff like this but I was patient. "It's ok Hinata I understand."

Temari didn't look satisfied but I knew she'd lay off she didn't purposefully make people cry nor did she enjoy people crying around her.

"Let's just dance alright?" The others nodded and we slowly got into the beat. After a few minutes We had found a group of shinobi Tenten knew from old missions. They were cute maybe a year younger and a few maybe a year older but it was fun dancing with them and stuff. One of them especially was fun to dance with. He kept giving me drinks too, as time went on I was really beginning to feel the alcohol burning through me.

"You are absolutely beautiful seriously your stunning." He said as we danced.

"Thanks handsome." I laughed barely able to keep my balance as we grinded against one another.

"Thanks baby doll but I can't lie we all know your the main attraction in that sexy little outfit." For some reason his words caused me a sense of unease as did the feeling of his hands on my hips. It didn't change when I changed partners for a moment either dancing intimately with any guy made me feel scared and threatened and for some reason made me think of him.

"Here have another drink." I felt uneasy and tried to refuse but he insisted forcing it into my hands. The song picked up and he grinded against me as I finished off my drink. My stomach was tying itself into knots.

"Look I think I'm going to go find my friends."

"Relax babe come on!" Laughed the guy squeezing me to his chest. "Just relax and enjoy yourself it's halloween besides what's wrong with enjoying yourself?" But why did it feel so horribly wrong. I couldn't balance myself anymore I had to rely on him in any case just to remain upright my balance was shot. I didn't like this i was scared this was wrong this was so wrong! I was terrified and my friends were no where in sight. I didn't feel right I needed to leave I needed to get out i I couldn't move.

I found myself thinking Id even rather he found me than stay here right now. The guys hands trailed over my hips to my thighs I tried to push his hand away but he just chuckled and told me to relax again.

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