That right minute, Shu felt all his hope draining away. His vision was swarming with black spot and he could feel he is loosing his consciousness at each second. "No you won't" A voice yelled. Shu looked at the side to see Daigo. Adam looked at him with a passive face. He's not even trying to break away from the embrace and it was the only thing keeping Shu standing straight. Daigo stared firmly at Adam. "Trust me, you won't"

Adam smirked looking over Shu's shoulder. "Oh really? You don't know about me. I'm ecstatic now"

"Trust me Adam, when your mind get cleared you would regret this. You would feel like the whole world crushing upon you. Brothers are a treasure. I know from experience, my little brother is the most precious person in this world to me. I used to be rude to him too" He said surprising everyone cause as far as everyone knew Daigo adores his little brother. "It's true. When he was first born, I felt all the attention going to him. He has a bright personality unlike me he cheered everyone up. I envied the attention he get, so" He stopped as if it was hurting to recall his memories. 

"So I did many things to hurt him. I took every single chance I can to hurt him. But when he fell ill....I realized how much important to me he is. I regret every single thing, I should've been more nicer to him. You don't realize the worth of someone until they die or get into trouble. Trust me when I say this Adam it hurt like hell. I don't want to doing the same thing. Come back"

Everyone was speechless after Daigo's confession. "Daigo" Valt whispered placing a hand on his friend's shoulder. Daigo just gave him a small smile. 

Red Eye gripped on his axe trying to figure out what's going on inside Adam's mind. But Adam himself didn't knew what to do. His mind went haywire racking through every single memory of himself and his brother. He felt Shu's hands go limp around him almost falling back but unintentionally Adam caught him and lowered both of them to the ground. He stared at his brother's deathly pale face. The gash on his stomach was getting larger at each moment. His clothes were soaked with blood. A tear slipped down his face and fell into Shu's. Shu gingerly opened his eyes sitting down letting out a painful yelp.

 "C-come b-back p-please"

Adam's mind was clear now. Every memory where he fought with his brother swarmed inside his mind. He realized that in every battle he played an important part not as a sidekick but as the faithful partner who stood shoulder to shoulder by his brother's side. His eyes widen in horror as he realized he almost killed his brother no... Shu is dying. Rage took the most of his sanity. Part of him to himself and the other against Red Eye. "I'm sorry" He sobbed repeating the words over and over. "Please please please forgive me Shu"

Red Eye groaned. The fire walls around the gang started to get hazy. Red Eye was starting to get frustrated which harmed his concentration of his own fire. Lui took his chance and iced all the area with a wink of an eye. Red Eye spun around glaring at them then he smirked. "None of you would hurt me, you little faithful pawns don't want to hurt your dying prince more now do you?"

"But I can" Adam said dangerously from getting up. The dagger in his hand, he looked at Christina and did a silent pleading from his eyes. 'save him'. Christina quickly understood as she rushed to Christina with Kurtz and Sisco rushing to him with her. "I'll kill you"

Red Eye did not look even slightly scared. He only smirked. "I like to see you try"

Adam charged at him. Red Eye did not even try to dodge properly as Adam's dagger went across his arm making gash across his arm. Red Eye winced. "Ouch" He said still smiling. Adam groaned but before he talk Christina's voice echoed. 

"Adam don't, it's hurting Shu" 

Adam froze. But how? He saw the smug look of the guy. Wakiya let out a frustrated groan and Xander talked. "That"

"Magic" Red Eye said smirking. "None of you can hurt me. Good luck with figuring it out" He said in a cheerful tone and soon he was gone. 

Adam dropped his dagger falling to his knees. He gripped on his hair as tears rolled down across his cheeks. He almost.... not almost he maybe really killed his brother. He felt someone kneeling down beside him. He looked to see Free. Still looking with him that fond expression. He did not deserve this. He did not deserve his kindness, he is a monster. Free gripped on his arm as if he understood his thoughts. 

"Don't blame yourself for anything Adam, listen we all make mistakes. Right now your brother needs you go to him"

Adam looked behind him to see everyone gathered around Shu but Adam could see the pale face of Shu. His breathing was shallow as if he's almost not breathing. "I-I can't, I did this to him. I killed him Free, I tried to kill my own brother. I'M A MONSTER" He yelled breaking into loud sobs completely loosing himself right at the spot.

"Adam" Free called. "Adam" He called again placing his both hands on his shoulders taking his attention. He knew everyone was watching them and Free knew that no one is putting the blame on Adam. "You have to take a grip on yourself. For your brother's sake Adam. It was not you. It was requiem and the same thing happened to Shu back at Phi's snakepit. It can happen to any of us but the best thing is you came back Adam and we can save Shu and we'll find a way to get rid of Red Eye. Let's make it out alive Adam. We always do, don't we?"

Adam stared him for so long and got up. He looked at Free for a second as he gave an encouraging nod. Adam advanced toward Shu. No one stopped him as he knelt beside Shu. He stared at the still pale face of his brother. Christina had stopped the bleeding but he was still in a bad state. He choked down a sob pressing his head on the other's chest. "I'm sorry Shu, I'm so sorry....sorry"

Christina placed a hand on his shoulder. "Adam calm down...there's nothing to be sorry about. You-" But her voice was cut off by a faint one. 

"A-Adam?" Shu asked his eyelids half opened almost closed. 

Adam raised his head to look at his brother whispering his name. Shu smiled faintly reaching out his shaking arm. Adam gripped on it as Shu talked again. His voice was shaky small but Adam could perfectly hear when he said it. "W-Welcome b-back" He said falling unconscious again. 

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