Love Blooms From Hatred

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"What?" Shu asked. "Hearts escaped?". He felt like all his strength draining away. He didn't have any more strength just Xander had said. After everything they went through to capture Hearts. After everyone worked that hard to catch him. he had just ran way with his brother Phi. Shu didn't know what to do. He didn't have any strength inside him to do anything. 

"Shu" Adam said placing a hand on his shoulder. 

Shu broke from his stance and turned to his brother. "Don't worry Shu, we've been through worse. We'll overcome this and capture all of them"

Shu looked at his brother. He could see the determination flowing through his eyes. The same determination he saw from himself in times like this. A smile tucked his lips. "Yeah" Shu said. "We'll capture them all but first" He said turning to Claire. "Let's go and find Sara"

Claire nodded. She still had the look of regret in her eyes. Shu chose not to comment on that maybe she needed some time for come out from the shock she faced. They all got ready in their horse backs. Shu frowned. "Wait. There aren't enough horses. Three are missing"

Christina smiled. "Free, Adam and you can't go alone with those injuries. Adam is leaving with Sisco and Free with Lui"

Shu blinked. "I knew it" he said dramatically. "Oh! the agony I'll have to walk all the way"

Wakiya huffed. "Shut up drama queen"

Shu smiled placing his hands on his hips. "What? I'm stating the truth here"

Xander extended his hand. "C'mon we don't have much time"

Shu took his hand and got on the horse. "Are you sure it can endure both of ours weight?"

"Poor horse" Sasha said beside him. "I'm sure Shu is heavier than most of us"

"You say that to me" Shu huffed crossing his arms. 

They fell into silence as they headed toward the village. Even though they had Claire in their team they still kept their guard. Shu yawned slightly. He was starting to get sleepy after all the tiredness. But suddenly a strange thing took his attention. Claire and Leo was riding side by side. They looked like talking about something. Leo seemed to look angry which Shu concluded that they're talking about Sara. Then suddenly Leo's face changed as a blush appeared on his cheeks. Claire smiled softly. Shu smiled. "Something sure interesting is going to happen"

Soon the horse which carried Adam and Sisco came beside them. Shu turned to Adam who made a face at him. Shu quickly recognized his question that he's asking whether he saw it or not. Shu nodded. Adam chuckled making a heart sign. Probably Shu mouthed. 

"Oi" Sasha called taking their attention to her. "What are those weird faces ?"

Shu smiled innocently. "What weird faces?"

"I saw it too. It was like you two having a conversation with your own language" Sisco exclaimed.

Adam rolled his eyes. "Of course it's a bro bro talk"

"Something secretive then?" Xander asked looking at Shu who was sitting in front of him.

Shu turned back. "I'm not sure either. But " He said turning to Adam. The twins high fived. "Operation secret begins". They cried out. Adam almost fall over from the horse as Sisco kept a firm grip on his wrist preventing the fall.

"Be careful idiots"

The two boys chuckled. It was a long  journey to the village. Shu yawned rubbing his sleepy eyelids. He leaned against Xander's broad chest. Xander smiled. "Sleepy?"

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