[15] Attempt

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I rushed to the hangers, I was sure Aleshia would run there as we were still in space on one of our captial ships. Since the red lights were on, indicating that there was danger on or near the ship, all of the normal lights were switched off.

I had snuck into the dimly lit hanger, I had pulled out my blaster, I had set it for stun so I wouldn't hurt Aleshia. Even though the order was shoot to kill, I could never kill Aleshia, no matter what she had done.

Just then the blast door to the hanger opened, I squinted my eyes to get a better look to see who had entered as I didn't want to accidently stun an ally.

But I was positive it was Aleshia. I jumped out of my hiding spot and pointed my blaster at Aleshia. "Aleshia! Stop!" I yelled and she immediately did as she was told. "Don't do this." I said and Aleshia lowered her once raised hands. "Y/N I have to, I'll never be free if I'm in the grasp of the rebellion." She said as she carefully and slowly stepped towards me. "Please, just let me go." She said, her voice sincere.

"I can't do that Aleshia. You know I can't. You could have a second chance here, with me. Please Aleshia, don't leave." I said as I lowered my blaster. That was my mistake, Aleshia had neared so much to the point where she kicked my blaster out of my hand and took out her own, which was similar to mine. I ducked and as she shot she missed. I swiped at her feet with my leg, successfully knocking her down to the ground.

Her blaster slid aways from her as she lost her grip on it. I jumped on top of her, restraining her and just as I grabbed my com-link to inform I had Aleshia she had headbutt me. This caught me off gaurd and I fell over, dropping the com-link. Aleshia pushed the rest of my body off of hers. Aleshia got up and ran to her modified x-wing. But before she could get onto the ladder to climb up to it I grabbed a blaster. Or what I thought was my blaster.

I shot at Aleshia but it turns out I had mistakenly grabbed hers. I shot Aleshia in the back and she instantly fell. "Aleshia!!!" I screamed as I got up and ran towards her. I fell beside her onto my knees as I looked down at her.

"Aleshia no no no! I'm so sorry!" I said as I gently picked up her semi-limp body. Aleshia cringed in pain as I put her head on my lap. "Aleshia I'm so sorry. Get up, we can take you to the infirmary." I said as I tried to get her to sit up. "No Y/N." Aleshia said as she placed a hand on my own.

"Aleshia please, I want to help you." I said, my eyes filling with tears. "You already have. Y/N... I've always loved you like family..." She said as her voice was slowly fading, her breaths were becoming more and more shallow.

"No Aleshia, you're going to make it. Don't say that." I said as I held her, my vision to blurry to see any specific features. "I'm sorry... I let you down.." She said and I hugged her. "No Aleshia, you never had let me down." I said as I sobbed, and I felt as Aleshia let out her last breath. I hugged her lifeless corpse as if it were my lifeline. But she was gone.

It felt as if I were beginning to die from the immense pain I felt from my heart.

Luke's P.O.V

I had been hiding out where the escape pods were. It was immensely dark and I waited for what felt like ages.

Soon I heard multiple pairs of footsteps run into the room. I stepped out and I saw rebel troopers point their lights, which were attatched to their blasters, at me. "Freeze!" One rebel trooper said and they lowered their blasters. "General Skywalker? What are you doing in here?" One rebel trooper asked and I replied, "Waiting to see if the traitor would run in here." I simply said.

"Well, we've cleared this side of the ship." The rebel soilder said. They then were leaving the room but I stayed. I sat down and closed my eyes. I was searching for Y/N. I was wondering if she had found Aleshia. Just then I felt immense, emotional pain. As if I were slowly dying. I saw someone holding a lifeless body. It was Y/N, holding Aleshia.

I tore myself from my meditation and bolted towards the hangers. I finally found the right hanger and saw Y/N, histerically crying as she held a lifeless Aleshia. I jogged over and gently sat down next to Y/N.

I had to pry Aleshia's lifeless corpse gently away from Y/N and she hugged me tightly. I saw as Aleshia's eyes were still wide open, but they were cold and lifeless.

She was truely gone.

Your P.O.V

It was the day of Aleshia's funeral. Not many joined in giving her a final goodbye. But I would make it the best send off I possibly could if it were the last thing I did. She had been dressed in a beautiful gown and her hair had been done neatly into a beautiful bun. A single flower sit gently on her hair as I watched her open casket float to the open hole in the ground on Yavin.

I had a cloak over my head as I watched her casket seal and then decend into the ground.

Once the burial was over I walked away from the site of the burial, but I heard familiar footsteps behind me. "Y/N." Luke said, loud enough to catch my attention but soft enough it wouldn't disrupt the mood in the atmosphere.

I stopped and turned around to face Luke, he gently placed a hand on my arm. "Y/N please don't shut me out. I've seen how you've been over the past few days. I understand and I agree you should have time to mourn but... Being alone through something like this? I just think... You shouldn't be alone.." Luke said and I sighed as I hugged him. "I'm sorry Luke... I just... I don't know how to handle this... I miss her so much." I said, a lump forming in my throat.

Luke hugged you tightly as you let out silent tears. "You're not alone. Not anymore."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2019 ⏰

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