[3] Gaining Greatness

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-Luke's P.O.V-

I couldn't stop smiling. Gaining Y/N as a new.. well friend I guess you could say was amazing. She is so sweet and funny, I just don't know how I missed her for so long. She clearly is a higher rank than most the rebellions but not a commander or anything.

I had fun being in her presence the other day. She was very kind and extremely smart. Learning about her past really surprised me but doesn't every rebel have their own story to hate the Empire?

"Hey kid. Whats your deal?" Han asks me and I snap out of my trance "What?" Han rolled his eyes "You know what. You've been smiling all day." Han then scoffs, being the grump he is. I shrugged "I am just smiling." Han narrows his eyes as if he doesn't believe I'm smiling without a reason, its true I have a reason but Han doesn't need to know that.

I leave the room and head to the hanger, hoping to see Y/N again. Once I arrive all I see are droids and Aleshia, Y/N's best friend. I furrow my eyebrows and I walk over to her. "Uh Aleshia, do you know where Y/N might be?" I see turn and look at me curiously. "She's in the infirmary General Skywalker." I feel like I have just been thrown into a pool of worry. "Why is she in the infirmary?" I ask trying to retain my worry. Aleshia smiles slightly "She just needed a check-up, she's okay."

I sigh in relief and I thank Aleshia and I make my way to the infirmary. I wait outside for Y/N and once she exits I tap her on her left shoulder, making sure to remind myself not to touch the right. She jumps a little and turns around, a smile spreads across her face. "Hi Ge- Luke! Hi Luke." She nervously laughs as she corrects herself. I smile "How was your check-up?" I ask as I lean against a wall with my arms folded and she beamingly replies "All healed! I'm good to go back into battle when needed." Worry began to surface my emotions again. What if Y/N gets hurt again? My facial expression must have changed because Y/N asked "Is everything alright Luke?"

I gave a concerned smile "Just fine. Hey did you wanna go grab some lunch?" I ask and I see a small tint of red on Y/N's cheeks... cute.. I thought as she somewhat tripped over her own answer.

-Your P.O.V-

"Uh ye-yeah sure! Sounds good.." I said nervously as I smiled and Luke chuckled "Well what're we waitin for? I'm hungry!" He says as he begins to walk to the cafeteria with me following close behind.

Who would have thought I'd be having lunch with a rebellion leader? Especially the cutest one... I blushed at my thoughts. When we finally arrived to the cafeteria we wittnessed a fight between two men, they weren't any high rank but it was heating up fast and I looked over at Luke with a worried expression.

Luke walked over "Whats the problem here boys?" He asked with a firm voice, the two looked over and as if in unision said "Nothing General Skywalker!" Luke shook his head "You know I wouldn't be here if there wasn't an issue." The men both looked at one another and they finally explained the issue.

Luke helped resolve the issue and the two men walked away happy... it was so cute to see Luke helping out people and making them happy. We get in line for some food and I pull out a little credit sack so I can pay for my lunch. "Oh Y/N don't worry, I'm paying." He says, resting a hand on my good shoulder. I'd be lying if I had said my heart didn't beat a little faster at the contact.

I just nodded and put away my credits while thanking him. By the second I became more wary as of what I was going to order. Luke nudged me and asked what I wanted. I ordered a ham/turkey sandwich with some water.

We sat across from one another, we only made small talk as we ate our food. We clearly got a few stares and many new comers came to talk to their inspiration, cutting off most of our conversations. Just then Luke got an incoming call on his hologrammer, it was Princess Organa.

"Luke! Get to the meeting room now!" She said more in a distressed tone than an angry one. He gave me a 'sorry' sort of smile and got up, throwing his food away and I watched him walk out the door and I sighed. I got up throwing away the rest of my food and I headed to the hanger.

Aleshia rushed over to me with concerning eyes and I gave her a curious look. "Imperials are invading some of our troops on Tatooine." She said as she rushed over to a special x-wing we had been working on for a few months I followed her. "Alishea what are you doing? It's not finished!" I say as she unlocks it and the hatch pops open. "Y/N you and I both know they won't be alive by the time we get there if we were to wait. We need to help them!" She says and gets in "You coming or what?" She asks as she clips her blaster to her holster. I just roll my eyes and I run to grab my weapons, as well as a hologram communicator.

I prepare the ship next to Aleshia's, I hop in and close the hatch. I turn on my communicator. "Check check." I say as I flip a few switches and turn a few knobs. "All clear." Aleshia states.

"Ready?" I ask and she replies with a yes. We both look at each other inside the hatches of the ships we nod and we leave the hanger.

We use light speed to get there quicker and then suddenly our coms were inturrupted by a moment of static and then someone speaking.

"This is Princess Leia Organa, what two fighters just left the hanger B?"

I gulp and I reply "This is Soldier Y/N L/N and Aleshia Dengar. We're on our way to planet Tatooine to rescue the other soldiers."

I wait in complete silence for a moment until Princess Organa spoke up again. "Pilots, who assigned you this mission?" She asks and I feel my heart race. It was a risky thing to leave without notice. Alishea speaks up "I told Y/N that a higher order sent us." I could hear the shakeyness in Aleshia's voice.

"And did a higher order send you?" Princess Organa asked. Aleshia sighs "No, ma'am." I heard a sigh come from the Princess and then followed by more talk. "How far are you from Tatooine?" Aleshia then replied "We're on our last quarter ma'am."

The Princess then gave another hefty sigh and replied "Good luck. If you are in trouble we can't send immediate back up." Aleshia and I both spoke up.

"Thank you, Princess Organa."

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