[6] Meet Me

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[ Your P.O.V ]

"He wants me to what?" I ask in disbelief. "Listen, all he told me was he wanted to fix things." Aleshia tells me and I groan. "I also may have told him that if he doesn't we're going to move ships." She shrugs and I raise my eyebrows.

"Dang Aleshia, okay. I'll go tonight." I sigh and she nods. "Maybe dress nicer yeah? A sweaty and dirty Y/N probably wouldn't be the person he wants to meet." Aleshia says and I chuckle and nod. I head back to my sleeping quarters. I quickly shower and dress, noticing it's pretty late I sneak out of my sleeping quarters.

I quietly head to the B section of the ship. As I walk past each room I look at the numbers. '12... 13... 14!' I then approach the door. I press the button that informs I am at the door. Moments later it is open and I am whisked into the room. It shuts behind me and I am met with a familiar face. "Luke." I say and he smiles slightly.

"Y/N, I am so sorry." He sighs as he looks down at me. I don't say anything but I only look up at him. "I-I thought it would be a better idea if I just pushed you away, so I wouldn't have to deal with the pain of.. Somehow losing you. I realized with what time I have with you I want to spend that with you. I can't stand being away from you and I am so sorry I hurt you."

All I think of to do is to wrap him in a hug. I tightly hug him as I press my face against his chest. I feel his arms wrap around me protectively. "It's okay Luke. I-I forgive you." I say softly. He hums in reply and as I pull away, yet not fully but only to see his face. Luke keeps his arms on my waist. Suddenly sirens start wailing and we let go of one another.

"How did they find us?" Luke asks frantically. I look around in a panic and I realize, "We need to find Aleshia." I say as I head to the door of the room. "Y/N!" Luke calls out to me and I turn around. He tosses me a blaster and I nod. He follows close behind as we exit the room and head to the hanger.

"Aleshia!" I call out as I move my way through the swarm of panicked troopers. I walk to the hanger only to see all the doors sealed close. I look through the window to seen it torn up. "Aleshia!" I scream and I turn to see Luke ordering a few troopers around.

Just then I was getting indicated I was recieving a message on my communicator. I pulled out the hollographic device and answered it. Just then Aleshia pulled up, "Aleshia! Thank goodness." I sigh in relief. "I'm fine Y/N, but there's no escaping the ship unless you use the pods. I need you to inform Princess Organa of this." She says and I nod.

I hang up and I run over to Luke. "We need to go find Princess Organa." I say and he nods. We run to the command center and Princess Leia stands in the center. "Leia!" Luke calls out and she turns around with a distressed expression. "Princess Organa, all of the hangers are blown, our only escape is through the pods." I inform her and she sighs.

She grabs a microphone and speaks through it. "Evacuate through the pods, four to a pod." She says and she informs the workers in the room to get to a pod. "Lets get going." Luke says, Leia and I both nod and we all run to the pod holding center. Frantic people were trying to rush to a pod, even a lady tripped and fell next to me.

I helped pick her back up but when I stood up and looked around I noticed that I had lost Luke, Aleshia, and Princess Organa. I frantically searched for them. "Y/N!" I heard Luke call out for me, when I turned in the direction of the sound I noticed they were in a pod. I tried to squeeze past people as I headed towards the pod.

Then someone quickly rushed into the pod and shut it. I stumbled and fell against the wall in defeat. A nervous and anxious feeling welled in my stomach. "Luke!" I yelled and the pod launched. I watched as my only friends launched into deep space. I felt as if I was in disbelief, it was like they were just going to be right behind me, but when I turned around I noticed the room beginning to clear out.

I quickly rushed to another pod and I sat with a group of three, me being the fourth. I pressed the button and the pod launched and closed. As I sat in my seat gripping to the handles I stared at the floor blankly, stuck in thought.

My thoughts consisted of Luke and Aleshia, how I might not see them ever again. Imperial forces could find them or me and take us. At this point I was now striving to survive to see Aleshia and Luke at least one last time. "Prepare for crash landing." A robotic voice called out. I gripped the handles to my seat even harder.

I squeezed my eyes shut and suddenly 'boom'. I slowly opened my eyes. I looked around to see three distressed faces. I unfasened myself and budged open the pod capsle.

I peeked my head out to see we were surrounded by a jungle. I hopped out and the rest of the crew hopped out after me. "Did the Princess set a designated meeting area?" A lady asked me and I shrugged. "She did, but where we landed it might take us two or more days to get there." One man says and I turn around to see a familiar face.

As I searched my memories for where I had seen him I remembered he was one of the operators in Leia's board room. "Well, shall we introduce ourselves?" The final girl asks and I nod. "I'm Tia, I'm a heavy troop." She says and the first lady goes next, "Igna, I'm heavy troop as well." The man goes after Igna, "Marcel, I'm one of Leia's operators." The last one left was myself, "I-I'm Y/N, Officer, specialist, and mechanic." I say and they raise their eyebrows.

"Why couldn't you fix the hanger then?" Igna asks inching towards me. "Igna-" Tia begins but Igna shakes her head. "No I wanna know, the whole ship could have had a better escape." Igna says folding her arms. I frown, "The hangers were beyond repair! They had been blown up! I loved the hanger, I spent months, hell maybe even years in that hanger working on just about anything." I say and Marcel steps in, "Now isn't the time ladies, we need to get going. I've got the supplies." He informs and I nod.

I internally growled, 'Did she not hear I was an officer? I am in higher rank than she but she dares disrespect and Officer?' I question in my head. "Alright this way." Marcel says and we begin following him, Igna and he walked in front while Tia and I were in the back.

"I'm sorry about Igna, she gets angry fast in stressful situations." Tia says and I smile politely, "No worries, I did act out unfairly. I'm sure we're all on edge right now." Tia nods and I look at her, "I'm guessing you know Igna well then?" I ask and she smiles and nods.

"She's my cousin, we joined the Resistance three years ago together." Tia explained and I nodded. "What about you do you.. Have family in the Resistance?" Tia asked and I nodded slowly, "Somewhat, my friend and I, Aleshia, we grew up working in the Resistance. She's basically a sister to me." I say and she smiles and nods.

"Is she on another ship?" Tia asked and I shook my head. "N-No, Aleshia and two other friends of mine got on a pod, I was nearly there when someone else took my spot." I sigh and Tia sighs softly, "Well, I believe we'll find them. Don't lose hope yet Officer Y/N." She said patting my back and I reply, "Call my Y/N." I smile and she nods and smiles as well.


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